06-26-2015, 12:56 AM
I've been having that brake light buzzing thing for a little while now, my battery isn't getting charged properly while driving, and every hit of my sub causes all the lights to dim. Time for a new alternator.
Why not upgrade while I'm at it?
I've seen a few write ups and some speculation but not very much documentation. Hopefully this will clear some things up and inspire more to do this swap.
Link to imgur pictures. (
Here's the two alternators side by side. Kind of surprising that the OE part lasted all those hundreds of thousands of miles.
Here you can see the difference in the pulleys themslves.
These two pictures show the slight difference in mounting ear height and thickness. Luckily the pivot side has the same spacing.
In order to use the original bolt on the pivot side you'll have to drill out the holes. I used a 3/8 bit but could have gone slightly bigger for an easier time. On this particular alternator I had to drill both the front and back holes.
Here it is all OCD masked off for drilling and planned grinding down of the tensioner pad.
And here it is nicely drilled with the innards free of metal shavings.
And this is the part where I drop the ball a little. The plan was to use air tools to take off a few MMs from the front of tensioner pad. My compressor was not up to the task and I couldn't find an appropriate burr for my grinder. Being the stubborn asshole that I am I forged on ahead anyway.
After a few hours of wrestling with it I managed to push the fucker in place and get everything all lines up. So I guess you don't have to remove that material but doing so makes this swap a simple drop in affair that takes an hour or two tops.
In all that wrestling I lost track of time and wasn't able to make it to Vatozone in time to get a new belt. I'll be updating the thread tomorrow with my results after the belt is in.
Why not upgrade while I'm at it?
I've seen a few write ups and some speculation but not very much documentation. Hopefully this will clear some things up and inspire more to do this swap.
Link to imgur pictures. (
Here's the two alternators side by side. Kind of surprising that the OE part lasted all those hundreds of thousands of miles.
Here you can see the difference in the pulleys themslves.
These two pictures show the slight difference in mounting ear height and thickness. Luckily the pivot side has the same spacing.
In order to use the original bolt on the pivot side you'll have to drill out the holes. I used a 3/8 bit but could have gone slightly bigger for an easier time. On this particular alternator I had to drill both the front and back holes.
Here it is all OCD masked off for drilling and planned grinding down of the tensioner pad.
And here it is nicely drilled with the innards free of metal shavings.
And this is the part where I drop the ball a little. The plan was to use air tools to take off a few MMs from the front of tensioner pad. My compressor was not up to the task and I couldn't find an appropriate burr for my grinder. Being the stubborn asshole that I am I forged on ahead anyway.
After a few hours of wrestling with it I managed to push the fucker in place and get everything all lines up. So I guess you don't have to remove that material but doing so makes this swap a simple drop in affair that takes an hour or two tops.
In all that wrestling I lost track of time and wasn't able to make it to Vatozone in time to get a new belt. I'll be updating the thread tomorrow with my results after the belt is in.