View Full Version : To Believe or not believe?

FastBack 240
08-31-2004, 10:08 PM

Take a look. Some shocking detail about 9/11. Still dont understand. :ugh:

08-31-2004, 10:13 PM
Just because it's written, doesn't make it so. It's an interesting theory though.

08-31-2004, 10:57 PM
the movie version is better but this def has more info...

08-31-2004, 11:15 PM
I dont know.. I still have doubts if its floating in the internet... but its an interesting read though....

And according to John Titor (www.johntitor.com), Civil war will start in the year 2005... so yea..

08-31-2004, 11:19 PM
Whoa there's a 300zx in one of those pics.

08-31-2004, 11:21 PM
If it's on the interweb it must be true!

You can really tell this guy passed english class....

Mr. Badlose
09-01-2004, 10:25 AM
John Titor is based off an RPG session. But it's still a fun read.

I've argued with people about the whole 9/11 conspiracy before & the film: "9/11: In Plane Site," and no one gets anywhere, because all that the conspiracy-nuts can prove is that the events were "fishy". Then they start asking questions no one has the answers for, and then a massive amount of speculation occurs. Lack of understanding does not equal someone being right!

09-01-2004, 11:42 AM
John Titor is based off an RPG session. But it's still a fun read.

I've argued with people about the whole 9/11 conspiracy before & the film: "9/11: In Plane Site," and no one gets anywhere, because all that the conspiracy-nuts can prove is that the events were "fishy". Then they start asking questions no one has the answers for, and then a massive amount of speculation occurs. Lack of understanding does not equal someone being right!

...doesn't mean they're wrong either............ :coolugh:

Mr. Badlose
09-01-2004, 12:11 PM
Of course not!

But a debate about this subject is pretty much futile.

09-01-2004, 12:57 PM
Whoa there's a 300zx in one of those pics.
actually if you are referring to the one with the burning car thats a 92-95 eagle talon.

09-01-2004, 01:22 PM
Yeah the burning one about 1/4 down the page. It sure looks like a 300zx by the roof line, chrome 300zx wheels, the shape of the side skirt, and what appears to be a t-top protruding from the roof. The only thing that is off is the black painted door handle. Here's some pics for reference.



and my z.

09-01-2004, 02:15 PM
well the burning one has a line about close to the botom of the panels, whereas the talon doesnt, btw, who the fuck cares about this shit, what happened happened, btw vote for kerry not becuae he got awards that werent meant for him but because doing so will help get bush out of office, voting for nader or whatnot will accomplish nothing because we already know he will not get office no matter what, so just vote kerry. weve never gone to the moon either, and I talked to titor on aim, he told me everything that happened yesterday, only he was in 2045 but still remembered what happened yesterday in our time, it was quite riveting, im goin to sleep now.

09-01-2004, 02:32 PM
so just vote kerry.
Im not gonna vote for that pussy....

I think all that conspiracy theory is fun to read but thats about it....

09-01-2004, 02:48 PM
kerry is a pussy that lied about his war record and has absolutely no charisma whatsoever. he has no stance on anything and gets lead around by his gigantor chin.

bush is a fucking cowboy that thinks he can trounce on global opinion and get away with it cuz u know, we're AMERICANS. he also thinks he can pull the wool over the eyes of the public and get away with it; and it seems he was right.

both of them suck.

btw i saw another swf animation about the pentagon hit. very interesting stuff... said the same shit as the article above basically. even in the pic below... its supposed to be a 757 that hit the pentagon. wheres the debris? wheres the fire from all the fuel? notice the structure of parts of the 2nd floor and above are still intact. alot of people are saying it was a much smaller plane or a missile. interesting stuff.

09-01-2004, 05:13 PM

Whoever wrote that should be working in the television industry....either writing sitcoms or as a writer for CSI.

FastBack 240
09-01-2004, 08:33 PM
well the burning one has a line about close to the botom of the panels, whereas the talon doesnt, btw, who the fuck cares about this shit, what happened happened, btw vote for kerry not becuae he got awards that werent meant for him but because doing so will help get bush out of office, voting for nader or whatnot will accomplish nothing because we already know he will not get office no matter what, so just vote kerry. weve never gone to the moon either, and I talked to titor on aim, he told me everything that happened yesterday, only he was in 2045 but still remembered what happened yesterday in our time, it was quite riveting, im goin to sleep now.

Personally im not a favor of either Kerry or Bush but its always better to have a Rep. in office then a democrat. Just my .02's.

09-01-2004, 08:48 PM
heres the vid


the gov is all about lieing,.. go to your local library and rent some books about 911, or are u all used to readin jap manuals? LAF

the gov is behind everything, they released HIV to halt population growth, they faked the moon landing to keep the US people safe from the cold war, they fly black helicopters are nite, they homogonize (sp) milk and milk products so the cholesterol cant be broken down by our bodies, therefore we get heart problems and keep the medical field occupied with patients. ( why do u think 80% of farms, mainly cow farms that produce milk are gov. sponsored and supported)

i can go on forever

09-01-2004, 11:07 PM
heres the vid


the gov is all about lieing,.. go to your local library and rent some books about 911, or are u all used to readin jap manuals? LAF

the gov is behind everything, they released HIV to halt population growth, they faked the moon landing to keep the US people safe from the cold war, they fly black helicopters are nite, they homogonize (sp) milk and milk products so the cholesterol cant be broken down by our bodies, therefore we get heart problems and keep the medical field occupied with patients. ( why do u think 80% of farms, mainly cow farms that produce milk are gov. sponsored and supported)

i can go on forever
please go on!

09-02-2004, 07:07 AM
Dont believe everything you read guys, geezus.... my brother helped drag body parts outta the Pentagon along with airliner debris, so please....dont go on. And for all you Bush haters out there, Bush DIDNT lie about anything concerning Iraq. He acted on the best top-of-the-line intelligence before he made the desicion (along with his entire cabinet). The info turned out to be inaccurate, that doesnt mean he lied. Think about that along with all the other bullshit thats out there to read and watch...

Kerry is a little bitch-made ass-face and Bush is still a freakin knuckle-head....so what you gonna do...?

09-02-2004, 07:35 AM
heres the vid


the gov is all about lieing,.. go to your local library and rent some books about 911, or are u all used to readin jap manuals? LAF

the gov is behind everything, they released HIV to halt population growth, they faked the moon landing to keep the US people safe from the cold war, they fly black helicopters are nite, they homogonize (sp) milk and milk products so the cholesterol cant be broken down by our bodies, therefore we get heart problems and keep the medical field occupied with patients. ( why do u think 80% of farms, mainly cow farms that produce milk are gov. sponsored and supported)

i can go on forever

lmao... the gov't is too incompetent to orchestrate anything substantial. if there are conspiracies going on i would guess large corporate conglomerates or secret societies; of which some members happen to be in elected office. wewt!

09-02-2004, 08:55 AM
heres the vid


the gov is all about lieing,.. go to your local library and rent some books about 911, or are u all used to readin jap manuals? LAF

the gov is behind everything, they released HIV to halt population growth, they faked the moon landing to keep the US people safe from the cold war, they fly black helicopters are nite, they homogonize (sp) milk and milk products so the cholesterol cant be broken down by our bodies, therefore we get heart problems and keep the medical field occupied with patients. ( why do u think 80% of farms, mainly cow farms that produce milk are gov. sponsored and supported)

i can go on forever

:bs: This sounds like a Michael Moore movie............

Bill Roberts
09-02-2004, 10:38 AM
I agree. Someone, has an over-active imagination.

:bs: to that site.

09-02-2004, 02:37 PM
^ I BELIEVE you guys are right.

09-02-2004, 03:51 PM
they did make a movie, its called conspriacy theory. anyways I live by the pentagon and saw the damage after it happened. I know a guy who's mom works near there and she was talking on 9-11 about walking out of her office and being able to smell the burning jet fuel and burning bodies. also explain this: 395/295/66 all three are MAJOR highways that go right in front of the pentagon. there were people on the highways when this happened, guarentee it, if no plane hit it, never flew low over the highways, then why has noone on the highways gone "yeah I saw the building blow but no big airplane ever flew over top of us"???

FastBack 240
09-02-2004, 03:53 PM
^ yea but there was no blow by. Im not doubting it happend. I truely believe it did but why doesnt some thing match up?

I also talked to some of the fire fighters and they told me about it and that made me a believer. Just don't know why shits missing.

09-02-2004, 03:56 PM
The commie reds are comming!!! watch your neighbors they might be ruskies!!!

09-02-2004, 06:57 PM
^^^^^ is trying to make it seem like he's saving america, you know what that means. solid ruskie

09-02-2004, 08:41 PM
they did make a movie, its called conspriacy theory. anyways I live by the pentagon and saw the damage after it happened. I know a guy who's mom works near there and she was talking on 9-11 about walking out of her office and being able to smell the burning jet fuel and burning bodies. also explain this: 395/295/66 all three are MAJOR highways that go right in front of the pentagon. there were people on the highways when this happened, guarentee it, if no plane hit it, never flew low over the highways, then why has noone on the highways gone "yeah I saw the building blow but no big airplane ever flew over top of us"???

o WOW... ur freakin joking

his mom must be a 2 faced whore, 99% of people dont know what jet fuel smells like!! and niether do they know what burning bodies smell like!!! wtf that was the stupidest thing someone could say. she is just generalizing the situation.

the plane parts in penn. and at the pentagon were planted there.. thats why the rolls royce engines dont match the engines of a 747... they were prolly taken from the wharehouse that housed the twa 800 crash parts.

also why did they find a few of the hijackers luggage at the airports of take off? what kind of moron packs luggage if he knows he is gonna bring the plane down and kill himself in the process? the luggage was planted by the FBI.

also tell me why a small team of FEMA persons were in NYC on sept. 10??? one even admiited to this, and FEMA denied his interiew and he was later fired.

jet fuel burns at 1100F, its takes more then double that to weaken/melt steel. those towers should have not fallen.

also the pentagon.. u think a hijacker with 2 person plane flying experience could hit a building 5-6 stories high traveling at 500+mph???? aim a huge ass plane a freakin 60 or less feet.. and hit it perfectly head on w/o damaging the grass? ya a trained pilot with military experenice could not do that.. that plane took a 2g turn, which can only be done manually, not by autopiilot.

also out of the 19 hijackers.. u know that 7 were found alive a few months after 9/11 over in the middle east? wat did the fbi do? nothing

one fbi agent who was working on a case of terrorist attacks by plane died in the first tower... was his work continued and finisheD? nope! the fbi classified that stuff and closed his case.

do a google seach for the mysterious pods under the wtc planes.. they show a small blast like a missle being fired .5 sec before the plane hit the building. the buildings were studied by experts and alot agree that the way they fell looked no doubt like a controlled explosion. http://www.amics21.com/911/mysterious.html --< i cant find the video currently, looks like the site has been closed wit the vid.

anyone notice how more videos and pics are disappearing off sites? hmmm cover up.

on oct 12,, donald rumsfeld was interviewed and he mentioned the word missle and plane in regards to the pentagon attack. he basically slippped up, and its even hosted on the offical pentagon site.

the planes from penn. and pentagon never blew up or were hit. they landed in a military base in canada and were hidden. the 2 planes were gonna be used if the WTC planes didnt do thier job.. but since they did.. they didnt need em anymore.

more to come after i get back to my apple, i wrote all his on the toilet on my laptop at work.

09-02-2004, 09:38 PM
i wrote all his on the toilet on my laptop at work.

Well that explains alot........

09-02-2004, 11:07 PM
it's all in the money.... fueling the money for economy. money talks.

09-03-2004, 01:07 AM
eh, f this, im going to europe

09-03-2004, 02:47 AM
Well that explains alot........
:rofl: :rofl:

09-03-2004, 10:16 AM
i hate to be the one to break this to you but it doesn't mater! Think about this for a second, lets assume you are 100% right and the government does all this crap that you acuse it of. what are you going to do about it. Even if you have iron clad proof (which you don't and aren't even close to having) the genral populus won't belive you and will pass you off as being nuts. lets say you get your proof, you will know and maybe a few others will know but you still won't beable to do anything about it. will it make your life better to know? if so how? becuase you will not change anything on a large scale. this is a case where perception > reality. it doesn't mater weather this perception is true or not it is still more powerful.

BiluMaster K's
09-03-2004, 01:31 PM
I didnt need to see this to figure out our country is corrupt...close the thread before the feds come and scoop up all who posted in favor of conspiracy!

um, God bless the USA

09-03-2004, 02:31 PM
I didnt need to see this to figure out our country is corrupt...close the thread before the feds come and scoop up all who posted in favor of conspiracy!

um, God bless the USA

Do I hear a second? To lock the thread?

09-03-2004, 03:07 PM
^^^Seconded :thumbsup: