View Full Version : Chase bay brake booster delete

08-03-2015, 12:56 PM
I'm in the process of buying this kit well actually I bought the delete already for the simple fact my top mount turbo down pipe is burning the shit out of my master cylinder and resevior so I figured I needed more space between the down pipe and m.c. and deleting the brake booster would do it. But I really don't hear great things but some say its fine but there all super old reviews so before I go any further in buying the relocation brake line kit I would like some feed back for ppl who's had this setup or maybe someone has a better idea for my situation.....my idea was to delete the brake booster and heat blanket for my turbo and that should stop the melting of my brake mc lmao

08-03-2015, 06:00 PM
So from my experience with the exact same issue, with z32 brakes, I turned the proportioning valve that came with the CB kit to shut out the rear brakes entirely and it works ok. Otherwise, stopping was sketchiest thing ever and made me really hate driving the car.

What I've been thinking of trying is reinstalling the stock booster, but putting enough spacers on the bottom two brake booster bolts between the booster and the firewall to make the booster and master cylinder slant upwards towards the front of the car. Ive seen this done on muscle cars. Id suggest giving it a shot before hacking up your brake system with the chase bays stuff.

08-06-2015, 11:04 AM
The braking will take time to get use to. Not fun in traffic jams.

08-09-2015, 04:43 PM
Get a turbo blanket and wrap your downpipie with header wrap and the mc shouldn't melt anymore.

08-10-2015, 06:26 AM
Don't remove the brake booster, you will need way softer pads to compensate the lack of assistance, and you will absolutely hate it.

If you really need it gone, you could try shifting to a hydro assisted braking system. I am thinking of using a citroen hydraulic pump for that, it replaces the PAS pump and creates pressure for the steering rack, suspension and brakes. I guess the master cylinder has to be changed too... you won't like it without a brake booster anyway