View Full Version : Omg police are huge bullshitters

08-29-2004, 02:49 AM
I was on my way home driving very carefully since it was 1am. I approach a stop and notice a cop car reversing from a driveway or turning around the street and blocking the street I was about to make a left on. I'm like "oh crap a cop" and immediately drive EXTRA careful towards the stop. I stop a foot early and now his car is sideways on the street I want to turn on so i'm like "omg wtf is this dumbass doing". Then I creep thru the turn starting a foot from the stop sign and he finally starts straightening out and I have to even slow down after the turn cause he's still straightening to go the opposing direction. After I pass he U turns immediately and pulls me over. He approaches and says that I "didn't make a complete stop". My first thought is 'wtf is he talking about'. I say "oh I was sure I stopped though". Then he goes "yea a lot of young drivers 'think' they stop too." I'm like 'who the hell are you trying to convince dumbass, I may only have been driving for 3 years but I didnt get my license just yesterday dude'. Then he gives me the ticket and the court date is during school so I won't be around anymore to do it and I'll have to change the date and make a trip home JUST to deal with this BS. I'm pretty sure I can fight it since I KNOW I made a conscious effort to stop since I saw his car and he was definitely moving his car backwards when I WAS stopped a foot before the sign. Unless he mistook my rolling after the stop as 'rolling' through the stop this cop was a total idiot and was bullshitting everything.

I'm just pissed right now :smash:

08-29-2004, 04:37 AM
yeah sorry to say this but when u go to court its his word against yours....cops are fucking pricks. ive never met a normal one....

08-29-2004, 04:39 AM
first offense..they will probably lower it for ya.

08-29-2004, 04:45 AM
usually the cop doesnt show up. if he doesnt then all charges are dropped no questions asked. good luck

08-29-2004, 05:11 AM
Yea I just talked to some friends about it. They said since he wasn't directly facing me he won't have camera footage/evidence so I'd probably get off if I fought it in the end. I hate the fact that this guy could get away with making false reports and try to actually MAKE me believe I didn't stop.

But just in case how does a the option of traffic school get taken away? Is it all up to the judge or does it depend on the type of offense? I'm thinking even if I lose its not an unbearable fine and 6 hours of traffic school is just as bad as a second court appearance to me since I have to make a trip back home for a weekend to deal with either.

So far I've only had bad experiences with cops. They stop me for the dumbest things and in this case nothing. Last time I was pulled over it was cause my front license plate wasn't mounted -_-. On the occasions when I speed with the traffic on the fwy late at night theres no chp around. Iono this is just kinda ironic to me >_>.

08-30-2004, 11:05 PM
If he does show up, just plead no contest...

Bill Roberts
08-30-2004, 11:18 PM
Zenki, seldom do I slam anyone but that is some fucked up advice...

If he does show up, just plead no contest...

Do you realize pleading no contest and standing in the middle of the courtroom yelling at the top of your lungs GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY is the same thing?

Well, it is!

He needs to explain , he did a double stop. One at 1 foot before the stop sign, one after he saw the cop...(because the cop may have gone into pursuit mode) and then proceeded with caution after he saw the cop was clear of the road.

No contest.

Now that is 10000000000000000000% :bs:

08-31-2004, 01:33 AM
I was on my way home driving very carefully since it was 1am. I approach a stop and notice a cop car reversing from a driveway or turning around the street and blocking the street I was about to make a left on. I'm like "oh crap a cop" and immediately drive EXTRA careful towards the stop. I stop a foot early and now his car is sideways on the street I want to turn on so i'm like "omg wtf is this dumbass doing". Then I creep thru the turn starting a foot from the stop sign and he finally starts straightening out and I have to even slow down after the turn cause he's still straightening to go the opposing direction. After I pass he U turns immediately and pulls me over. He approaches and says that I "didn't make a complete stop". My first thought is 'wtf is he talking about'. I say "oh I was sure I stopped though". Then he goes "yea a lot of young drivers 'think' they stop too." I'm like 'who the hell are you trying to convince dumbass, I may only have been driving for 3 years but I didnt get my license just yesterday dude'. Then he gives me the ticket and the court date is during school so I won't be around anymore to do it and I'll have to change the date and make a trip home JUST to deal with this BS. I'm pretty sure I can fight it since I KNOW I made a conscious effort to stop since I saw his car and he was definitely moving his car backwards when I WAS stopped a foot before the sign. Unless he mistook my rolling after the stop as 'rolling' through the stop this cop was a total idiot and was bullshitting everything.

I'm just pissed right now :smash:

:eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

Sorry to hear about your ticket. What you should have said to the officer after he commented to you that you didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign was, "I'm sorry officer, but I had to stop twice at the stop sign because of you. First as I approached...and tried to figure out what you were doing...either reversing or blocking the street..Then as I crawled thru the stop sign trying to figure out what you were doing!
Saying something like that to the officer would have let him know that you saw him & you did come to a complete stop & you were sitting there for a few seconds trying to figure out what the hell to do because the cop was being stupid & blocking the street trying to make a U-turn.
Unfortunately, the cop only saw what he saw....whatever that was...remember he's trying to make a U turn so his attention is focused somewhere else at the time....so he's convinced that what he may have seen is right. Cops have done this a few times....if they THINK they saw you commit a moving violation, they will pull you over & try to get you to admit it even though they themselves are unsure. Had you explained what you saw & what you did, he might not have given you a ticket.
But then again, if the cop's in a pissed off mood & has a bias towards young drivers, (which he seems to have since he made that statement to you), then you're screwed!! All you can do is go to court, give your statement to the judge & hope the judge is not an asshole & in a cool mood to question the officer about his actions prior to giving you a ticket. If the judge believes you then you might get lucky & get off. I wouldn't hold out for that option though...sometimes judges can be even worse than the cops...some judges won't even listen to your story.
Your other option is pay the fine & ask for traffic school. Even though you were in the right & the cop wasn't, it may be easier just to go to traffic school. Less hassle involved.
Anyhow, Good luck with everything...hope things work in your favor..

08-31-2004, 01:48 AM
Oh wow, another MPK resident here. I hate MPPD, SGPD and APD especially. Good luck. You'll probably get Judge Rottenburg (I kid you not, that's his name!) at the Alhambra Municipal court. He's a real mean guy, watch out. He's not lenient (sp?) and doesnt buy excuses.

08-31-2004, 06:02 AM
I think I got it worked out. My friend informed me how to get it worked out without going to court and I have a better chance of winning this way. Also I have a connect with someone who has influence in MPK so they might be able to help me out, I'll have a chat with them tomorrow morning.

I've actually had multiple encounters with this cop. He refused to take a report when my friend's integra was hit in a lollicup parking lot. He also gave my buddy with a 300zx tt a warning for absolutely nothing. Still he's definitely not as bad as the "old guy" (people from Monterey Park should know who I'm talking about -_-).

08-31-2004, 10:14 AM
Not all cops are bullshitters. Just remember that.

Every organization has its 'bad apples'......

08-31-2004, 10:30 AM
Thats sucks. A very similar thing happened to me a while ago. The cop was quite the smart ass and asked me if I had stop signs where I lived, and then claimed to have vascar'd me through a turn with a stop sign (mind you this is relatively impossible).

Anyways, as for advice. If you do end up going to court, I would keep whatever court date they originally give you, and thenat the last minute get it changed. You can usually get away with doing this a few times, and after the cop has to keep changing his schedule to accommodate your court date, he is less likely to show up. And if he doesn't show up you are pretty much home free.

09-01-2004, 10:59 PM
i hate alhambra cops and lapd. they fucking love to harass import cars. do not speed on alantic or valley.

09-01-2004, 11:14 PM
Haha cops catch a lot of ppl speeding on valley near tap xpress. Beware they hide very well O.0.

09-02-2004, 12:50 AM
Most cops are bullshitters. Just remember that.

Every organization has its 'good apples'......

now its right