View Full Version : Star Wars VII

12-18-2015, 05:44 PM
Movie Rocked.

Go see it.

If your on the fense, three reasons you need to see it.

1. It's actually a good movie. Call it Space Wars and take away the hype, it's well acted, a solid story and great action.

2. Hype. Everyone will be talking about it. Deal with it. Disney owns Star Wars and we are getting 7-10 movies in the next decade. Get on board and remain culturally relevant.

3. It's a good Star Wars movie. It destroys the prequels in every way imaginable. Actions, story, effects, designs etc.

Thread Now Contains Spoilers because zeitgeist has no self esteem and wants to ruin things for people because his real life sucks.

12-18-2015, 07:07 PM
Going to go catch it next week. The reviews have been very positive.

12-18-2015, 07:08 PM
I don't know how I feel about the 'big' thing that happened. I feel like it's too early in this new trilogy to pull some shit like that. What the fuck.

EDIT: Can we talk freely in here? I don't want to be the dick that spoils the movie but there's shit I wanna discuss lol.

12-19-2015, 05:37 AM
Going to go catch it next week. The reviews have been very positive.http://goo.gl/3uUr5c

12-19-2015, 05:52 AM
I don't know how I feel about the 'big' thing that happened. I feel like it's too early in this new trilogy to pull some shit like that. What the fuck.

EDIT: Can we talk freely in here? I don't want to be the dick that spoils the movie but there's shit I wanna discuss lol.

Spoiler free for now.

12-19-2015, 07:09 AM
I don't know how I feel about the 'big' thing that happened. I feel like it's too early in this new trilogy to pull some shit like that. What the fuck.

EDIT: Can we talk freely in here? I don't want to be the dick that spoils the movie but there's shit I wanna discuss lol.

Let's wait till Monday to give you spoilers.

12-19-2015, 07:34 AM
Going to wAtchison it in a couple hours

12-19-2015, 04:28 PM
Damn. I need to share some theories and shit. I'll hold off til Monday...

12-19-2015, 04:34 PM
Yeah movie was meh. I mean I'm glad the brought starwars back and all but I think the world is blinded by the excitement to see it was just another movie

Was it bad? No. Was it amazing and best like everyone said? Definitely not

12-19-2015, 04:55 PM
It was great, but the Star Trek trailer had me thinking. I Max 3d was totally worth it!

12-20-2015, 09:54 AM
...still gonna try to hold my tongue until Monday. Star Trek looks like shit. That's what happens when you get the Fast and Furious guy behind the camera...

Agent S14
12-20-2015, 10:38 AM
Am I the only one who came to see the first order kick at the least some ass and came out severely dissapointed. Captain phasma wtf cmon.

12-20-2015, 10:58 AM
...still gonna try to hold my tongue until Monday. Star Trek looks like shit. That's what happens when you get the Fast and Furious guy behind the camera...

I agree on the Star Trek bit. Kirk jumping a 2015 Triumph on an alien planet 400 years from now? Yeahhhhh

They are just making a typical action flick now using Star Trek names.

12-20-2015, 12:48 PM
i'll be back monday for discussion

12-20-2015, 05:52 PM
because my post was deleted

movie was trash

12-21-2015, 06:31 AM

I'll be "that guy", I feel like I wasted my money.

Yay, we destroyed a bigger death star. . . this seems familiar. . .

All this movie did was introduce us to a few new characters and set it up for the next movie.


12-21-2015, 06:33 AM
And that was the point. You can't introduce twenty new people and have a huge story too. Not enough time

I expect more out the next one

12-21-2015, 06:42 AM
Saved the world couldnt get a bj


12-21-2015, 06:49 AM
Saved the world couldnt get a bj


Not enough Pod Racing for you?

12-21-2015, 07:50 AM
Knowing what needed to be done with the first movie I expect double out the 2nd one. If not then I'll be here talking about disappointment

12-21-2015, 08:37 AM
thought the movie was awesome. Idk why y'all weren't happy with it. There are going to be many more movies, so they did a great job setting them up while still keeping everyone guessing. I know there are talks about Ray being luke's daughter, but I think she is Kilo's twin sister.

12-21-2015, 09:47 AM
thought the movie was awesome. Idk why y'all weren't happy with it. There are going to be many more movies, so they did a great job setting them up while still keeping everyone guessing. I know there are talks about Ray being luke's daughter, but I think she is Kilo's twin sister.

Certainly seemed like it. However why would Leia and Han have nearly zero reaction to her?

Then again, if she was Luke's daughter, who's the mother and again, why would Han and Leia not know that either?

They knew Luke well enough to know he started a Jedi school and sent their son to live there.

I also like how there is a hint that will see more Dark Jedi that joined Kilo Ren.

12-21-2015, 09:58 AM
^^ side piece! He hide i! , what was the driving force for Darth Vader? Love!

12-21-2015, 10:29 AM
Saw it last night and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It's pretty easy to nitpick this movie to death but it was entertaining for sure. I liked how fast paced it was, but I'm hoping for more character development in the next one.

12-21-2015, 10:56 AM
Saw it last night and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It's pretty easy to nitpick this movie to death but it was entertaining for sure. I liked how fast paced it was, but I'm hoping for more character development in the next one.

I suspect that is exactly what we'll get. Ray discovering her origins and why she has so much power. Kilo Ren reflecting on his actions and more interaction with the Overlord. Fin teaming up with Poe and going on an adventure.

It will be a middle movie like ESB and Clone Wars; building up to a climatic third movie. Just like Marvel, I can see Disney spinning off unique character movies as well. The Adventures of Poe and BB8. Fin and the Temple of Sith. Kilo Ren : Origins

12-21-2015, 01:40 PM
Abrams: Hmmm, what can I do to make this movie cool?

Fuck it, Ill just make another death star and call it a day. These morons will eat it up

12-21-2015, 01:49 PM
Abrams: Hmmm, what can I do to make this movie cool?

Fuck it, Ill just make another death star and call it a day. These morons will eat it up

Found your Facebook. Rad tats bro.


12-22-2015, 01:26 AM
I suppose it's the cool hipster thing to say this movie sucked, because it sure as hell didn't.

I'll start of by saying I'm not a big 3D fan, but damn am I glad to spent the little bit extra to see it that way.

The movie was great, held my attention the entire time like a good movie should. That ending though was a bit of a let down. Not a single line of dialogue or actual...movement? I was expecting Luke to say something along the lines of "daughter", or atleast use the force to grab the lightsaber. Looks like whatever happened between him and Kylo has really made him resentful. How'd Maz get his lightsaber in the first place?

Definitely looking forward to the next one explaining a bit more of of the lingering questions, especially Rey's parents, there's so much speculation!

12-22-2015, 07:08 AM
This movie was a complete copy of the original

With enough hype the general population could be sold poop. Civet coffee is all the rage

12-22-2015, 07:59 AM
This movie was a complete copy of the original

Did you figure that out all on your own?

No fucking shit it followed the original story arch. The entire movie is a giant middle finger to the prequels. They even blow up the fucking senate to ensure we won't be listing to hours of dialog about midichlorians and bullshit politics no one cares about.

The movie was completely built around the idea of pandering to original fans and those that hated the prequels. Mission accomplished. This is the movie people wanted. They wanted a New New Hope, not a completely new bullshit Phantom Menace.

12-22-2015, 11:34 AM
Certainly seemed like it. However why would Leia and Han have nearly zero reaction to her?

Then again, if she was Luke's daughter, who's the mother and again, why would Han and Leia not know that either?

They knew Luke well enough to know he started a Jedi school and sent their son to live there.

I also like how there is a hint that will see more Dark Jedi that joined Kilo Ren.

Well we know Ray's family left her at a young age. My theory is that after seeing what happened with Kilo, they did not want her to know the truth. We can assume she is the daughter of either leia or luke. From what I have heard from people that read a lot into the books and break-offs is that Hans and Leia had twins, one became a sith lord and the other a Jedi.

12-22-2015, 11:45 AM
Well we know Ray's family left her at a young age. My theory is that after seeing what happened with Kilo, they did not want her to know the truth. We can assume she is the daughter of either leia or luke. From what I have heard from people that read a lot into the books and break-offs is that Hans and Leia had twins, one became a sith lord and the other a Jedi.

I honestly hope she's from a whole different family. She seems to be Kylo's age, and if she's a twin... Then why did he go to live with Luke and she got abandoned?

Shit parents to the extreme.


12-22-2015, 11:46 AM
- Didn't like Kylo Ren. His fucking super-emo demeanor rivaled that of Anakin's in the prequels. I understand they have to show his inner conflict but I don't fucking like this dude's adaptation.
- Because of my disdain for Kylo, the death of Han Solo seemed premature. It felt like it was a sacrifice of the old to bring about interest in the new...but the new guy (Kylo) is hard for me to get behind. Character is super fucking lame. They could've waited until the next movie to axe a main character and even then I'd settle for Chewie being the one to bite the bullet. It's been sad that Harrison Ford didn't really want to do this movie either so maybe it was a logical choice.
- Did not like how Supreme Leader Snoke was 100% CGI...and Maz Kanata. For fuck's sake, JJ Abrams did an awesome job using practical effects in the background but I still wanted more than just set pieces and filler characters to be practical.
- Getting a big-name actress to play Captain Phasma and then having her largest part be the butt of a joke. She better be in the next film.
- Carrie Fisher needs to go back to acting school.

- All the new characters are awesome. Finn, Rey, Poe, and BB8 are the perfect candidates to revive this franchise. Their acting was great.
- Han Solo/Chewie dialogue reminded me of the old movies so much. I'm amazed how Harrison Ford was able to snap back into it. I enjoyed every scene they shared together.
- Secret cameos by Daniel Craig.
- The guys from The Raid having a small part lol.

I really like JJ Abrams as a director. I'm sure with enough buzz and discussion floating around on the internet he'll take some likes/dislikes into consideration when the next film is in the works. He had a huge task to complete and using the template of the Episode IV gets a pass in my book even though I talked shit about it before. It was done well. The only thing he has to do is use this template-movie as a springboard to launch his own stories for the next two.

- Argument for Luke: Even though Han/Leia knew enough about Luke to send their son to train with him it seems like he's been distant in every sense of the word. In 30yr's time he could have easily had a child with someone. Maybe that's why Kylo had an issue with him: Jedi aren't supposed to love, Luke preaches this, Kylo finds out Luke has a wife/daughter, Kylo revolts. The scene where the young Rey is being left on Jakku could be Luke dropping her off after the Kylo shit does south. He wouldn't have told a soul for obvious reasons.

- Argument for Han/Leia: They might not be twins. Kylo might be a bit older and even a year's difference paired with an inability to reach Kylo can explain why he doesn't know. Rey was born afterwards and maybe Kylo was unreachable during his training with Luke so he never knew about her. Kylo flips shit with Luke, and Luke returns to Han/Leia to tell them what happened. He sees they have another child and (knowing the potential for disaster) decides to hide her from her brother. It's been said that Jedi can alter memories but I've never read any books/comics so I can't confirm this. If Luke is as powerful a Jedi as he's made to be then hiding the memory of a daughter should be easy for him. They could even be playing the biggest poker game ever with the best poker faces...we all know how people like to lie a out family ties in Star Wars lol.

We all know there are a shitload of recurring themes and although I can see the argument for Luke it just seems too easy. If Rey is Kylo's sister it gives us a lot for the franchise: the big reveal in the second movie (Rey's got a brother), the struggle between light/dark in a single family (why is Kylo bad and why is Rey good? How?), and the turmoil Luke faces when he has to confront a failed disciple.

Sorry for the spelling/grammatical errors. Normally I'm not this bad but my thoughts are racing at a million-miles-per-minute when I think about this lol.

12-22-2015, 02:07 PM
Here, have your poop

drift freaq
12-22-2015, 09:03 PM
Zeitgeist, if you don't have anything good to say why don't you just shut up. At this point all you are doing is trolling the thread.

I saw it on release day and felt it lived up to the originals. Like others have said it pretty much dismisses the prequels and brings the story back on point . Plus Harrison Ford stole the show. I was quite shocked when they killed Han.

12-22-2015, 09:52 PM
I didn't really like the movie. There was a lot of things I didn't really agree on. It didn't have the classic Star Wars feel to it, and left a lot of unanswered questions. I loved the prequels regardless of what anyone else says. It still had that Lucas touch to it.

-This movie was so hyped up I was expecting to leave with nothing short of amazing. It was an okay movie overall and I was expecting way more. I didn't really connect with any of the new characters like I did with a New Hope.

-They made Chewbacca look like a complete bitch. In the original trilogy he was very stubborn, killed like a barbarian, and held his own as a major character. In this movie they really made him look weak. Solo was constantly taking his bowcaster from him and it really pissed me off.

-Kylo Ren was a joke. He was introduced to be this major bad ass and then at the end gets defeating by a girl who barely found out about the force a few scenes prior. His lightsaber was douchy and overall just a lame attempt to create a villian. I mean come on Darth Maul was bad fucking ass and yes I understand that he hasn't completed his training to become a Sith Lord. Hopefully they make him more promising in the movies to come.

-The whole scene where they are discussing the plan to destroy the Starkiller Base or whatever the hell it was called was just so rushed and lame.

-The scene after Solo died where Rey, Finn, and Chewie come back to the base and approached Leia, was very emotionless. Like they couldn't even have a proper funeral or any sort of remembrance for the guy who played a huge roll in destroying the Empire...It was just like oh okay no big deal it was only Han Solo.

-I was hoping to see more familiar ships then just the X-wing and standard tie fighters. Like come on we all know the Y-wing would have been the proper ship to bomb the Starkiller base. I was hoping to see some tie intercepters at the very least.

I am gong to re watch it and i will finalize my opinion.

12-22-2015, 10:25 PM
I didn't really like the movie. There was a lot of things I didn't really agree on. It didn't have the classic Star Wars feel to it, and left a lot of unanswered questions. I loved the prequels regardless of what anyone else says. It still had that Lucas touch to it.

-This movie was so hyped up I was expecting to leave with nothing short of amazing. It was an okay movie overall and I was expecting way more. I didn't really connect with any of the new characters like I did with a New Hope.
See I don't think it was EXCELLENT but as far as establishing the new series I feel like it did it's job. It PURPOSELY left questions unanswered, man. They can't tell us everything yet. I'm a fucking NAZI when it comes to Star Wars and I feel like Finn, Rey, and Po are a LOT like the original trio. They embody a lot of characteristics of Han, Luke, and Leia.

The prequels are garbo, man. The coolest things about those movies were Darth Maul, Jango Fett, and clone troopers. Hayden Christiansen sucked, the CGI sucked, and the love story sucked. I re-watched them recently so please don't think I'm blowing smoke out my shitthole lol.

-They made Chewbacca look like a complete bitch. In the original trilogy he was very stubborn, killed like a barbarian, and held his own as a major character. In this movie they really made him look weak. Solo was constantly taking his bowcaster from him and it really pissed me off.

I'm gonna look for this now when I see it again. The only argument I can cook up is maybe the film was supposed to give Han Solo a larger part because it was his last film....?

-Kylo Ren was a joke. He was introduced to be this major bad ass and then at the end gets defeating by a girl who barely found out about the force a few scenes prior. His lightsaber was douchy and overall just a lame attempt to create a villian. I mean come on Darth Maul was bad fucking ass and yes I understand that he hasn't completed his training to become a Sith Lord. Hopefully they make him more promising in the movies to come.

-The whole scene where they are discussing the plan to destroy the Starkiller Base or whatever the hell it was called was just so rushed and lame.

-The scene after Solo died where Rey, Finn, and Chewie come back to the base and approached Leia, was very emotionless. Like they couldn't even have a proper funeral or any sort of remembrance for the guy who played a huge roll in destroying the Empire...It was just like oh okay no big deal it was only Han Solo.
Yes, agree, agree, and agree.

-I was hoping to see more familiar ships then just the X-wing and standard tie fighters. Like come on we all know the Y-wing would have been the proper ship to bomb the Starkiller base. I was hoping to see some tie intercepters at the very least.

Never really thought about that. In A New Hope there were only TIE Fighters, X-Wings, Y-Wings, and Darth Vader's TIE Fighter, though. We didn't get the A-Wing, B-Wing, TIE Interceptor, or TIE Bomber until later movies.

I am gong to re watch it and i will finalize my opinion.
Me too. I don't think my overall idea will change but I just want to make sense of everything.

Young Sileighty Kev
12-23-2015, 01:09 AM
I Just saw it and I loved it. I have many questions but they all will be answered when the 8th comes out. Just wait.

12-23-2015, 07:21 AM
-Kylo Ren was a joke. He was introduced to be this major bad ass and then at the end gets defeating by a girl who barely found out about the force a few scenes prior. His lightsaber was douchy and overall just a lame attempt to create a villian. I mean come on Darth Maul was bad fucking ass and yes I understand that he hasn't completed his training to become a Sith Lord. Hopefully they make him more promising in the movies to come.

I have to strongly disagree with all the Kylo Ren hate.

He was fantastic. We finally get a young, energetic villain. Maul was the biggest let down ever. He never spoke, had zero back story. He gets one cool fight and then is killed despite having the high ground.... Darth Maul is a 5 minute clip in a 7 hour travesty.

Kylo Ren stopping that blaster bolt was nearly as awesome as that entire Darth Maul fight.

Kylo going ape shit on the consoles was amazing. He's a raging storm of emotion. Stars Wars and the Jedis keep telling us that "emotion leads to the dark side", but honestly l, Maul, Vader, Dookie and Palpatine barely showed much emotion. They came off as emotionally detached and calculating. 3 of them where also slow moving old men.

Kylo got beat, but he also first got blasted by a CrossBlaster that had been blowing up storm troopers the entire movie. The guy was gushing blood everywhere and stomped the shit out of Finn.

If have preferred the fight been a draw, the ground splits separating Kylo from Ray and Finn and they escape. If anything, his defeat is MY complaint with the movie for another reason...

Ray, what the fuck? Within what I'm guessing to be a few hours up to a few days... She masters mind control, combat flying, mechanical repair, force pull, and light saber combat?! That's the problem. At the rate we are going she'll be flying and shooting laser beams from her eyes by the end of episode 8.

Luke struggled to pull his lightsaber in ESB and that was years after he started his Jedi training. He could barely float a few Rocks after working with Yoda for a period of time.

12-23-2015, 07:30 AM
Never really thought about that. In A New Hope there were only TIE Fighters, X-Wings, Y-Wings, and Darth Vader's TIE Fighter, though. We didn't get the A-Wing, B-Wing, TIE Interceptor, or TIE Bomber until later movies.

It was to pander to the fans. I'm fine with just the X-wings. It really was only two squadrons totally maybe 20 aircraft. This wasn't the huge multi-species fleet we saw in ROTJ. You could also argue there where no Y-wings since that is a much older, less desirable frame then the X-wing. They also all got destroyed in A New Hope.

(I wish they had Y-wings and Head Hunters in ROTS to show they are old designs).

The First Order should have had Tie Interceptors. Although they apparently did have a modernized version, the twin seat with gun turret used by Fin as Poe.

12-23-2015, 07:49 AM
I saw it and I fell asleep. Star wars to me sucks. Its pointless and in my opinion boring as fk.

12-23-2015, 08:01 AM
My Gripes.

As mentioned, Ray's ascension to super Jedi in 24hrs bugged me. I get characters being good at something or learning something fast, but she was just over whelming.

Rebel Base. So, up... Was that the entire resistance? A dozen X-wings and an air-hanger?

Also, what does the First Order want? It have liked it to actually have a cause that was drawing people to support it. Finn could have been a volunteer that fell for the dream propaganda and only realized what a nightmare it was. It's great that we continue to labor about Nazis and Nazi imagery, but people wanted to join the Nazi party, that's what makes Nazis scary. It was the almost overnight universal appeal they picked up and seduced most of the world with.

Corbic's retell:

Fin was a gullible volunteer that stayed out of fear and escaped when he finally had a chance.

The "map to Luke" was encrypted data, not a puzzle map. R2 had the encryption password. R2 is resurrected by Ray, not by magic. No one else tried to repair R2 because they where concerned a hard reboot would result in a memory wipe.

DeathStar 3:

Fuck the countdown Episode 1 bullshit.

The Rebels trace the beam line to know its location. Fin says he knows his way around inside. The heatsink had a shield (not the planet).

Plan is Fin and the A-team bring down the shields, but Fin just wants Ray. They get the access card to the shield control room by knocking out Phasma and taking the card, not by forcing her to do it.

The "timing stakes" is not the weapon is charging to blowout the Rebel base (again), but the delayed arrival of the X-wings.

The X-wings arrive and the shields are still up. There are not dozens but HUNDREDS of Tie Fighters. The sky explodes in AA fire and blue-plasma ball flack clouds.

The X-wings take to the woods and cannons to avoid getting shot up since they can't attack the heatsink.

Fin gets the shields down, Han dies, they fight Kylo. X-wings try to take out the heatsink, but fail. To many have been destroyed and Poe orders a retreat. The dual is starting to favor Ray as Kylo's injuries got the best of him but then a horde of Storm Troopers shows up and Ray and Fin have to flee. Chewie saves them.

Movie ends with Ray fixing R2 since she found out its Luke's. She leaves to find answers.

Fin is injured. The Deathstar 3 is damaged enough it can't fire anytime soon but it's still there. Snorkel (lame villain) orders Kilo, Phasma and the General Douche to see him in person - he's mad.

This sets up the opening scene of the next move. Poe is launching another attack and smashes a freighter at hyper speed into the heatsink and destroy the DS3. The suspense is his Xwing is coupled to the frighter and the release mechanism jams. BB8 fixes it the last second, he separates moments before and the freighter takes out the damage heatsink. Planet goes critical and explodes. Luckily, our main villains are not on it. The rest of episode 8 continues as planned.

By getting rid of the "count down" sequence you actually add suspense. The minute I knew they had 15 minutes until Liea and the rebel base are to be blasted I knew the rebels would be successful in the last second and the DS3 would be destroyed.

12-23-2015, 08:02 AM
What's the point of ray training? She's clearly mastered the force on her own.
She'll be giving luke lessons in no time

And a janitor knows how to conquer a death star or whatever it is. It's that easy, no big deal

12-23-2015, 08:56 AM
Personally, i liked the movie for what it was, a set-up for the next few. With that said, it wasn't Disney's best attempt to hold the mantle. I feel like some things were forced and perhaps not thought out, slapped together.

-Kylo Ren was a joke. He was introduced to be this major bad ass and then at the end gets defeating by a girl who barely found out about the force a few scenes prior. His lightsaber was douchy and overall just a lame attempt to create a villian. I mean come on Darth Maul was bad fucking ass and yes I understand that he hasn't completed his training to become a Sith Lord. Hopefully they make him more promising in the movies to come.

-The whole scene where they are discussing the plan to destroy the Starkiller Base or whatever the hell it was called was just so rushed and lame.

I can agree with this completely. They didn't make me a believer in Kylo Ren. But I can see why they didn't make him as badass as he could have been, and that's to bring him back for the next film(s).

.................................................. ........................................

Here's a legit theory I read up on:

http://uproxx.com/movies/2015/12/star-wars-kylo-ren-theory/ (http://uproxx.com/movies/2015/12/star-wars-kylo-ren-theory/)

^^^sadly, however, I don't think that the directors/writers are thinking that deeply. I mean, just look at how cheesy R2's screen time was.

12-23-2015, 09:41 AM
The most emotional part of the movie was when Fin gets friendzoned by Ray at the end when he is unconscious :( you go out of your way, lie to the galaxy when they are counting on you, risk your life and...... bam!! thank you friend....i know how you feel bruh

12-23-2015, 10:33 AM
I thought the movie did its job in being an A New Hope 2.0, in which there was character intro and/or re-intro and leave you desiring answers to whatever questions you have by the end of the film.

Only gripe that falls in line with all the Kylo hate is that his identity was revealed too fast/Han Solo was killed too fast. But then again Ford probably just wanted to do one film to begin with considering he was already on the fence about doing just this one alone.

With how Luke looked at the end, is he basically an Obi Wan now in terms of ranking? I don't even know what the ranking is like for a Jedi.

12-23-2015, 10:42 AM
Only gripe that falls in line with all the Kylo hate is that his identity was revealed too fast/Han Solo was killed too fast. But then again Ford probably just wanted to do one film to begin with considering he was already on the fence about doing just this one alone.

Yeah the reveal could have been a lot more shocking. It could have been set up that everyone thought Kylo Ren killed Han's kid as there was another student named Kylo Ren. Rather, it was Han's kid who put on a mask, went berserk and took Ren's name to cover his shame.

Han could have pulled away while the others tried to flee to confront his sons killer. Ren then takes off his mask and Han is like what? Please come back, I don't care if your evil. Ren falls to the ground crying and you get like a Han Ren hug moment. Han then says something like "everything will be okay" or whatever that triggers Ren to go berserk. And he kills Han while yelling something like "you never listen to me" or some raging Emo son shit. "It's to late for that" or whatever.

12-23-2015, 03:39 PM
Movie Rocked.

Hype. Everyone will be talking about it. Deal with it. Disney owns Star Wars and we are getting 7-10 movies in the next decade. Get on board and remain culturally relevant.

STFU and get outa dodge are you kidding me? Quite possibly the best news I've heard all week. Where are you getting your info from? I know the next one isn't till may of 2017 and there are only two more in the actual series. So what are the other movies gonna be about?

Sorry if already discussed in one of those lengthy responses prior didn't have the time to read em all the way through yet

12-23-2015, 03:44 PM
STFU and get outa dodge are you kidding me? Quite possibly the best news I've heard all week. Where are you getting your info from? I know the next one isn't till may of 2017 and there are only two more in the actual series. So what are the other movies gonna be about?

Sorry if already discussed in one of those lengthy responses prior didn't have the time to read em all the way through yet

They already have 5 locked in.

Episode 7 - 2015
Rogue One - 2016
Episode 8 - 2017
"Movie" - 2018
Episode 9 - 2019.

The non-trilogy movies are universe plugs.

Think Marvel MCU - you have the Avenger Trilogy and a bunch of random supporting movies like Ant Man and Captain America.

12-23-2015, 09:13 PM

prepare to be mind fucked

12-24-2015, 09:21 AM

prepare to be mind fucked

repost....but i'm glad your mind was fucked too..feels good bro

12-24-2015, 11:08 AM
leave it to Zilvia to argue the fine details of a completely made up galaxy

but anyways, loved the movie, even more than the original 3

SPOILER EDIT: pretty bummed that Han was killed, he had always been my favorite character

12-24-2015, 02:47 PM
He's been confirmed for episode 8

12-24-2015, 03:15 PM
They say Jar Jar is coming back and he runs the Sith side

12-24-2015, 05:22 PM
They say Jared Jared is coming back and he runs the Sith side

Who is they?

It was revealed and confirmed a while ago that Jar Jar was supposed to be the Sith Master mind of the prequels. His clumsy antics where the same as Yoda's from the when he met Luke.

It's argued that Lucus purse out from the overwhelming hate of Jar Jar and instead created Count Dookie for Episode 2.

12-24-2015, 05:23 PM
leave it to Zilvia to argue the fine details of a completely made up galaxy

Yup, no where else is anyone arguing about or caring about the technical aspects of the Star Wars universe. It's strictly a Zilvian thing.

12-24-2015, 08:28 PM
Got around to see it today.
It was fun and entertaining but definitely didn't live up to the hype for me.
As being mentioned before the re-hashed plot felt weak but I can understand how Disney wants to indoctrinate a new young market.
I feel like (and hope) the real payoff will be in the upcoming films.
7/10 for me.

12-24-2015, 11:25 PM
Who is they?

It was revealed and confirmed a while ago that Jar Jar was supposed to be the Sith Master mind of the prequels. His clumsy antics where the same as Yoda's from the when he met Luke.

It's argued that Lucus purse out from the overwhelming hate of Jar Jar and instead created Count Dookie for Episode 2.

The YouTube nerds lol

I've been watching a lot and they make sense

12-26-2015, 07:17 PM
It's 'Rey' not 'Ray' lol Speaking of which, I like the theory that she is Obi-Wan Kenobi's granddaughter.

Anywho, saw the movie and loved it. All the new characters were great, with the exception of Captain Phasma. However I'm sure she will be utilized more in Episode 8.

I can't wait to see questions answered in Episode 8!

12-26-2015, 09:27 PM
Too much like a new hope but not as good, and they killed my favorite character, which pisses me off. Mostly it just felt rushed, and like they crammed way too much into one movie without building up to hardly any of it.

Finn and Kylo are basically pussies and they are both supposed to be trained killing machines. Rey is cool I guess but the fact that she caught on to so many force powers so quickly is absurd. BB8 is completely pointless. They didn't do much of a job of developing any of them. They just kind of threw them into the mix and that was that. That badass storm trooper commander being a woman was fucking stupid IMO. Seems like some bullshit PC move that was done just to do it.

I'm just waiting for the next one. Hopefully they take the story a little slower and explain a few more things. It was still an okay movie, it's just something felt hurried up and off about it. As long as they're cranking these movies out, I wouldn't mind seeing a Fett movie though.

12-26-2015, 11:10 PM
Finn and Kylo are basically pussies and they are both supposed to be trained killing machines. Rey is cool I guess but the fact that she caught on to so many force powers so quickly is absurd. BB8 is completely pointless. They didn't do much of a job of developing any of them. They just kind of threw them into the mix and that was that. That badass storm trooper commander being a woman was fucking stupid IMO. Seems like some bullshit PC move that was done just to do it.

mmmk then lngth

12-28-2015, 07:31 AM
Just saw the movie with my wife the other night. I'm not a really big Star Wars fan, per say. I've seen episodes 4,5, & 6 in their entirety. 1-3 I've seen pieces and parts of but I don't think I've really watched any of those straight through. I got the star wars bundle with my PS4 and I am looking to sell it. I've never read any of the books or comis. So, I say all of that to say I didn't go into this with any grandeur expectations. It just looked like a good movie and it got good reviews. Here are my impressions based on the above background info.

The OVERALL plot seemed to follow the premise of the original Star Wars...which was fine to me. It was kinda like a reboot, introducing the new gen.

I didn't know storm troopers bleed. I mean, I knew they were humans, but I can't recall ever seeing blood on ANY of them. So, the fact that blood was a significant catalyst in the beginning of this movie was weird for me. Also, what the hell is the point of all that plastic suit garbage if it protects NOTHING? As a child, I imagined that you had to shoot them in the armpit, neck, or no-no bits to kill them. I assumed that hitting them armor was the equivalent of a bullet proof vest. Sure, it stung, but you'd eventually get up, grab a glass of rich chocolatey ovaltine, and walk that shit off. Guess not.

I didn't like Finn. His lack of facial hair and no edge up bothered me. Superficialness aside, he seemed like a chump through most of the movie. Then, when he finally DOES a grow a pair and try to get him a little bit of space poontang, he get's beat-up and friend-zoned. Really a letdown in my book. However, the kid took a licking and is seemingly going to keep on ticking. That's a plus. Maybe he obtains some testicular fortitude in Episode 8.

Rae (sp)-seems like a general badass. I know that with women's lib being what it is in today's society, you gotta have a "tough chick" in action movies now days. So, I kinda expected her to be what she was the moment I saw her slinking down that rope to what seemed like a gabillion feet to drag her garbage to her flying kranster-machine. What I was actually surprised by was her ability to IMMEDIATELY use the force. One fairly marginal conversation with Maz and all of sudden she's a Jedi master? Luke had a whole montage with Yoda and went through a movie and a half before he could even call his lightsaber. But, I guess that has more to do with this instant society of facebooker's and instagramers. Gotta keep up with the times I suppose.

Speaking of Maz, her eyeballs look like anuses...anusi...buttholes. They look like buttholes. The minute I saw it, I couldn't unsee it. I don't know if I'm the only one that thought that, but all I could see was the ten-ring. It freaked me out.

Kylo Ren?- he had me when he stopped that phazer on Jakku. That was dope. Him stopping it was dope. Then, he carried on to do something else. That was also dope. I didn't get why he chose to wear a mask all the time. With Vader, it was a breathing apparatus. He just seemed to do it to be cool or something. It was like stretching tires but your specs aren't aggressive. There's no point to it and it looks weird, but hey, if you're cool with it, whatev. Once I realized that he was Han's kid, I knew Han was gonna die. I didn't think Han was gonna catch the saber through the gut, but I figured he'd somehow end up flying off that bridge in grand fashion. I've concluded that the only reason Star Wars has high bridges in their movies is to throw people off of them. The never seem to serve any structural or real functional purpose other than being a perch in which people can be tossed from and fall rather indefinitely.

Han and Chewy. Chewy did that thing he does to talk. That's all I wanted him to do and he did that. I don't get the purpose of a cross-bow phaser. It's the exact same thing as the gun except it looks "old-timey"...which is ridiculous when you think of how far in the future and/or how far "away" this is. Han was like an older version of the 1980's Han...so...yeah.

Poe was short-lived, but well played. "Do I talk first or do you talk first?" Classic. I liked him. DB-8...I never understood how people got all loopy about droids and whatnot, but he was entertaining. Leigh did not age well. That's all I'll say about that.

So, not being a Star Wars fan, it was a good movie. You had to have some familiarity with the series (which I have) to get a good deal of the references, but simply being culturally relevant would allow you to capture most of what was going on. I can't honestly rate where this falls in the Star Wars series as they're just movies to me. But, as a movie, this was worth the how ever many ridiculous dollars I spent to see it.

12-28-2015, 06:05 PM
I value your opinion as someone that doesn't follow Star Wars...but Kylo Ren is a fucking crybaby, pussy, bitchy, lame, idiot.

12-28-2015, 06:19 PM
I value your opinion as someone that doesn't follow Star Wars...but Kylo Ren is a fucking crybaby, pussy, bitchy, lame, idiot.

So was King Geoffrey and I don't see people being butt-hurt by that.

12-28-2015, 10:08 PM
Also, what the hell is the point of all that plastic suit garbage if it protects NOTHING?

There are three problems here.

The first is true of all movies. Bad guys are only as tough as the plot needs them to be. Whether it's aliens, monsters, storm troopers or Nazis.

Plenty of movies feature supposedly elite enemies that fall at will to our lesser Heroes - because heroes always win.

So Storm Troopers are badass when they need to take the Rebel Ship at the start of Episode 3, easily slaughtering the crew, but are crushed by spear chucking ewoks in Episode 6. Storm Troopers take the fortified rebel base on Hoth in a mater of hours, but can't capture Luke and Han on a Star Destroyer.

Let's not forget how they wiped out all the Jedi in Episode 3 like child's play but can't take down Fin, Han and Ray on Deathstar 3.

Anyway, armor is what your getting it, which goes what I was getting at above. Script needs them to go down easy for our heroes. As far as the lore and universe mechanics, the armor makes them immune to bullets, explosions, blunt force trauma and various extreme environments.

The armor also offers good protection against blaster fire while being affordable, light and simple. Blasters are extremely strong, stronger than any real life rifle, shotgun or handgun. Despite the armor, most blaster hits will incapacitate or kill the trooper, the armor just gives them a fighting chance.

The problem is, if blasters are that strong, then why do our heroes survive blaster hits? Leia gets blasted in episode 3 and Chewie in 7. Both just shrug it off... But that's because the plot requires them to live...

Another way to look at it. Modern soldiers wear Kevlar and body armor. This armor provides protection from shrapnel, blunt force trauma and handguns. It gives the wearer a fighting chance against rifles and shotguns but is easily defeated by them.

12-29-2015, 08:01 AM
You know what, that makes a LOT of sense. I also didn't think about how movies were made back in the 80's. Even Terminator, which was the most violent movie of it's time, didn't have a lot of blood.

Kylo Ren/Ben/Darth Emo or whatever was somewhat of a pussy and a bitch, but that's only because he's modern. Most kids are that way. During his training with the Dark Lord, I'm sure he wore a knit cap slightly askew off his head, and a faded retro Darth Vader t-shirt with some "come to the darkside" wrist band thingie. But, I wouldn't say he's lame, per say. He's just not what a man or a good villain is by our standards. But, kids these days probably identified with him. And him stopping a laser keeps him from being lame.

12-29-2015, 10:24 AM
You know what, that makes a LOT of sense. I also didn't think about how movies were made back in the 80's. Even Terminator, which was the most violent movie of it's time, didn't have a lot of blood.

Kylo Ren/Ben/Darth Emo or whatever was somewhat of a pussy and a bitch, but that's only because he's modern. Most kids are that way. During his training with the Dark Lord, I'm sure he wore a knit cap slightly askew off his head, and a faded retro Darth Vader t-shirt with some "come to the darkside" wrist band thingie. But, I wouldn't say he's lame, per say. He's just not what a man or a good villain is by our standards. But, kids these days probably identified with him. And him stopping a laser keeps him from being lame.

It's not enough to warrant him killing of Han Solo. I mean if an emo kid like that killed his Dad nowadays he'd be all over the news and we'd want him fried...but add a cool little parlor trick and everyone thinks he's a badass.

12-30-2015, 08:45 PM
What should have happened is he talks to Han, refuses to come back from the dark side, later on, someone gets a blaster shot off at him, and Han jumps in front to save him.

It is believable that he wouldn't necessarily be able to block a blaster shot with a saber or stop it, not yet being fully trained. They would just have to take it out of that other scene, which, while cool, didn't really fit the rest of the whole him not yet being fully trained theme. Kind of funny he stopped that blaster round but he couldn't stop the bowcaster round later on. They could make up some dumb explanation about him being distracted, and upset about what he just did, but it was still too contradictory to me.

12-30-2015, 09:35 PM
It will be a middle movie like ESB and Clone Wars; building up to a climatic third movie. Just like Marvel, I can see Disney spinning off unique character movies as well. The Adventures of Poe and BB8. Fin and the Temple of Sith. Kilo Ren : Origins

Yeah that was announced a while ago. Disney is doing the same thing with SW as they are doing with Marvel, the Edisode movies being like The Avengers that only come along every few years and a side story or origin story every year. I believe Han Solos is first.

Finally saw the movie and holy shit I loved it. It genuinely felt like the original movies. Which was great. The tone/look/characters all felt like they belonged in the original trilogies Galaxy. I agree the movie moved quick. I felt like it could have used another 30 min. A little more out of Luke at the end would have been a more satisfying payoff. All I could think of is when she held out the Lightsaber to him I just wanted to him to instantly reach his has out and it fly to him fast as fuck.

12-31-2015, 10:43 AM
TLDR moment if you don't feel like diving into possible theories and such.. Save you some reading.

So any thoughts on Snoke being Darth Plageious(sp)? Seems like the net and SW fans are all going apeshit on this theory.

The other theory, which I think sounds pretty good, is that Kylo is trying to infiltrate and get close to Snoke, in an attempt to possible assassinate and stop the sith/empire/new order once and for all. Like Vader, he was torn between the pull of both sides. Maybe he chose to take on this potentially suicide mission, go to the path of the dark side, in order to gain the trust, learn the darkside from Snoke, in order to get close. Could it be possible he is asking Anakin/Vader through the charred helmet to help him complete what he needs to do, as in Anakin being able to go from force to darkside? Maybe his fear of not being as powerful as Vader highlights his fear of not being able to be like him- He became more powerful than his Master, which allowed him to kill Sideous.

It would play along with the Leia and Solo fall out between the two. Leia doesn't want her son to take the mission and go into the dark side (protective mother doesn't want to lose her son, who has an uncle that is a Jedi Master)- Solo (as many fathers are with their sons) takes the opposite stand and says if this is what he chooses, he needs does it- the whole 'gotta be a man' approach. This causes a rift between lovers, they split..... The scene where she asks solo to bring back their son, (if my memory of the movie is correct) he doesn't say he will, he just gives this emotional facial expression.

When Solo and Ren meet, he asks to help him, he is constantly being torn and pulled from both sides. What if (and this is purely hypothetical) Solo was taking the saber from Ren, and killed himself, in order to help Ren lose the temptation of the force and dive into the Dark side. This would help Ren keep his cover with Snoke, become powerful enough through his training with Snoke, to earn the title of darth/sith (which in the SW storyworld states a sith can only give their apprentice the title or darth when the student becomes more powerful than their master and only earns the title of Sith when the apprentice kills their master.

Luke went into hiding and Rey was left behind on a planet that Ren does not know about, so that his mind is truly clean and clear of this sensitive information. In the end, Rey is Luke's daughter, Ren is Rey's cousin, and Finn I believe will end up being a jedi by the end of this trilogy.

My theory is these folks are all on a mission from the get go:

Luke = went into hiding to protect himself, rey, his friends and family, while honing in on some pretty wicked force techniques..... all the while upset with himself about the events that transpired when recruiting and teaching the newbie jedis.

Leia= hasn't stopped fighting with the rebels and has been on a mission since we left her in ep 3

Solo= split from leia due to parental differences, with their son Ren. Hates himself and did the one thing he knew best, run and go be an intergalactic scammer. Sacrifices himself in front of his son, who is on a covert mission, in order to dive into the dark side.

Ren= Like his grandfather, strong in the force, but is also drawn to the darkside, due to fear and his feelings. Chooses to take on a mission, that could land him dead and isolated from friends and family- against leia's wishes, but Solo's support. He needs to complete his training in the Darkside in order to become more powerful than Snoke, to eventually assassinate him, potentially ending the sith.

Poe: The rebels version of Top Gun's Maverick... Don't get attached to him too much, I sense he will get the big KO by the end of the trilogy.

Rey: Luke's daughter, left behind for her protection, but now will be a power jedi with the reluctant help of Luke. She is extremely powerful and we will see some pretty mighty stuff from her. Hopefully an Epic 2 v 2 showdown = Sith/darth vs Jedi/Padawn

Finn: is a kidnapped child, brainwashed and turned into a trooper. He breaks his conditioning and is now an agent of good. I have a feeling he will eventually discover who he is and surprise surprise... he is strong with the force too.

Snoke: Hiding under the guise of Emperor Snoke, he is really Darth Plagueious. His former student, turned Sith Lord, Sideous mentions the story of him. He states how Plagueious's darth/apprentice become more powerful and ended getting killing his master in his sleep. Also states how Plagueious learned to revive through the manipulation of meticlorians (sp). It would only make sense that this character who was mentioned randomly in a previous movie, would carry over to give the movie a bit of continuity and sense. Sid killed Plague, becoming the new Sith lord..... Plague revives himself and goes into seclusion, in order to protect himself from the newly powered and stronger Sid.
Plagueious hides away becoming powerful again through training (Darkside users are all obsessed and never satisfied with power. They crave more and more). He patiently waits for the opportune moment to reclaim power. With the fall of the empire and the death of the more powerful Sideous, the now stronger and more powerful Plagueious comes out to reclaim his throne and rebuild the empire, with the new guise of Emperor Snoke and his First Order.

I will say that, like Luke, Plagueious was training multiple students. So Ren will not be the only darkside apprentice we will see in this series. I just think Ren is the most powerful of all of his apprentices.

you may now take off your aluminum hats

01-02-2016, 04:10 AM

01-02-2016, 06:55 AM

That's just way too much thought and analysis about a film that's sole purpose is entertainment. It's much more enjoyable when you just watch the movie and enjoy it for what it is and not over think everything. Not saying you specifically Matej, just in general.

01-02-2016, 09:39 AM

That's just way too much thought and analysis about a film that's sole purpose is make billions of dollars.

Just say'n

01-02-2016, 09:50 AM

That's just way too much thought and analysis about a film that's sole purpose is entertainment. It's much more enjoyable when you just watch the movie and enjoy it for what it is and not over think everything. Not saying you specifically Matej, just in general.


msg length

01-02-2016, 10:22 AM
Here u go guys and gals


01-02-2016, 05:52 PM
Just say'n

And entertain.

Just saying. The movie isn't Shawshank Redemption.

drift freaq
01-03-2016, 12:54 AM
Ya there seems to be way to much over thinking here. Enjoy it or not and move along. Chewing gum for the brain.

01-04-2016, 05:17 PM

That's just way too much thought and analysis about a film that's sole purpose is entertainment. It's much more enjoyable when you just watch the movie and enjoy it for what it is and not over think everything. Not saying you specifically Matej, just in general.

Dude, it's because we're fans. You sounds like all of the guys that used to be Nissan owners, moved on to someone else, and now talk shit on the rest of us that still like Nissans...on Zilvia...the forum for Nissans.

The point is this: This is a STAR WARS thread. the purpose of the thread is to analyze it/explore theories.

01-04-2016, 06:33 PM
Just saw the movie with my wife the other night. I'm not a really big Star Wars fan, per say. I've seen episodes 4,5, & 6 in their entirety. 1-3 I've seen pieces and parts of but I don't think I've really watched any of those straight through. I got the star wars bundle with my PS4 and I am looking to sell it. I've never read any of the books or comis. So, I say all of that to say I didn't go into this with any grandeur expectations. It just looked like a good movie and it got good reviews. Here are my impressions based on the above background info.

The OVERALL plot seemed to follow the premise of the original Star Wars...which was fine to me. It was kinda like a reboot, introducing the new gen.

I didn't know storm troopers bleed. I mean, I knew they were humans, but I can't recall ever seeing blood on ANY of them. So, the fact that blood was a significant catalyst in the beginning of this movie was weird for me. Also, what the hell is the point of all that plastic suit garbage if it protects NOTHING? As a child, I imagined that you had to shoot them in the armpit, neck, or no-no bits to kill them. I assumed that hitting them armor was the equivalent of a bullet proof vest. Sure, it stung, but you'd eventually get up, grab a glass of rich chocolatey ovaltine, and walk that shit off. Guess not.

I didn't like Finn. His lack of facial hair and no edge up bothered me. Superficialness aside, he seemed like a chump through most of the movie. Then, when he finally DOES a grow a pair and try to get him a little bit of space poontang, he get's beat-up and friend-zoned. Really a letdown in my book. However, the kid took a licking and is seemingly going to keep on ticking. That's a plus. Maybe he obtains some testicular fortitude in Episode 8.

Rae (sp)-seems like a general badass. I know that with women's lib being what it is in today's society, you gotta have a "tough chick" in action movies now days. So, I kinda expected her to be what she was the moment I saw her slinking down that rope to what seemed like a gabillion feet to drag her garbage to her flying kranster-machine. What I was actually surprised by was her ability to IMMEDIATELY use the force. One fairly marginal conversation with Maz and all of sudden she's a Jedi master? Luke had a whole montage with Yoda and went through a movie and a half before he could even call his lightsaber. But, I guess that has more to do with this instant society of facebooker's and instagramers. Gotta keep up with the times I suppose.

Speaking of Maz, her eyeballs look like anuses...anusi...buttholes. They look like buttholes. The minute I saw it, I couldn't unsee it. I don't know if I'm the only one that thought that, but all I could see was the ten-ring. It freaked me out.

Kylo Ren?- he had me when he stopped that phazer on Jakku. That was dope. Him stopping it was dope. Then, he carried on to do something else. That was also dope. I didn't get why he chose to wear a mask all the time. With Vader, it was a breathing apparatus. He just seemed to do it to be cool or something. It was like stretching tires but your specs aren't aggressive. There's no point to it and it looks weird, but hey, if you're cool with it, whatev. Once I realized that he was Han's kid, I knew Han was gonna die. I didn't think Han was gonna catch the saber through the gut, but I figured he'd somehow end up flying off that bridge in grand fashion. I've concluded that the only reason Star Wars has high bridges in their movies is to throw people off of them. The never seem to serve any structural or real functional purpose other than being a perch in which people can be tossed from and fall rather indefinitely.

Han and Chewy. Chewy did that thing he does to talk. That's all I wanted him to do and he did that. I don't get the purpose of a cross-bow phaser. It's the exact same thing as the gun except it looks "old-timey"...which is ridiculous when you think of how far in the future and/or how far "away" this is. Han was like an older version of the 1980's Han...so...yeah.

Poe was short-lived, but well played. "Do I talk first or do you talk first?" Classic. I liked him. DB-8...I never understood how people got all loopy about droids and whatnot, but he was entertaining. Leigh did not age well. That's all I'll say about that.

So, not being a Star Wars fan, it was a good movie. You had to have some familiarity with the series (which I have) to get a good deal of the references, but simply being culturally relevant would allow you to capture most of what was going on. I can't honestly rate where this falls in the Star Wars series as they're just movies to me. But, as a movie, this was worth the how ever many ridiculous dollars I spent to see it.

I agree with 90% of this. I didn't want to read this thread without seeing the movie first. Thanks for typing my opinion for me:drama:

01-04-2016, 07:04 PM
The armor also offers good protection against blaster fire while being affordable, light and simple. Blasters are extremely strong, stronger than any real life rifle, shotgun or handgun. Despite the armor, most blaster hits will incapacitate or kill the trooper, the armor just gives them a fighting chance.

The problem is, if blasters are that strong, then why do our heroes survive blaster hits? Leia gets blasted in episode 3 and Chewie in 7. Both just shrug it off... But that's because the plot requires them to live...

Another way to look at it. Modern soldiers wear Kevlar and body armor. This armor provides protection from shrapnel, blunt force trauma and handguns. It gives the wearer a fighting chance against rifles and shotguns but is easily defeated by them.

Depends on the type of armor you are wearing. I have Level V armor plates that will stop anything short of a .50 cal. It's rated for multiple hits from 7.62, .223, .308 and any handgun round. Not to say your ass won't get knocked over or bruised/broken ribs, but you'll live. I get your argument. Cheap armor for a massive fighting force = mass storm trooper casualties.

01-04-2016, 07:07 PM
Dude, it's because we're fans. You sounds like all of the guys that used to be Nissan owners, moved on to someone else, and now talk shit on the rest of us that still like Nissans...on Zilvia...the forum for Nissans.

The point is this: This is a STAR WARS thread. the purpose of the thread is to analyze it/explore theories.

Trust me, I'm a fan. I drink my coffee from a Darth Vader coffee mug every morning. :coolugh:

01-04-2016, 09:43 PM
Depends on the type of armor you are wearing. I have Level V armor plates that will stop anything short of a .50 cal. It's rated for multiple hits from 7.62, .223, .308 and any handgun round. Not to say your ass won't get knocked over or bruised/broken ribs, but you'll live. I get your argument. Cheap armor for a massive fighting force = mass storm trooper casualties.

Our military armor sucks, but atleast we had armor unlike the Veitnam Vets! USMC shared sapi plates and vest up until middle of 2004 in Iraq.

I just dont understand the lack of bombs or ied used in Star Wars, very efficent way to fight.

01-05-2016, 12:01 PM
Our military armor sucks, but atleast we had armor unlike the Veitnam Vets! USMC shared sapi plates and vest up until middle of 2004 in Iraq.

I just dont understand the lack of bombs or ied used in Star Wars, very efficent way to fight.

So many solid memories while wearing a flak vest.

01-05-2016, 12:22 PM
I think part of the fun of a series being revived IS seeing all the fan theory and people sharing their knowledge of the series.

With knowledge from the different comics, games, TV shows etc.

01-05-2016, 04:27 PM
TLDR moment if you don't feel like diving into possible theories and such.. Save you some reading.

So any thoughts on Snoke being Darth Plageious(sp)? Seems like the net and SW fans are all going apeshit on this theory.

The other theory, which I think sounds pretty good, is that Kylo is trying to infiltrate and get close to Snoke, in an attempt to possible assassinate and stop the sith/empire/new order once and for all. Like Vader, he was torn between the pull of both sides. Maybe he chose to take on this potentially suicide mission, go to the path of the dark side, in order to gain the trust, learn the darkside from Snoke, in order to get close. Could it be possible he is asking Anakin/Vader through the charred helmet to help him complete what he needs to do, as in Anakin being able to go from force to darkside? Maybe his fear of not being as powerful as Vader highlights his fear of not being able to be like him- He became more powerful than his Master, which allowed him to kill Sideous.

It would play along with the Leia and Solo fall out between the two. Leia doesn't want her son to take the mission and go into the dark side (protective mother doesn't want to lose her son, who has an uncle that is a Jedi Master)- Solo (as many fathers are with their sons) takes the opposite stand and says if this is what he chooses, he needs does it- the whole 'gotta be a man' approach. This causes a rift between lovers, they split..... The scene where she asks solo to bring back their son, (if my memory of the movie is correct) he doesn't say he will, he just gives this emotional facial expression.

When Solo and Ren meet, he asks to help him, he is constantly being torn and pulled from both sides. What if (and this is purely hypothetical) Solo was taking the saber from Ren, and killed himself, in order to help Ren lose the temptation of the force and dive into the Dark side. This would help Ren keep his cover with Snoke, become powerful enough through his training with Snoke, to earn the title of darth/sith (which in the SW storyworld states a sith can only give their apprentice the title or darth when the student becomes more powerful than their master and only earns the title of Sith when the apprentice kills their master.

Luke went into hiding and Rey was left behind on a planet that Ren does not know about, so that his mind is truly clean and clear of this sensitive information. In the end, Rey is Luke's daughter, Ren is Rey's cousin, and Finn I believe will end up being a jedi by the end of this trilogy.

My theory is these folks are all on a mission from the get go:

Luke = went into hiding to protect himself, rey, his friends and family, while honing in on some pretty wicked force techniques..... all the while upset with himself about the events that transpired when recruiting and teaching the newbie jedis.

Leia= hasn't stopped fighting with the rebels and has been on a mission since we left her in ep 3

Solo= split from leia due to parental differences, with their son Ren. Hates himself and did the one thing he knew best, run and go be an intergalactic scammer. Sacrifices himself in front of his son, who is on a covert mission, in order to dive into the dark side.

Ren= Like his grandfather, strong in the force, but is also drawn to the darkside, due to fear and his feelings. Chooses to take on a mission, that could land him dead and isolated from friends and family- against leia's wishes, but Solo's support. He needs to complete his training in the Darkside in order to become more powerful than Snoke, to eventually assassinate him, potentially ending the sith.

Poe: The rebels version of Top Gun's Maverick... Don't get attached to him too much, I sense he will get the big KO by the end of the trilogy.

Rey: Luke's daughter, left behind for her protection, but now will be a power jedi with the reluctant help of Luke. She is extremely powerful and we will see some pretty mighty stuff from her. Hopefully an Epic 2 v 2 showdown = Sith/darth vs Jedi/Padawn

Finn: is a kidnapped child, brainwashed and turned into a trooper. He breaks his conditioning and is now an agent of good. I have a feeling he will eventually discover who he is and surprise surprise... he is strong with the force too.

Snoke: Hiding under the guise of Emperor Snoke, he is really Darth Plagueious. His former student, turned Sith Lord, Sideous mentions the story of him. He states how Plagueious's darth/apprentice become more powerful and ended getting killing his master in his sleep. Also states how Plagueious learned to revive through the manipulation of meticlorians (sp). It would only make sense that this character who was mentioned randomly in a previous movie, would carry over to give the movie a bit of continuity and sense. Sid killed Plague, becoming the new Sith lord..... Plague revives himself and goes into seclusion, in order to protect himself from the newly powered and stronger Sid.
Plagueious hides away becoming powerful again through training (Darkside users are all obsessed and never satisfied with power. They crave more and more). He patiently waits for the opportune moment to reclaim power. With the fall of the empire and the death of the more powerful Sideous, the now stronger and more powerful Plagueious comes out to reclaim his throne and rebuild the empire, with the new guise of Emperor Snoke and his First Order.

I will say that, like Luke, Plagueious was training multiple students. So Ren will not be the only darkside apprentice we will see in this series. I just think Ren is the most powerful of all of his apprentices.

you may now take off your aluminum hats

I was talking to my friend today about your theory. And although I do like it...


Also the films are not going to take anything from the expanded universe apparently, so anything that hasn't been in the clone wars cartoons or the first 6 movies will not be in the new ones.

I'll share this so we may nerd out and discuss.


01-05-2016, 08:05 PM
^-- Is that picture implying the possibility that Snoke is Darth Vader resurrected ?

The placement of the scar is similar and Snoke's face does look like that of a person that's been burned...

01-05-2016, 11:55 PM
But then what about Anakin reappearing as a Jedi ghost at the end of 3? Someone posted on a social media blog that once Anakin returned to the light, Vader's essence of the dark manifested itself to life!?

I couldn't imagine after all these years, disney reinventing starwars with a new generation of clones, fighters, heros, anti heros, villians, etcetcetc and still carry on with an old foe.

The comparison images do look strikingly similar tho

01-06-2016, 06:43 AM
I was talking to my friend today about your theory. And although I do like it...


Also the films are not going to take anything from the expanded universe apparently, so anything that hasn't been in the clone wars cartoons or the first 6 movies will not be in the new ones.

I'll share this so we may nerd out and discuss.



DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!! !!! That looks strikingly similar. The head scar, the cheek scar....neither of them can talk above a whisper. Ben (Kylo-Ren) looks up to BOTH of them...ugh...I gotta look into this.

01-06-2016, 08:55 PM
That shit is blowing my mind!

01-07-2016, 06:16 AM
I don't know how that didn't cross my mind. Other than looking up to Vader, that would be some cool foreshadowing when Kylo-Ren picked up the old Vader mask.

Don't know if it's been mentioned yet (kind of old at this point) but I've also been hearing rumors that Snoke is Darth Jar Jar..... (reddit (https://www.reddit.com/comments/3qvj6w)). Despite my hate for Jar Jar, you have to admit that would make Ep. 1-3 seem more interesting.

01-07-2016, 07:37 AM
........I've also been hearing rumors that Snoke is Darth Jar Jar..... (reddit (https://www.reddit.com/comments/3qvj6w)). Despite my hate for Jar Jar, you have to admit that would make Ep. 1-3 seem more interesting.

I don't think this is the case. Snoke is a human/humanoid and Jar Jar is a Gungan. Also, Andy Serkis said that Snoke was a completely new character, but I'm sure that should be taken with a grain of salt.

01-07-2016, 07:47 AM
I don't think this is the case. Snoke is a human/humanoid and Jar Jar is a Gungan. Also, Andy Serkis said that Snoke was a completely new character, but I'm sure that should be taken with a grain of salt.

That's also just a hologram of Snorke though...

01-07-2016, 08:09 AM
That's also just a hologram of Snorke though...

So he's a particular species/being that can transform/project a different appearance to look like a different species, then capture that image in a hologram to project intergalacticly? I don't think so. A hologram is just a 3D projection of whats already there. Now if the hologram was projecting an artificial animation, then anything is plausible. But there seems to be no reason for Snoke to hide his true physical image from Kylo or his generals.

01-07-2016, 08:17 AM
So he's a particular species/being that can transform/project a different appearance to look like a different species, then capture that image in a hologram to project intergalacticly? I don't think so. A hologram is just a 3D projection of whats already there. Now if the hologram was projecting an artificial animation, then anything is plausible. But there seems to be no reason for Snoke to hide his true physical image from Kylo or his generals.

Honestly, I'd rather he be HAL 9000 or something instead of another crusty old evil wizard.


Star Wars really does suck on defining "evil". They try and paint a black or white picture of good vs evil, but that image is only skin deep.

It's not the Uniforms, Symbols and Speeches that made the Nazis evil, but that is exactly how the Empire/1st Order are painted.

"See! They are bad because they look like Nazis in Space!"

"See! They are good! They wear earth tones and have Fish People flying the battle cruisers!"

01-07-2016, 08:25 AM
Honestly, I'd rather he be HAL 9000 or something instead of another crusty old evil wizard.


Star Wars really does suck on defining "evil". They try and paint a black or white picture of good vs evil, but that image is only skin deep.

It's not the Uniforms, Symbols and Speeches that made the Nazis evil, but that is exactly how the Empire/1st Order are painted.

"See! They are bad because they look like Nazis in Space!"

"See! They are good! They wear earth tones and have Fish People flying the battle cruisers!"

I this one does a better job of actually making them act more evil. They did show them kill an entire city/village and blow up more planets. It felt darker and actually more evil. I was actually thinking that while I was watching it.

01-07-2016, 08:46 AM
The Prequels really did ruin Star Wars. Prior to them we could have imagined what a Utopian society SW was before the Empire. However after having seeing the Prequels, I’m left going “why is the Empire bad again?”

In the Prequels, this supposedly wonderful Republic that Luke and Leia are fighting for really is rather… monstrous. The Jedi really are evil. I mean if the 1st Order is evil because they kidnapped children and made them into Storm Troopers, how are the Jedi no better? They take Children and turn them into Jedi. Worse yet, they lead an entire army of genetically modified slaves (clones), who are grown for the sole purpose as to be a disposable, slightly better alternative then a droid.

Never mind the almost enumerable ethics issues here, genetic engineering, cloning, test-tube babies, shortening a person’s lifespan, forced conscription from birth, child soldiers… or that no-one knows who actually paid for all of this… they then go on to fight a +10 year civil war in order to beat down and suppress a separatist movement spurred on by unfair taxation. The Jedi/Senate then destroys half of the galaxy, causes a massive regression of technological progression and bankrupt the Republic (Empire).

Further more, this is a Republic that is already plagued with corruption, racism and slavery is common practice. No one was surprised at Anakin being a slave on Tatoonie, nor did the Jedi Council, which was clearly wealthy, send money to buy Anakin’s mothers freedom. Hell, Padama didn’t even bother to help. You’d think she’d be like “Oh Annie, I’ll free your mom and move her to Naboo to be safe from murderous sand people and gangster huts”. Nope.

This doesn’t even begin to cover the ethical issues regarding the sentient android life. I mean we have fully functional AI in this universe… and they are still treated as disposable cell phones. Then again, what am I talking about, the good guys kidnap children and brain wash them into being warrior monks while leading genetically modified slave armies to defend the corrupt bureaucrats and wealthy monarchs that form their precious “senate” and “democracy”.

Finally, what did Palpatine really do that was evil? He manipulated corrupt senators to succeed from the Republic while manipulating the other half to force them to stay. He then ordered a clone army which the Senate applauded and cheered too. He was a politician that gave the people what they wanted.

As for the First Order. Okay, they destroyed the Capital World of the Republic and the Republic’s Fleet. Seems like sound military logic. No different than dropping a Nuke to end WWII or Bombing Berlin. They also killed a bunch of rebel prisoners in the opening… I don’t see the Rebels exactly taking hoards of Storm Trooper prisoners. Storm Troopers (As we now know) aren’t even willing participants, unlike those that join the Rebellion. It also sounds like there was a functional Republic Fleet and military, so the “Resistance” is now a group of para-militaries? Are they fighting a non-uniformed Asymmetric Guerilla War against the 1st Order? Are they… terrorists?

01-07-2016, 10:15 AM

You're sounding real "first orderish" right now fam.

01-07-2016, 11:04 AM
You're sounding real "first orderish" right now fam.

As much as I'm playing devils advocate I'm also being very serious.

What was the plan for the aging clones? If they grow twice as fast, after 15 years of service they would be in their mid 50's physically. I'd expect their ability to soldier would be greatly diminished to the point that they are more hassle they they war worth.

Do they get sent to Soleint Green land to become ration bars for future clones?

I know Kevin Smith has joked in the past about the destruction of Death Star II. Undoubtably, thousands of contracted civilian workers died when it was destroyed.

I'm sure there was a equal number of civilians killed when Death Star Planet III was destroyed.

I just find such a strong sense of irony how those who eagerly crushed a a rebellion are the leaders of a rebellion 30 years latter.

01-07-2016, 11:48 AM
In Corbic's huge, long post I have but one thing to say:

*sucede, not succeed, idiot :keke:

Seriously, I agree with a lot of the points your bring up...

...but I'm still going to argue a few key points.

The First Order didn't just go to Jakku to kill rebels. Kylo Ren/Phasma had them kill ALL of the civilians as well. So Stormtroopers are sent to small villages/outposts and asked to raze them. I don't see the Jedi going to villages and wiping them off the face of the planet.

Oh and the 'innocent' people that die on Starkiller Base: they work on a FUCKING WEAPON THAT DESTROYS PLANETS...AND they fucking used it before it was destroyed! Innocent? What about all the people on those planets?

Harkening back to the Clone Wars, wasn't it Palpatine's idea to create a clone army? Isn't that what Obi-Wan discovered on Kamino and Jango Fett tried to shut him up? I haven't touched those movies in a long time but I thought he was the one secretly backing the program because he KNEW about Order 66. He was using the current Republic to fund/create his army that we see in 4, 5, and 6.

If you want some buy-in for your points, I'll offer this: The Rebels can largely be viewed as terrorists in this galaxy and the Jedi can be seen as religious fanatics. HOWEVER, the First Order/Empire/Sith are effectively the same but hide it from the general public better. The Sith take younglings as well, make them kill, and then eventually kill thier master to complete their training. The Empire/First Order can totally convince people to join their ranks to 'combat terrorism' as a form of propaganda. It doesn't mean everyone is evil, but when you work on Starkiller Base and justify the destruction of three(?) planets with innocent inhabitants then you kind of deserve to have a photon torpedo rammed into your cooling duct until you blow up and die.

02-13-2016, 11:38 PM
Just saw it again. I'm pretty sure Rey is Kylo's sister.

The way he antagonizes her when they first meet: "Oh you're so lonely" and "Oh you think of Han as the father you never had, he would have disappointed you." Those aren't verbatim but the dude comes off as suuuuuuper jealous of Rey. Maybe he was already in training to become a Jedi when she was born. She's obviously more powerful so maybe her birth spun him off into a jealous rage that ended in the slaughter at Skywalker's camp.

In the same interrogation he says "Don't be afraid, I feel it too." That's got to be some hint at their connection...like they both know on some level that they're siblings.

Then at Maz Kanata's place after the lightsaber-induced flashback Maz says "You know your family is never coming back (to Jakku) for you, but someone still can." Rey replies with "Luke..." and to me this shit seals the deal. The distinction between 'family' and 'Luke' is distinct here.

The last thing I noticed was after Han's death. When Kylo confronts Rey in the woods at the end of the movie he says "It's just us, now!" I took this as family-wise. They were the only two Solos in the mix on Starkiller at that time.

I've been drinking. Wanted to get all of this down. Thoughts? Or are you guys still pissed?