10-12-2015, 01:24 PM
Selling my set of spares since the car will be out of commission for a while. All parts are brand new and never installed all for s14/15. Shipping any buyers expense, if interested message me at 951-544-8745
Megan ruca- 120$
Megan rear toe- 80$
http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w22/fcdrifter20/IMAG0378.jpg (http://s172.photobucket.com/user/fcdrifter20/media/IMAG0378.jpg.html)
Megan ruca- 120$
Megan rear toe- 80$
http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w22/fcdrifter20/IMAG0378.jpg (http://s172.photobucket.com/user/fcdrifter20/media/IMAG0378.jpg.html)