View Full Version : RB25 Silicon Hose Kit?

11-21-2015, 02:57 PM
Recently blew a hose on my rb25 and figuring the rest of the 25 year old hoses are probably on their way out I would like to replace them all.. Problem is the only kit I can find is the boost junkie kit and I cant see paying 550.00 for hoses. Anyone know of a reputable company that produces a kit? Would rather stay away from the cheap 60.00 ebay kits.

kashira kureijii
11-21-2015, 05:12 PM
Recently blew a hose on my rb25 and figuring the rest of the 25 year old hoses are probably on their way out I would like to replace them all.. Problem is the only kit I can find is the boost junkie kit and I cant see paying 550.00 for hoses. Anyone know of a reputable company that produces a kit? Would rather stay away from the cheap 60.00 ebay kits.

Is it an rb25? or an rb20 with a rb25 valve cover? hoses will be much different is why I ask

11-21-2015, 05:20 PM
Its an actual rb25.
Saw the stoney racing kit but doesn't look like its in stock at the moment.. Trying to get everything together asap as I daily the car the swap is in

kashira kureijii
11-21-2015, 05:23 PM
As soon as possible would be just buying some hoses from o-reill'y and making them work.

Muhahaha remembered the screen name, I'm so awesome. Can't live that down mang

11-21-2015, 05:25 PM
As much of a pain in the ass the hoses are on the 25 in a 32 bay to get to id rather just do it right the first time haha. Did you know of a kit available?

kashira kureijii
11-21-2015, 05:28 PM
you suck. This is literally like simply simple as simple does it. There are actually 2 kits on enjuku. This isn't something that your just gonna buy from the store if you just want it to drop in.

Also get used to asking this shit in small questions thread

here *deep throats you with spoon* I'll feed you

11-21-2015, 05:32 PM
Apparently you're either blind and or dumb because that's not even remotely the kit. So ill spoon feed this to you. I would assume since I'm clearly typing that the hoses are "hard" to reach meaning not the radiator hoses on the front of the vehicle which are very simple to get to. Any other half brained comments I can respond to?
This would be the correct form of "hose kit" I'm referencing since we are providing links here.

11-21-2015, 05:48 PM
Looks like there is a bunch on ebay from 80-250 dollars. Here. (https://www.google.com/search?q=autobahn88+silicone+hose+kit+skyline&rlz=1C1LENP_enUS525US525&oq=autobahn88+silicone+hose+kit+skyline&aqs=chrome..69i57.21533j1j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#tbm=shop&q=silicone+hose+kit+skyline&spd=17540160548648816030)

kashira kureijii
11-21-2015, 05:51 PM
Apparently you're either blind and or dumb because that's not even remotely the kit. So ill spoon feed this to you. I would assume since I'm clearly typing that the hoses are "hard" to reach meaning not the radiator hoses on the front of the vehicle which are very simple to get to. Any other half brained comments I can respond to?
This would be the correct form of "hose kit" I'm referencing since we are providing links here.

or you could specify which hoses you mean? heater hoses, breather hoses, these things have names. dick:mrmeph::mrmeph:
If all you had to do was search for them yourself, then why did you even ask
I don't know how you *blew* breather hoses, and as for replacing them or heater hoses, you could just sorta see what the auto parts store has and cut them as necessary. For insatance, I made my sr heater hoses from general auto parts hoses and elbows. Breather hoses could be had by comparing the size of the hose you need to what they have. O-reill'ys or car quest both usually have good hose size options, which even if they aren't the exact size, close is good enough as you will just use a hose clamp to tighten them to fit.

Whatever man, just next time take it to small question thread

11-21-2015, 05:53 PM
Looks like there is a bunch on ebay from 80-250 dollars. Here. (https://www.google.com/search?q=autobahn88+silicone+hose+kit+skyline&rlz=1C1LENP_enUS525US525&oq=autobahn88+silicone+hose+kit+skyline&aqs=chrome..69i57.21533j1j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#tbm=shop&q=silicone+hose+kit+skyline&spd=17540160548648816030)

I appreciate the response I was looking at those but most look to be the china foreign stuff with bad feedback on them fitting. Hoping someone could chime in who has stripped their bay down and replaced everything with a single kit so I could go that route instead of trial and error with some china stuff.
Would possibly even pay the 500.00 for the boost junkie kit if someone has used it before and could share their experience.

11-21-2015, 07:31 PM
I used eBay silicone hose kits on my last SR as well as my current engine and they fit fine (one of the kits that comes with everything since there is confusion for some reason). At the end of the day a silicone hose is more or less a silicone hose and any brand should be an improvement over OEM rubber hoses. Both kits that I had had all of the correct bends and diameter, but most hoses had to be trimmed to fit so its not 100% plug and play. Just make sure you get black hoses or your engine bay will look really tacky.

What hose did you blow? I didn't feel like reading through all the bullshit but saw something about it being a heater hose. I don't want to push the panic button but anytime a car comes into the shop with a blown/split (read not leaking but blown open) heater hose I usually check for headgasket issues. Heater hoses do not usually just blow out on there own and 90% of the time its due to combustion gasses leaking into the cooling system and causing excess pressure on the hose.

11-21-2015, 07:41 PM
I may try to testfit one of the kits off ebay then just to see I can always return I suppose I was just worried about fitment issues not really silicon quality. This happened at about 2 am last night so after I limped the car home I didn't get a good look at it but did get this picture http://i68.tinypic.com/o88p3k.jpg
Not really up to the technical terms of all the hoses In the engine bay but I could have worded blown better. It looks to be a pin prick or so as you can see it coming out there. Noticed it first getting out of the car and hearing the sound so no issues with how the car runs. I will be looking for related issues like the head gasket though when everything gets pulled. I was going to re plumb the whole bay while I was doing this just because by looking at it i would say its a normal wear type of problem.

11-21-2015, 07:57 PM
That looks to be just a pin hole and is likely just due to an old/cracked hose. Blown would be more like the hose completely split and you lost all your coolant lol.

11-21-2015, 08:28 PM
At the end of the day a silicone hose is more or less a silicone hose and any brand should be an improvement over OEM rubber hoses.

or in this case, silicone hoses are WORSE than OEM rubber hoses:


i only use silicone hoses (4-ply) with my intercooler pipes, and thats it. i no longer use them for any of my coolant lines due to the problem with water permeation.

11-21-2015, 09:11 PM
^^^ That was an interesting watch. I've never had (or personally known anyone who has had) any issues with silicone hoses for cooling systems and probably won't be swapping them out anytime soon, but that is an interesting consideration. I tend to take marketing videos with a grain of salt though and would have to do more research before making any final decisions.

As for the second video once again, I've never personally had a failure and if you go by how he judges silicone (texture/color etc.) in the video, both of the eBay kits that I used actually contained pretty decent quality hoses.

11-22-2015, 12:01 PM
its not a marketing video, its a fact. the water evaporates and the coolant stays, which means you constantly need to top off with water. do your research.

by the way, gates sells both rubber and silicone, so they have nothing to gain from our stupidity. the only benefit silicone hoses offer is greater temp resistance. and if thats an issue, you should look into a different type of hose or use fire sleeving

01-12-2016, 08:54 PM
I agree, those were def interesting watches. I'm so geeky.

I will aggree that I take these types of videos with a grain of salt. I'm not saying the videos are untrustworthy with information, but that there is an end result for the making of it.

That said I am super glad you posted those, had no idea about the characteristics. I thought even cheap China silicone was just as good as anything else.

In regard to that seller, if you look closely he stated they sell for "rail" applications. That's ridiculous, if I'm understanding correctly, they supply to locomotive type applications. That alone would make me purchase the product.

Although, what was he saying when the subtitle displayed "60F A shoring" or something like that?

01-13-2016, 10:18 AM
I have ebay radiator hoses on my ka. theyre fine.