View Full Version : Street Outlaws - Discovery channel

10-24-2015, 04:58 PM
Anyone else watching this show... new season starts this monday

10-26-2015, 10:12 AM
My roomates watch it so i'll watch it sometimes.

I don't like how one of their fastest guys got beat buy a rotary car on the street a while back, film crew was there and everything, and they are not using that footage in any episode and basically act like it never happened. Lame.

10-26-2015, 10:20 AM
I watch it. I'm close enough that I've met several of them at no prep events. The show is setup for ratings, can't have the fastest car on their list get beat by something else. In reality boostedgt has shut down chuck already at a no prep last year. That dudes a legend here in the street racing circle.

10-26-2015, 10:53 AM
My roomates watch it so i'll watch it sometimes.

I don't like how one of their fastest guys got beat buy a rotary car on the street a while back, film crew was there and everything, and they are not using that footage in any episode and basically act like it never happened. Lame.

Yeah that was my rotary tuner who beat the shit out of him.

its bullshit if you ask me.

I don't even watch it anymore bc of that

10-26-2015, 12:04 PM
I just hate how they talked all that crap, got their asses handed to them, and blew it off like it was nothing.

10-26-2015, 01:15 PM
I just hate how they talked all that crap, got their asses handed to them, and blew it off like it was nothing.

You know they also took the Camera of the Rx3!! They literally yanked it off from the car. lol

Hilarious shit

Highway Riding
10-29-2015, 06:53 AM
Entertaining that's for sure. I'm all for any type of automotive entertainment.

10-30-2015, 12:09 PM
I don't like how one of their fastest guys got beat buy a rotary car on the street a while back, film crew was there and everything, and they are not using that footage in any episode and basically act like it never happened. Lame.

that sucks... would've like to see that on TV

Highway Riding
10-30-2015, 12:15 PM
Rotaries have been blazing in the NJ drag scene for eva. Man i would love to have seen this!

10-30-2015, 01:08 PM
Rotaries have been blazing in the NJ drag scene for eva. Man i would love to have seen this!

They have killed the Race track since day 1 son!!

10-30-2015, 03:16 PM
Yeah that was my rotary tuner who beat the shit out of him.

its bullshit if you ask me.

I don't even watch it anymore bc of that

any video of this race?

chato de shamrock
10-30-2015, 03:49 PM
any video of this race?

Yup, with everyone owning a cellphone these days and all cellphones having built in cameras, anything?

10-30-2015, 10:51 PM
the episodes of this show are on youtube if anyone cares to know

11-02-2015, 11:35 PM
any video of this race?

I was wondering the same thing.

I'll admit I liked watching this show even though I knew a lot of it was scripted. I guess I'm a sucker for the "action" shots. The fake drama and story lines just got a bit old.

Someone should edit each episode down to only the relevant parts. Maybe we can watch a full season within an hour or two. :)

11-02-2015, 11:45 PM
Ok so after watching the new episode from tonight, they actually teased the rotary race. Apparently they just didn't want this stuff leaked out before it aired on TV. There's going to be an import episode, from what I saw there is a dsm of some sorts, a MKIV supra on huge slicks, and that rotary car that is stupid fast. Now I'm excited.

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11-03-2015, 01:25 AM
Ok so after watching the new episode from tonight, they actually teased the rotary race. Apparently they just didn't want this stuff leaked out before it aired on TV. There's going to be an import episode, from what I saw there is a dsm of some sorts, a MKIV supra on huge slicks, and that rotary car that is stupid fast. Now I'm excited.

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Yeah, they edit the shit out of it. What they air is not in chronological order at all. episode before last (with fr8train and skinnies) Sean says he wishes his car and the crow were there... well in a few shots you'll see the crow in the background.... iirc, the crow wasn't there that night, but they spliced footage from another night and made it look like they were there.

Another example is when the white rhino put bus lengths on the farm truck after winning the round robin for the 10 spot. The show couldn't have the round robin winner get beat by the gatekeeper.
Back in the late 90s/ early 2000s, i'd ride my bike 2 miles from my house and sit up on a hill overlooking one of their race spots near Chuck's shop. I used to defend the show tooth and nail, but the truth is the is so Hollywood. No doubt the cars are fast as fuck, and these guys been running on the streets since I was a kid... but they wouldn't have as many viewers if farmtruck and Asian weren't goofy, or they weren't betting 10k on races.

I don't know if it's true, but I've heard from a couple people that a few of the higher dollar races weren't even racer's money, it was discovery putting up the money for ratings, so they didn't have a bunch of $100 bets.

11-03-2015, 10:36 AM
The one thing I hate about the show is the sound effects they add in that don't match up at all to what the cars are doing. It's really bad.

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11-03-2015, 10:43 AM
I watch it as last choice. It's too fake.

But then again I don't wAtchison much tv for the same reason

11-04-2015, 06:43 AM
I watched it a few times to appreciate the vehicles, but the fakeness was too great for me to handle in the end.

11-07-2015, 12:29 AM
I watched it a few times to appreciate the vehicles, but the fakeness was too great for me to handle in the end.

yes i agree

especially the illegal part of it lol

11-08-2015, 08:04 PM
yes i agree

especially the illegal part of it lol

haha seriously. "illegal street racing", right...

11-08-2015, 09:15 PM
There is a Finnish show where enthusiasts let professional drivers drive their cars and then they have to listen to their criticism.
Someone should do a show like this in the US.


Highway Riding
11-10-2015, 01:08 PM
Glad rotaries made it in even tho they didn't fair to well.. Rotaries are what got me into cars back in 2000. My roomate's old 2 nd gen with a GT4088 and bridge port :)

11-11-2015, 12:47 AM
There is a Finnish show where enthusiasts let professional drivers drive their cars and then they have to listen to their criticism.
Someone should do a show like this in the US.

That was very cool, but the subtitles cut out right before the pro driver gave his criticism, what the hell? I want to know what he said. I'm guessing it was "what the hell is this much power worth if you spin the tires every time you put your foot down?". I like the idea of having the owner try to beat the pro's lap time in their own car. The owner was a terrible driver, thought he pro didn't look like he did so hot either. That looked like a perfect example of slow=smooth, smooth=fast.

11-11-2015, 06:41 AM
I gave up on reality tv a long time ago, who still finds that shit entertaining anymore?

"Look at me im a fisherman and its stormy out OMG"

"Look at me I drive a truck oh shit its snowing"

"Look at me I own a car modification shop, look at the stuff I do"

"Hey look Im some investigator who is digging up some shit on some old murder case that you wont give a shit about 3 mins after the programming has ended"

How people still find that entertaining baffles me.

South Park hit the nail on the head.

"You know what it is? Commentary. Before you used to sit in the living room and get it from your family or friends. Now you just go on youtube and watch someone else play."


11-11-2015, 01:12 PM
I gave up on reality tv a long time ago, who still finds that shit entertaining anymore?
How people still find that entertaining baffles me
People still find it interesting for the same reasons you used to find it interesting before you gave up on it, I dont understand how it surprises you. But the important thing is that you've given it up, now if we could only get the rest of the country or at least a good percentage of it off of it, Im sure our society could improve. I'm sure television has been in a decline since a few decades ago, but I think we've hit a record low. When tv stations that are suppose to educate have started airing dumb and fake information you know we are in trouble. I once told myself "this reality shit is stupid as hell and wont last long, I can't wait for it to be over", that was over 10 years ago.
I blame the thisagreencar thing and most of the stupid shit we have to deal with today on what the media forces on us including reality television, and I got a feeling the goverment has something to do with this....

11-11-2015, 01:55 PM
I think that I just got my satisfaction from watching it within a few episodes versus other people who have to see every possible combination of scenarios and how the characters respond to EVERY single one.

Like Ice truckers, after one episode I understand that its dangerous, okay thats it.
Jersey shore and pretty much anything off of MTV is "hey look, dumb people AND conflict!!"

Street outlaws was cool until I hit puberty

11-11-2015, 02:24 PM
I think that I just got my satisfaction from watching it within a few episodes versus other people who have to see every possible combination of scenarios and how the characters respond to EVERY single one.

Like Ice truckers, after one episode I understand that its dangerous, okay thats it.
Jersey shore and pretty much anything off of MTV is "hey look, dumb people AND conflict!!"

Street outlaws was cool until I hit puberty

Just like NASCAR...you wait for someone to F up!

11-11-2015, 03:47 PM
i don't understand how anyone can watch this show. so painfully fake and cheesy. it reminds me of early 2000's "reality tv" where they could pull off shit like this and pass it off as "real", but it's 2015 and everyone knows it's staged, but they're still trying. you know it's a bad show when the entire time you're watching it all you're thinking is, "i wonder if there are idiots out there that actually think all this is real?" i'd rather watch orange county choppers. everything on the discovery channel these days is garbage. even shark week sucks now with all the made up megalodon bullshit.

11-11-2015, 08:17 PM
There is a Finnish show where enthusiasts let professional drivers drive their cars and then they have to listen to their criticism.
Someone should do a show like this in the US.

Hot Version/Best Motoring used to do that for a long time. People would bring their cars to compete on the togue and Tsuchiya and Orido would drive them against eachother.

Highway Riding
11-12-2015, 07:12 AM
The best one eva was Tsuchiya drving Orido's Supra :)

11-12-2015, 08:22 AM
Hot Version/Best Motoring used to do that for a long time. People would bring their cars to compete on the togue and Tsuchiya and Orido would drive them against eachother.

loved how Orido understeered in the seeker EG6 straight to the fence and Tsuchiya san just laughed it off :) the best was the my car challenge where the independent racers would get a chance to hot lap their cars and see how they stacked up against the PRO driver of their choice.

11-12-2015, 02:36 PM
My Car Challenge was pretty awesome.

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Highway Riding
11-16-2015, 10:12 AM
Apparently the crashes aren't staged:
First Daddy Dave now Big Chief


Hope they are ok!!!

11-16-2015, 09:12 PM
I saw the episode when they went to Chicago.

They were literally "street racing" on the road that runs parallel to Rt 66's drag strip.

Stupidest shit I've ever seen.