View Full Version : Army veteran small business startup ( not spam)

08-27-2015, 04:38 PM

Hello fellow zilvians, I come asking for your help. I'm trying to start a small business to better myself and secure the future for my family. Every little bit helps. Even if you choose not to donate please share the link. Thank you for your time.

Nathan Oglesby


Almighty So
08-27-2015, 05:25 PM
I can appreciate the fact that you are doing what you can to help your family but Zilvia doesn't always respond very well to gofundme pleas for help..

If you're trying to sound professional in your attempt to seek investment from interested parties that haven't heard of you before, you should probably proofread before you post.
my business im looking to start
Not that big of a deal but makes you look silly.

Also, in the event of getting getting too drunk at a bar that my car is already at, I would absolutely not call a random kid on a scooter to drive it home for me.

I have too many questions already.

-Am I supposed to ride shotgun home in my own car? That's the only time I'd feel semi comfortable letting a random kid drive my car. But if I'm at a bar wasted with friends and can't drive, I'd probably leave with them instead of getting dropped off at home by myself. (I'm already drunker than I wanted to be in this situation, why would the good decisions start now? Even if I go with them and still try to use the service, everyone is just waiting on my drunk ass to get someone to move my car when it's so much easier to just come back for.)

-What do they do with the scooter? If I was dumb enough to let you drive my car, shame on me. If I was dumb enough to let you try and load a scooter into it beforehand, kill me.

-How is anyone covered in this? You'd need a maaaaassive insurance policy and would have to deal with the most minuscule and petty claims on a daily basis.

-If I don't ride with my car, what is the driver's motivation? By the time he gets to my destination I'm either not there or passed out drunk. So essentially there is no tip for dealing with a drunk idiot. However, they get handed the keys late at night knowing they don't have a time limit and won't have to see the owner again? ..And you think valet drivers are bad..

-Why should anyone opt for this if they can simply ask the bar owner/manager to leave their car? If you tell the management you are finding another ride because you are too drunk to drive your own car and would like to be safe, they will let you leave your car overnight 99.9% of the time. Bar owners can get in deep shit if too many DUI's come from them. So while they want their patrons to consume and have a good time, they also have to worry about their patrons health and safety.

Most bars aren't open for breakfast so being in an empty lot all morning isn't really a huge concern for me.
Having to shake off the hangover and going to get my car seems like an even trade for getting way too drunk.
Also seems a lot safer/less of a hassle than using anything like this.

"but wouldn't it be nice to not have to go get your car?"
Yes but it would also be nice to not have spent $100 at the bar last night or to not have this hangover right now. But going to pick up my car in the condition I left it in seems like a fair price to pay for what I've done.
It may be a minor inconvenience but it is worth it to pay whatever this service costs and risk your car to a young kid you've never met who has unknown insurance coverage?
Not in my eyes.
Not trying to shoot a million holes in your idea, but some of these would need solid answers before I'd consider.

08-28-2015, 07:02 AM
You'd need a maaaaassive insurance policy and would have to deal with the most minuscule and petty claims on a daily basis.

11-29-2016, 01:46 PM
omg go fund me really ?

11-29-2016, 01:49 PM
Moved to off topic. This has nothing to do with S Chassis.

11-29-2016, 02:55 PM
omg go fund me really ?

Omg bumping a year old thread really ?

11-29-2016, 02:56 PM
Moved to off topic. This has nothing to do with S Chassis.

You can close this or delete it please.