View Full Version : Radiator flush effect on thermostat?

09-10-2015, 06:36 PM
My coolant passages are coroded and I'm going to be flushing the system. Are there precautions I should take? Like new thermostat or something?

09-13-2015, 02:12 PM
Just pull the thermostate and run water through it till you get it clean. When your done put it all back together with redline water weter. When you replace the thermostate makes ure you get a god seal.

Once everythings done start the car with the radiator cap off. Once the thermostate opens and water fills the block top off the radiator and close it all up.

Drive the car for a day or two while watching temps then again burp the system form the cap. If you ahve a bleed fitting on the thermostate housing id burp it there too. You should be fine though. Not hard to do what your trying. Google for the ebst way to remove corrosion.

09-13-2015, 07:29 PM
cool thanks for the tips!