View Full Version : Smokers....

08-28-2004, 02:11 AM
just curious.... iv been smoking since i was 15.. and chain smoking since 16 and a half.. im 18 now.. and i need to quit smoking.. cause im probly gonna die or somthing... has anybody here quit smoking? what have you done to quit?... thanks for any replys...( by smoking.. i mean cigs... not bud...)

08-28-2004, 02:25 AM
Well being badass you started smoking...What do you even get from smoking anyways. At least the reefer gives you something to look forward to. In fact by buying smokes your just allowing the government to thrive on your pointless addiction. Not many realize the huge roll that cigarette companies play.

Did you know that in each of the year 2001 and 2002, the total spent by the companies exceeded $300 million - and that over $77 million was provided to more than 70,000 retailers....

08-28-2004, 03:08 AM
having a shit load of sex, and always playing with the car. One or the other. You'll forget about smoking. If not, you're probably gay.

hahaha, I don't know. I don't smoke. I'm too poor.

08-28-2004, 07:11 AM
just stop. every time you get a bad craving and bum a smoke, crush it before you can light it.
The guy you just bummed it from will get pissed at you, so be ready to give him some money or something to pay him back.
But crush the cigarrette in your hand until all the pieces fall out of your hand.. this'll take awhile and take your mind off of the craving (at least somewhat). Just don't turn to alcohol or food for solace.
If anything, :wackit:.

08-28-2004, 10:56 PM
smoke em if you got em

08-28-2004, 11:36 PM
been trying sex.. my g'f is worn out now...(chain smokin.. means alot of craving...) =(.. been playing with a spaire KA.. thats working... i went a whole day with out a smoke... tryed kevins idea... hahah.. i made alot of people pissed... so far soo good... i guess trying to stop smoking.. you need the right state of mind... like you gotta tell your self your gonna quit.. you just cant do it... but.. now that i tryed to quit.. its no big deal.. i dont know why im being such a pussy... thanks for the advice guys... =)

08-28-2004, 11:44 PM
what im trying to do now (to quit of course) is to try and replace smoking with something i dont like, whenever you get the craving....something like doing 50 pushups or something physical...

its pretty much is working, but i go out and drink and next thing ya know, that cig is back in my hand...all lit and everything...

so stop drinking too, a smoke goes hand in hand with drinking (at least for me it does)

good luck bro

Andrew Bohan
08-29-2004, 12:04 AM
take a cig, take the paper off, and dump the tobacco on your tongue and then chew it around.
that should make you hate cigs for a while.

if that doesn't work, lick the bottom of a well used ashtray

08-29-2004, 12:38 AM
Get out the Xbox controller or Ps2 controller =]

08-29-2004, 12:57 AM
Ash into a cup with water in it and also put the cig out in the cup. After the cup is filled with buds and stanky water, drink it. You will never want a cig again.

That or whenever you get a craving chew Watermellon Bubbalishious Gum. :D

-WeST (on the laptop)

08-29-2004, 01:06 AM
I used to smoke about 1 1/2 pack of Marlboro Red a day, and I've been smoking since I was about 18. The thing that I found to help me cut back is excercise and other physical activities, for the last year I've cut back to about 3 cigarettes/day without any craving. Good luck to you.

08-29-2004, 01:09 AM
should def. quit! especially if u started chain smokin. my friend went into the hospital for smoking at like age 22. Came out big as a ballon. medicine probably slowed her metabolism... to a crawl. But he lungs were filled w/ tar and she was hospitalized for a long time. try gum.. or dont drive cuz i smoke only when i drive (i'm a hypocrite). or my friend tried this sounded like a good idea.. chew on a straw everytime so u keep ur mouth busy (didnt work for her cuz she had only couple straws and way more cigs). or go cold turkey and good luck! ya i need to quit.. i'm so good i quit like 10 times

08-29-2004, 01:11 AM
LMFAO....go to your local arcade and play intial d when you get a craving.....HAH!!!

08-29-2004, 01:32 AM
wow.. great advice guys... imma try em all.. i got to! haha... thanks again... i guess its back to FF7... that shit is addictive!!.....

tew photy
08-29-2004, 02:21 PM
duuuude i havent had a smoke in 2 days, trying to be a badass and quit cold turkey. 18 and a half and i dont wanna be a smoker...

08-30-2004, 12:01 AM
Like Dale from king of the hill, I don't know what to do with my hands. But toothpick are a good way to quit smoking. Or keep yoursel occupied. Get the round ones and if your richm get the minty flavored ones...

08-30-2004, 12:36 AM
smoking is more of a mental thing. get ur mind rite and do things that relieve stress. ever tried a spa for a massage. it'll keep ur mind off it and make u realize its not so important.

my friend's dad just survived from a lung operation.

he was smoking since he was 15. at 42 now he was developing respiratory problems. he had trouble breathing at nighttime, so he was afraid to sleep (he may not wake up if he did). for weeks and weeks he didn't sleep in fear for his own life. after a while he was coughing up blood and was rushed to the hospital. he recieved a transplanted lung. luckily one was available suitable for his body. so for all of u donors out there, thanks...

smoking isn't a joke, it takes weeks (maybe even months) away from your life and could affect every1 u know. just think of how hurt all those people would be if u were gone for good. think about that. its silent motivation, no need for gimmicks or excuses. just seriously stop and think about it.

08-30-2004, 12:46 AM
Join the military

Buffalo Daughter
08-30-2004, 01:43 AM
I recently quit smoking like seriously cold turkey like that. I have been smoking since about 14, on through high school, and then off and on again and it got really bad when i started smoking again in 2001. I smoked like sometimes 2 packs every two days sometimes 3 packs a day. Parties when id be drinking id be smoking up a storm, bumming smokes from everyone, yo it sucked. I stopped because of well a lot of things. To name a few, i smelled and my gf didnt like it, i mean shit i reaked. Fucken 4 something for a pack of smokes? shit i need gas man and i travel alot sometimes and with me shit i need all the money i can get. When i smoked i got tired, i mean the shit relaxes you and well i got lazy. I chain smoked like a motherfucker. I didnt know my own limit, i just smoked one after another. I mean my cousin whos been smoking for a long ass time can stretch a pack out for a week. Me on the other hand is like what a day sometimes not even a day pending on what im doing and how i feel. But yeah it really is your will power overall. I mean how convienced are you to stop smoking? You may say that you want to or try to but you know you can quit when you can do the things you do without having to fall back on smoking, say after sex you can just chill and not smoke. Or after being pissed off not craving a cigerette. I tried eating like fruits cause i would smoke at work on break and lunch. Yeah but youll know you can quit when you dont involve or crave cigerettes in your daily life.

08-30-2004, 07:12 AM
maybe you should just be a man and realize that you are the only one capable of affecting this situation with any sort of regularity.

or maybe you just want attention so you post this crap for all the world to see in order to get some sympathy...

you quit by not doing it anymore.

advice is usually the thing you ask for when you already know what you should probably do anyways.

08-30-2004, 11:17 AM
cold turkey's the only way. Pain is a teacher you never forget

08-30-2004, 05:32 PM
chew gum 2 substitute for the tobacco.... or nicoderm patch... y dunt u try that out

08-30-2004, 07:18 PM
Quit cold turkey. The physical addiction only lasts for three days then it's just the habitual part. Make sure that you pick a time for those three days when you will be totally alone b/c you will be a ruthless, mean, obnoxious, angry bastard and people tend not to like that in people. I put together model cars and stuff like that to occupy my mind.

08-31-2004, 12:21 AM
having a shit load of sex, and always playing with the car. One or the other. You'll forget about smoking. If not, you're probably gay.

hahaha, I don't know. I don't smoke. I'm too poor.

a ciggarette is best after sex... after playing with my car on the mountains , i need a ciggarette. and i have a girlfriend...

best way i figured would be, stop buying packs of yose, instead bum them. if you get desperate... good luck.... as i am trying to fight this ciggarette addiction as well

08-31-2004, 09:22 AM
same here...workin on my car diving it makes me want to smoke...

also tryin to quit, need to stop killing myself

08-31-2004, 10:00 AM
... has anybody here quit smoking?

Yeah, when one of my lungs collapsed completely.

what have you done to quit?... thanks for any replys...( by smoking.. i mean cigs... not bud...)

Well... when shoving a tube through my ribcage failed to re-inflate my lung I had extensive thorasic surgery to reattach my lung. After that, I was on morphine for a while, then darvocet, then percocet. So after all that .....and just generally being happy to breathe again, quitting smoking wasn't too hard.

08-31-2004, 01:33 PM
The only sure way to quit is cold turkey. Do not rely on nicotine patches and gum, as they contain nicotine. I found the most helpful substitute for me has been sunflower seeds. As smoking is more or less a mouth fetish... replacing smoking with another mouth activity (man that sounds wrong) will work. other things that recuce the cravings are:

if you get a really bad caving, go run around the block. Being out of breath is a sure fire way to kill a craving!

Good luck!