View Full Version : Bit Torrent

08-29-2004, 06:02 PM
anybody use it? any pros here?

i just got into the game. but i have no idea how to use it! i dont understand the tracker, webhost, seeder or whatever


tew photy
08-29-2004, 06:29 PM
well ive used bittorrent for a while, but what i always do is right click/save as the torrent, which is the link you click on the page. btw, i assume youre using http://www.suprnova.org right? so i save the torrent, which is only like 15 kb, on the desktop, then open it from there. all you do is choose where you want it to download, and it should start on its own. try to choose torrents with a lot of activity, it usually goes faster. sometimes though, the torrents just dont work for me, so dont worry if that shit happens to you. bittorrent is really a hit or miss type of thing, but it works for me probably 75% of the time, and you can get really cool shit haha

08-29-2004, 06:51 PM
bittornado is my favorite program to download the torrents. that aserus or whatever is also good.

seeder - people who distribute the files
leecher - people downloading
tracker - some websites use trackers to monitor your share rating (download/upload) and might ban you..

you download the .torrent file, then the program to open the torrent. the program downloads it again as .avi's, mpgs etc.

08-29-2004, 06:53 PM
hey dude, it all depends on your ISP if they let you have 6881-6891 ports open. On bellsouth I couldn't cause the ISP close them auto. I got RoadRunner for Cable internet and I can open up my ports freely and now I get the max speed on bittorrent files.

Get either BitTornado or Bittorrent Azureus Client programs. Just pick one. BitTornado doesn't work for me, but Azureus works awesome and with Azureus you can check if those ports above are open or not.

Like tew photy said suprnova.org is the best cause its common and there are lots of seeds(basicly uploaders, servers) for popular titles. The more seeds the better.

But yea its a real hit or miss. Make sure that u don't have firewire on or make sure to speific the ports you want to be open. You can go to suprnova.org -> Forums -> How To Section -> Page 2 -> I don't know the exact name of the title but its something like How to get faster download speeds or Slow Download speeds. It should be in the middle somewhere. If you have any questions just post up and i'll help ya out.

Bittorrent relys on shares, so keep up the download client for a few hours or something so you can give people some extra Kb's when ur done downloading ur thing.

08-29-2004, 07:16 PM
I've been using ABC 'Another Bittorrent Client'. What's nice about ABC is it lets you control how much bandwidth to allot to each download/upload and how many clients you can have d/ling from you.
I tend to frequent suprnova, and if torrentsearch.us ever goes back up, I'll use them again.

08-29-2004, 08:00 PM
I use azerus, best client out imo

08-29-2004, 09:41 PM
what sites do you all download the torrents from?

besides suprnova.org

08-30-2004, 11:19 AM
ise use torrentstorm, simple interface, lets me control whatever i need.

08-30-2004, 11:49 AM
i cant wait to get my broadband hehehe

08-30-2004, 12:07 PM
One word of warning on bit torrent. It isn't anonymous, in fact it would be real easy for someone (read: RIAA) to find out what you have downloaded from using it.

With that said, I use it all the time and it is great. Just maybe not for the privacy conscious.

08-30-2004, 07:57 PM
Macdoucher is right.
RIAA/MPAA can get on your case, as bittorrent is a filesharing program. There's no way to NOT share files (Like Kazaa).

I'm depending on my location to keep me out of trouble. We'll see how that works out.

08-31-2004, 12:45 AM
if you use azerus there are plugins like safe peer, and if you sign up on a site that requires registration, its pretty safe (knock on wood) also there is a program called peer guardian that is very helpfull. Not that i engage in illegal downloads or anything...

09-02-2004, 10:29 PM
well ive used bittorrent for a while, but what i always do is right click/save as the torrent, which is the link you click on the page. btw, i assume youre using http://www.suprnova.org right? so i save the torrent, which is only like 15 kb, on the desktop, then open it from there. all you do is choose where you want it to download, and it should start on its own. try to choose torrents with a lot of activity, it usually goes faster. sometimes though, the torrents just dont work for me, so dont worry if that shit happens to you. bittorrent is really a hit or miss type of thing, but it works for me probably 75% of the time, and you can get really cool shit haha

i tired that and this is what i get

"Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error (7,;getaddinfo failed:)>

wats that mean

09-07-2004, 10:03 AM
has suprnova been down?? i have been trying to get to their site, but i always get timed out.

09-07-2004, 10:24 AM
just an update for people looking for sites... http://www.geocities.com/bit_torrent_sites/

09-07-2004, 06:02 PM
just open search.suprnova.org. It never fails me.

09-07-2004, 10:30 PM
i've found out that if you are running firefox it does not open up suprnova.org just an FYI