View Full Version : rare trick cf door panels?!

09-03-2004, 10:06 AM
so i was browsing rare trick's site and they have cf door panels for the 180sx. Does anyone know about their fitment? The site says they need modifications for non right hand drive cars and they have no install pictures. I searched for it and couldnt find anything. Just seemed kind of cool

09-03-2004, 12:08 PM
remember, right hand drive will have the extra switches on the right side. like the pass side window, and drivers window, and uhh lockout switch and stuff. also the pass side has an OS handle and the drivers side doesn't.

09-03-2004, 12:22 PM
actually its a shell, doesnt come w/ switches

it should be much of a problem, i had jdm k's door panels, bolted right up no trouble

also the company that makes those, makes full cf dash and cf outer doors, ive been considering getting a set of ;)

trouble is, they dont care about us buyers