View Full Version : Ka24DET KOUKI S14 from the great white north.

10-13-2015, 04:10 PM
:picardfp: Just wrote out this entire thread, then zilvia fucked up and signed me out.

ROUND 2 - FIGHT! :fawkd:

Whats up Zilvia,

Probably should have been writing this as I went, but you have to be at least kind-of finished to post one of things...so forgive me for a lack of early photos, and a less than mint memory.

Been lurking the forums since I was in highschool, saving up to score an schassis. None of my friends were into cars so I didn't really know much, and had no experience working on them at all. That said, I could tell you exactly how many sil80's were built through 'nissan'... I did a lot of daydreaming.

Right after graduation I started looking, and after about six monthes found a rust free, never winter driven kouki s14 on the east coast. Flew out and it was absolutely mint so I shipped it back home, absolutely over the moon. :2f2f:


1997 LE with 125xxx KM's (80k miles-ish I think?). Pretty mud stock, had some rando kit on it some new coils.

The day it landed in Calgary, fuck I was so stoked.

After all the searching I only ended up being able to drive the car for about a month before it snowed. Stored it that winter at my grandparents farm house, which was a 45 minute drive from my house with no heat... not the best working conditions... not that it mattered as I had no tools, and no idea how to do an oil-change at this point. Due to all this, car didn't really get touched for the better part of 6 or 7 months. I think I threw a steering wheel in it as well as a shift boot/knob I had gotten from my then-girlfriend.

On a side-note, the terrible design from the factory for the shift boot pissed me right off when it exploded, so this was my solution. Still think it was a great little mod and has made working on anything down there 1000x easier.


Did a little bit of refurbishing on some stuff so I felt like I was doing something


That spring I scooped some DC headers and a beat Fujitsubo catback that I spent hours polishing while watching formula D in my basement lol.


Quick story - Was creeping my way though picknpull looking for anything cool one day in like ... February (snow EVERYWHERE). Found nothing so was on my way out though the truck section when I tripped and ate shit. Looked back and saw a litte silvia badge poking out of the snow. Did some digging and ended up finding a set of oem-gradation s13 silvia mats which I guess were some kind of rare factory option in Japan? Cleaned them up, but ended up giving them to my buddy for his s13 coupe when nobody on Kijiji wanted them. To this day I still think its the craziest thing that I found them there, and like that... but anyways, crazier things have happened I suppose. Moving on.

http://i.imgur.com/SpoVCnR.jpg (before/after)

Pulled my car out that spring and did some cleaning with my one buddy who was into cars


That summer was dope. Met pretty much all of my buddies who are into cars, and learned pretty much everything about working on shit that I know now. Had an epic time with some really awesome people going to meets, learning to slide my weak sauce na ka, etc. Miss it like hell. :naw:


bought a blown up civic with my buddy and swapped the motor in a weekend to make some $$$ while in uni.
scooped an ergo1 cause I was sick of sliding around while... sliding around...
infamous barlow meets
anybody wondering what a 700hp na ka looks like, here you go
sorry mom
scored some rough z32's and cleaned them up cause the stock brakes were terribad.
sorry again
more sorry

random snowstorm in september that meant I put the car away earlier than I would have hoped. Grandparents had moved into the city so i had to look elsewhere, buddy was nice enough to let me stache it in his garage with his evo x for the winter.

End of first post just because I have hit the image cap, more in the next post.