View Full Version : dang pigs....

08-28-2004, 01:34 AM
Well story goes, after dinner I meet up with some fellow 240sx people (3) this night behind a Lowes. Alley is long enough and wide enough to practice some gymkana techniques and low speed narrow-to-wide angle drifts at the corner. Somehow I knew I had a bad feeling so instead of practicing, I waited next to the church to see if any cop's had their sirens lit from down the road or a group of them were pulling into the front parking lot. Waiting in the dark I start to get paranoid especially around that area because of the dumb and stupidness of ricers "drag" racing up and down the main road. Well after hearing some helicopter pass by I get even paranoid, call one of the guys to ask when they want to leave. Supposedly they stopped, and were talking, so I drive back there and converse a little more. Getting more and more paranoid I swore I had saw a blue light flash from behind us in the trees. Everyone's just telling me I'm getting too paranoid and to chill. Well, even though I am, I suggest it would still be better to roll over to one of the guys apt since its down the road since it's not good just talk in the back especially since all the lights were turned off.

As soon as we go roll off to the right corner exit, I see headlights coming up from the left. DAM, I knew thats not a good sign. I slowly let the car roll forward and the car speeds up almost rear ending me, blares the sirens while another patrol car almost's rams the first car leading out. I know we were wrong but, c'mon if we wanted to avoid them we would have gone faster then 10mph. Anyway we know our rights, but they still going over the routine bs, checking DL, insurance, looking at each of the cars. Since the owner of the business was not there they can't press charges , so no jail time. But possible ticket(s). Well they start telling each driver to get out the car, triple team interrogation as the go down the cars. I dont know what the others said but I kept my story as straight as I could with a professional manner. Basically "We were here to scout out the back lot to review it and if possible request a meeting with the owner if we could rent it legally and practice/drifting legally." then the rookie cop ask's if I know how much trouble I am. With a calm tone I said yes. Then he asks, "well if I was you I would tell the truth and tell me which cars were drag racing. It could lessen your punishment" Puzzled, I just told him no one was drag racing. (there's no burnout marks parrallel to each other anyway) And told him I was to the side taking notes (college stuff in the passenger seat), I heard some tire squeal but couldn't say who was doing what. Which they wanted us to point the finger on each other and mess up all our stories, didn't work.

Well the chunky cop then gather all of us around, gives us some b.s. like that lowe was robbed at night, asked us if we met up were all these honda's met up, basically being an ass. While all of us still being calm, the chunky cop asks the other cops what they should do with us. First one, "how bout lock them up for the night, I'm tired of this shit" (of what? drag racing? which we weren't, lol check the tire marks, straigts are for sissys who can't corner) The rookie cop's just says he doesn't know. So chunky cop then says "watch closely I'm going to make four cars dissapear in 3 mins" at first I thought he was going to impound our cars or some crap, be he gives us our DL's back and told us to scram.

Well, hopefully after the meeting with Ghost of Duluth from Drifting.com before Nopi, we can eventually rent out a legal venue such as the football field length skid pad for us to practice. Besides I really want to work on my brake foot work to know my car's braking limitation. Gymkana anyone?

FastBack 240
08-28-2004, 01:42 AM
Terrible. Cops like to make younger folks like some of us here a little paranoid and such. Happend to me before. Just keeping the story legit and totally true and they look at you like your retarted and kinda snicker with a grin. "Come on tell the truth." or get "I like to call it that sometimes to". Cops can be good for you but it always seems they dont believe a word when you tell the truth and are always out to get you but once you need them they are 2-3 hours late. :(