View Full Version : Global Warming scare getting out of hand

06-08-2015, 10:49 AM
I picked up a magazine article today at the dentist office about the predicament of Global Warming. I often feel that the whole global warming scare is getting out of hand. Am I saying it will not happen no by any means as most anyone with half a brain will tell you that the weather is unpredictable and that it can either heat up or cool off drastically based off of alot of factors that no one can give a definite answer on. I am sure had we have had the technology we have now during the last ice age it would have been humanities fault in some shape or form as to why the earth started to drastically freeze over. I still remember when Y2K was the next big end of humanity disaster that everyone was scared of. My point is people are always preparing for the next big anticipated issue to arise. Its almost as if people do not want to hear that everything is going fine. I would like to enjoy my hot rods without any more modification limiting laws continue to pass to make it that much more of a hassle to be a car enthusiast.

06-08-2015, 01:32 PM
You're welcome to bury your head in the sand and ignore the mountains of data that show how technoolgical advancements of the last 100 years have dramatically increased greenhouse gases in comparison to all combined prior history. But if you want to be glass half full about it, scientists are now saying that all of our recent conservation measures over tha past 15 years or so have been working & that the hole we created in the Ozone layer will be fixed in the next 10 years roughly, if we don't drop the ball. But I seriously doubt hotrodding will be made illegal or anything... just cleaner.

06-08-2015, 01:58 PM
I think with the plants burning trash and converting it into energy to power homes is saving the use of oil and gas which in turn saves energy and releases less toxins is the main cause of cleaner air not catalytic converters. I am however starting to think that it is more or less turning into a marketing tool to scare people into buying hybrid cars and other merchandise to save the world out of fear. I do think in a few years the gas engine will be obsolete and owning a gas engine will be considered a thing of the past or vintage toy. Hopefully the laws in america will remain more relaxed vehicle wise as they are compared to the rest of the world. One of the cool things about American society is being able to build and drive a rat rod on the road or bobber which you could never do in some of the foreign country's today. Like it or not it is a part of history and American culture.

06-08-2015, 02:11 PM
You're welcome to bury your head in the sand and ignore the mountains of data that show how technoolgical advancements of the last 100 years have dramatically increased greenhouse gases in comparison to all combined prior history. But if you want to be glass half full about it, scientists are now saying that all of our recent conservation measures over tha past 15 years or so have been working & that the hole we created in the Ozone layer will be fixed in the next 10 years roughly, if we don't drop the ball. But I seriously doubt hotrodding will be made illegal or anything... just cleaner.

Wow, could you be any more condescending? And you're welcome to bury your head in the sand and ignore the mountains of data that show how green house gases are a complete scam.

One of the biggest problem with Global Warming models is that it fails to take the activity of the sun into consideration.

the sun's lack of solar activity = cooler temps http://dailycaller.com/2015/03/03/paper-global-warming-more-like-global-cooling/
ice caps are stable http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/01/05/polar-ice-caps-more-stable-than-predicted-new-observations-show/
ice caps are getting bigger http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2738653/Stunning-satellite-images-summer-ice-cap-thicker-covers-1-7million-square-kilometres-MORE-2-years-ago-despite-Al-Gore-s-prediction-ICE-FREE-now.html

One of the cool things about American society is being able to build and drive a rat rod on the road or bobber which you could never do in some of the foreign country's today. Like it or not it is a part of history and American culture.

Sorry... which country are you talking about? Oh wait, I live in California, my bad. :(. Damn California.... we can't do anything here.

06-14-2015, 04:40 PM
global warming is very possible as in green house gases etc. Just look at venus. But whether or not its happening here because of man, I can't comment. I mean obviously we are releasing "green house" gases into the atmosphere. But I honestly don't think we know enough about Earth climate history to understand if we are actually going to "kill the Earth" lol. I mean the natural coming and going of ice ages has to make one wonder. Not to mention the Earth has gone through periods where it naturally releases a gigantic fuck ton of "green house" gases in those once every million year volcanic super eruptions. That is one sudden release also, not over a hundred years.

I just look at it as, I am all for doing things more efficiently in a less destructive matter. Its just the way things should be done. I work in the oil field also....so I profit heavily off the use of fossil fuels lol. But if we can do things "cleaner" in a more natural less polluting way....then why not? That is part of advancing as a intelligent specie in my opinion. I have been a skeptic of "global warming" since day one.

06-15-2015, 07:06 AM
That is part of advancing as a intelligent specie in my opinion. I have been a skeptic of "global warming" since day one.http://goo.gl/3ZWdho

06-15-2015, 03:06 PM
Honestly, who gives a fuck... As long as I am not around to see the Earth to go to shit.

06-16-2015, 01:25 PM
Antarctica is melting.

Greenland is melting.

where I live in Miami will be under water within 60-100 years.

06-16-2015, 01:41 PM
if black science man says we makin it hot, we makin it hot.

Extreme Dimensions
06-16-2015, 02:48 PM

06-16-2015, 03:41 PM
I picked up a magazine article today at the dentist office about the predicament of Global Warming. I often feel that the whole global warming scare is getting out of hand. Am I saying it will not happen no by any means as most anyone with half a brain will tell you that the weather is unpredictable and that it can either heat up or cool off drastically based off of alot of factors that no one can give a definite answer on. I am sure had we have had the technology we have now during the last ice age it would have been humanities fault in some shape or form as to why the earth started to drastically freeze over. I still remember when Y2K was the next big end of humanity disaster that everyone was scared of. My point is people are always preparing for the next big anticipated issue to arise. Its almost as if people do not want to hear that everything is going fine. I would like to enjoy my hot rods without any more modification limiting laws continue to pass to make it that much more of a hassle to be a car enthusiast.

So if we don't know if greenhouse gas emissions will affect global warming, wouldn't it make more sense to aim towards producing less?

06-16-2015, 04:11 PM
I picked up a magazine article today at the dentist office about the predicament of Global Warming.

is this the sole scope of your knowledge pertaining to this subject? scientists typically go to school for quite some time before being called a scientist. someone correct me if i am wrong, but i believe a doctorate will take you between 7 and 12 years. thats a lot of knowledge pertaining to a very specific subject. (although, anyone using the scientific method is technically a scientist.) i don't mean this as a personal attack, just a frame of reference between the average joe, (who may be on either side of the fence regarding global warming,) and any scientist.

I often feel that the whole global warming scare is getting out of hand.

i hate even typing the term "media scare tactics", let alone saying it, but it generates viewers, which generates money for the network. never forget that every channel, network, and station is a business, including your favorite news source. news stations need to make a profit just as much as entertainment channels, it's just a different genre. also, cnn, fox news, cbs, even your local station can be influenced by affiliated companies or sponsors.

i personally like to go to reddit or vice for news. but who knows, maybe they're in someone's pocket too. Shane Smith seems like a reasonable guy though.

scandals often have a weird habit of becoming television sensations when there is activity in the government that we should be paying attention to.

Am I saying it will not happen no by any means as most anyone with half a brain will tell you that the weather is unpredictable and that it can either heat up or cool off drastically based off of alot of factors that no one can give a definite answer on.

although the climate has influence on weather, and indeed weather can be quite fickle and difficult to predict, climate is not. climate is easily studied across a very broad time frame as well as a short time frame. influences on climate are easily studied. a geologist can tell you exactly what climate was like millions of years leading up to humans discovering and burning fossil fuels.

*but i will say news meteorologists have the goofiest fucking names of all time. those people are socially accepted clowns.

I am sure had we have had the technology we have now during the last ice age it would have been humanities fault in some shape or form as to why the earth started to drastically freeze over.

no, that sentiment is the direct result of ignorance. today and as you hypothetically suggested in the past. ignorance plays a big role today and i don't see it going anywhere in the future. not to call you ignorant by any means, because i do agree with your observation. unfortunately, that is the way the world is, and it is due to ignorance. people who do not know what they are talking about usually talk quite loudly.

if we had the same technology then, as we do now, it's fair to speculate that there would be people who would then also know how to operate this technology. "scientists", if you will. who would then, through the scientific method, reach a conclusion or find evidence pointing to the cause. of course today we know that our ice ages come and go at regular intervals due to the fluctuations in our orbit around the sun. ice ages obviously being periods where our orbit is much farther from the warm sun. there are other factors but i feel like those other factors are results of the orbit variations.
(Variations in Earth's orbit, Milankovitch cycles: https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Ice_age#Variations_in_Earth.27s_orbit_.28Mi lankovitch_cycles.29 )

I still remember when Y2K was the next big end of humanity disaster that everyone was scared of.

i was only ten or eleven but i still remember that haha. although vague, i recall that being more of a media hysteria. i believe it was in fact an issue, but blown incredibly out of proportion. a lot of corporations made some serious money off the boom in demand for certain "apocalypse" commodities.

My point is people are always preparing for the next big anticipated issue to arise. Its almost as if people do not want to hear that everything is going fine.

i think that's just the way the world works man. i know a few people who are unhappy if they've got nothing to complain about. imagine how many of those people exist out there in the world? thats a lot of downers.
as far as major media outlets go, i think scare tactics are a great way to skew the public's opinion in your favor, or to avert attention away from whatever you don't want to be public knowledge.

I would like to enjoy my hot rods without any more modification limiting laws continue to pass to make it that much more of a hassle to be a car enthusiast.

me too man. I love California, but we have some of the most restrictive laws. it really makes you think about just how free you are. CA is tough on car enthusiasts.






https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Ice_age#Variations_in_Earth.27s_orbit_.28Mi lankovitch_cycles.29

06-16-2015, 04:16 PM
i get pretty bored at work.