View Full Version : The Game Cube Sucks Thread

12-01-2015, 05:36 PM
Well rather than shitting up the Zilvian History Thread - lets just start a dork-fest PS2 owns all thread.

Yeah yeah, there are better mouth breather boards to argue the fine art of Console Wars but I doubt many of us are that far gone.

So without further ado, picking up where we left off...

Whatever man, I doubt you could name all 300 great ps2 games or whatever, what you think is good is entirely subjective.
Each of those games is worth like 50 no name ps2 games a piece. I doubtyou have ever played any of them, and what other games did ps2 have other than freaking gta and gran turismo that are famous?? I doubt you could name some that are comparable in awesomeness to GC games you ps2 playing serf!

I keep going back to the age thing because it's important. It's understandable that you idolized a loved a childhood toy from when you where 6-7. It's also understandable that a 6-7 year old you would not be able to appreciate awesome, "Adult" oriented games.

Yes, I played stupid ass pikmen, smash brothers, kart and the worst Zelda game of all time.

Smash Brothers was great playing with 4 friends at a party... that's about it.

So you want awesome PS2 games?

First to mind - Zone of the Enders 2. It's seriously one of my all time favorite games ever. Smooth linear combat, excellent cell-shade graphics and seamlessly blended animated cuts scenes with an intense sound track. There is even an HD version for PS3.

Gundam - Zeonic Front - Best Gundam Game ever.

Maximo - series, hilarious, well animated and fun.

Grandia 2, favorite classic 3d RPG. It also kills main characters like it's Game of Thrones.

Then the tactical games like Disgaea... or old school 2D Beater GGX.

Then my favorite 3D beater DOA -series, sure it has boobs, but beyond that it's an incredibly smooth fighting game with top notch graphics and none of that shoot flame bullshit.

Way of the Samurai.. I can go on.

You got 5 Disney games to hang your hat on.


kashira kureijii
12-01-2015, 05:52 PM
I would argue that twighlight princess is the best Zelda game ever, but here we have only opinions.

I have not heard of a single one of those games, and I'm sure you could ask 90% of people and they would say the same.
The same isn't true for GC games though.

Gamecube is timeless, timeless mother fuckers

having Legend Zelda alone makes the gamecube 10 times better. Because zelda is literally the greatest game ever.

I see the problem here......your all a bunch of ps2 fanboys who haven't been graced by the puzzle solving awesomeness that is gamecube games

I'm surrounded by Sony loving punks is whats up

http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag23/neko-romancer95/misaka%20gif_zps8budzphu.gif (http://s1297.photobucket.com/user/neko-romancer95/media/misaka%20gif_zps8budzphu.gif.html)

2 can play this game, I'll start a "why mustangs suck and are 4 girlz and high school students who buy them with their parents money" thread

Scratch that, I'll start my own Zilvia with blackjack and hookers!

I'll call it Zilvia club 2, corbic can't join

You're not invited to to my birthday party you goth banging, mustang loving, jerkface with the face of a jerk:bs:

12-01-2015, 08:32 PM
I would argue that twighlight princess is the best Zelda game ever, but here we have only opinions.

I have not heard of a single one of those games, and I'm sure you could ask 90% of people and they would say the same.
The same isn't true for GC games though.

Gamecube is timeless, timeless mother fuckers

having Legend Zelda alone makes the gamecube 10 times better. Because zelda is literally the greatest game ever.


12-01-2015, 09:08 PM
PS2 was the best console of all time imo, guess im old but i stopped playing games really after that time. Tekken Tag anyone!?

12-01-2015, 09:25 PM
Someone said gamecube so i came running.

I don't think anyone can touch Nintendo's first party games. mario sunshine, luigis mansion, wind waker, metriod prime, star fox adventures, pikmen, smash, kart, party. they were amazing games and to me sony's first party games were not developed enough to compare. And i am not a nintendo fanboy. I have had my far share on the playstation systems

12-01-2015, 09:36 PM
Anyone else have a numbers matching Charizard?

12-01-2015, 09:40 PM
AAA titles? Yes, there's a bunch. but the issue with Nintendo in general is that they are too far in between releases. You're always waiting for that next big title that seems like it's forever in development.

And lets not act like the GC didn't flop, because even Satoru Iwata (RIP) said that if the original Wii didn't outsell the GC, then they have "failed".

kashira kureijii
12-01-2015, 09:58 PM
Well as head member of the newly formed Zilvia gamecube alliance I have to say that this thread is buuuuuulllllllllshiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttt!!!!!!!!braaa aaaahhhhhhhhhhh

http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag23/neko-romancer95/tumblr_inline_mqhj1iqVts1qz4rgp_zpsyfcoqqwa.gif (http://s1297.photobucket.com/user/neko-romancer95/media/tumblr_inline_mqhj1iqVts1qz4rgp_zpsyfcoqqwa.gif.ht ml)

Almighty So
12-01-2015, 10:36 PM
i love what this place has become

12-02-2015, 04:44 AM
i love what this place has become

I hope that's sarcasum.

This is the off topic section.

12-02-2015, 06:00 AM
And lets not act like the GC didn't flop, because even Satoru Iwata (RIP) said that if the original Wii didn't outsell the GC, then they have "failed".

Yeah, to put this into a financial context -

PS2 sold from 2000-2012, 153.6 million units (as of 2011).
Biggest Title, San Andreas - 20.8 million copies.

X-Box sold 2001 - 2009; 24 million copies (2006), Halo 2 @ 8.49 million

Game Cube - 2001 - 2007, 22 million (2010, Smash Brothers @ 7.5 million

Dream Cast - 1998-2001/2007, 10.6 million (2002)

That said, Game Cube was the best styled and built box. It looked like something Apple would have made. The control was worlds better than the old N64 controller.

I currently still have a Dreamcast, PS2 Orginal, PS-Oneand Xbox. I recently pitched my 360 and its games but still have a PS3 with a few games.

The 6th Gen really was a special time in console gaming. I have no intention of getting a X-One or PS4

Almighty So
12-02-2015, 07:34 AM
I hope that's sarcasum.

This is the off topic section.

Not sarcasm at all I think this is hilarious and I like it

12-02-2015, 05:07 PM
Zone of the Enders was absolutely epic. But, Super Smash Bros Melee was also my shit. I played daily with a friend who was top 5 in the world in that game.

I can't say which was better though. I liked cube because SSBM, Metroid Prime, Tales of Symphonia, and Windwaker.

But, PS2 had ZOE, DOA, Battlefront 2, etc.

I like them equally.

N64 vs PS1 though: MGS vs Winback, Gran Tourismo vs Pokemon Snap, or Rival Schools vs Conkers Bad Fur Day?

Let's just agree that gaming has been simply epic since the mid 90s. I have every major and semi rare system except for the xbone.

12-02-2015, 05:25 PM
You guys are all smoking- the SNES is the GOAT.

Good day sir.

12-03-2015, 06:45 PM
Ps2 ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-04-2015, 04:28 AM
I stopped caring about being loyal to a brand when I became an adult with a career. I've owned nearly every mainstream console on the market (I even had a Jaguar lol) since NES.

Who gives a shit how many units it sold. I'm sure no one here has stock in Nintendo. The GC has two of my favorite games of all-fucking-time; Wind Waker and Metroid Prime.

I buy Nintendo consoles because the first party Nintendo games are generally perfect. Wind Waker for instance is a masterpiece in gaming. I have the Wind Waker Edition Wii U console and the game is still amazing. It'll never look dated.

The Wavebird was one of the dopest controllers ever. The first (first party) wireless controller by anyone.

Ahhhhh the GameCube. Lots of find memories.

Almighty So
12-04-2015, 04:40 AM
Haha all I remember about GameCube was that discs were tiny and they came out with another version of nfl blitz. Other than that, all my Nintendo-ing was done on a gameboy.
The tall one where you had to get the usb light attachment hahaha
I had mad love for Pokemon and Zelda and Mario and all classic Nintendo through my SNES and gameboy.
Aside from that, PlayStation was life. Need for speed and crash bandicoot.
Granted I don't have the best memory but I definitely remember those.

Edit; also loved psp. Had so many arcade games stored on my old one about 7-8 years ago. Mortal kombat/tekken/street fighter. Get some!

12-04-2015, 12:20 PM
One word.
