View Full Version : Beware - Red Mist Automotive/Mike Pecko

12-19-2015, 04:23 PM
To avoid a wall of text I'll keep this relatively short, Mike Pecko over at Red Mist Automotive still owes me 700.00 dollars from an order I placed with him for a Haltech ECU and IQ3 dash in July. Total of what I sent him was 2000.00 and while he refunded me 1,300.00 a couple months ago he still owes me the remainder.

Back in late july I needed a S15 Haltech plugin pro ECU and IQ3 dash for a S13 I was building, Mike told me the total was going to be 2,300. We agreed that I was going to send him 2,000.00 via Quickpay and then give him the rest in cash when the items arrived. Over the course of the next five weeks no ECU had shown up and I was just getting excuses from Mike as to why the ECU had not shipped yet. Finally I had asked Mike to cancel the order as I was parting out the project. He told me that while it would be a hassle to cancel the order he would do it as he had dragged on a car that I had at his shop for the last year as a 'favor'. Another month goes by and still no refund, he's blaming it on the vendor dragging on the refund as this was a special order. I finally called up the vendor and even Haltech USA to find out that no orders had been placed at either for this ECU or from his accounts. After disclosing this to Mike I finally received 1,300.00 back from him, since then he has cut off all contact with me.

Putting aside the fact that he had one of my cars for over a year, that he continually lied to me about when (and on a couple occasions he told me it WAS done, only to show up and find it in a half finished state) it would be done AND I had paid him for materials on the car - which he blames me for changing my mind was the cause of the delays. He still owes me the cash I paid him for the ECU that as far as I'm concerned he stole from me as he never placed the order for my ECU. I urge locals to beware when doing business with Mike Peco/Red Mist regardless if it's for parts or fabrication.