View Full Version : HELP Clutch & Trans. Question

08-21-2004, 09:04 PM
I have a 93 240sx I need a ka24 transmission and a good clutch. I am spraying a 70 shot of nos and the center force won't hold it. Anyone recommend a good clutch to buy for it?

Also does anyone have a good 95 and up transmission?

please someone help i have been on nissian forums for a week waiting on a response for a clutch to buy nobody has helped!!!!!

08-21-2004, 10:41 PM
wow the first time I have ever seen the word nos on this forum, that brings up a question, how come nobody else uses it or is it just me. Oh and spec is a good clutch like stage 2 or something,

08-21-2004, 11:06 PM
I've heard that the ACT clutches are good.

mad sentra
08-22-2004, 12:00 AM
my ACT clutch is amazing. It's just the street organic one, though they have several others. This one is good for up to 267 ft-lbs of torque. This clutch GRABS. With brand new tires it'll chirp third and even fourth on the RARE occasion!