View Full Version : S14 driver side suspension issue

11-22-2015, 03:33 PM
hey guys i ran into some trouble yesterday. i just lowered my car with power by max coilovers and the drvier side has clearance issue hitting the coilovers and the passenger side has plenty of room. anyone know whats the cause of this? i had to run 11mm spacer just to clear it by a hairline. my wheels are work meister if that helps lol. i found this thread but no one seem to help the other dude out lol link down below. thanks in advance ! =]




11-22-2015, 08:21 PM
If the lower shock mount is slotted, loosen it, pull the wheel outward, and tighten it.

This will give you more clearance.


11-22-2015, 09:56 PM
Maybe because you have 2 different tires. And maybe you don't have clearance issues w/ the passenger side one because the tire doesn't appear to be seated on the rim all the way like it's supposed to be.

11-22-2015, 10:19 PM
Nvm guys problem solved the bottom strut was upside down lol it made the wheel camber in a lot more in to cause the problem. I guess who ever assemble the PBM made a mistake and I didn't catch it until right now haha . I have all same tires btw. Thanks for replying :) case closed!