View Full Version : odd steering issue, wondering then jerking on highway

06-05-2015, 09:54 AM
Ive had this steering issue for a couple months now. Ill do my best to describe it.

It only happens on the highway on long sweeping right hand curves. On the street there are no symptoms when i make right hand turns. It doesnt do it on the left side, strictly on the right.

Ill turn the wheel about 15 degrees to the right and the car will turn slightly like a lane change then it will jerk and turn harder but the wheel is in the same place but the wheel feel gets tighter. Bumps will trigger it to jerk when the wheel is slightly turned. Its predictable, i know when its going to happen and when it jerks i can feel the weight transfer to the left side of the car thats probably due to the harder turn. the wheel feels like its not engaged fully when i turn it 15 degrees (steering feels light) then when it catches it feels normal like its supposed to turn that much. its scary as hell.

Ive replace the rack bushing with ES ones and made sure the bolts are tight.
I have new Tein inner tie rods with CS outters
installed Used KTS coils then got an alignment after everything
I replaced the ball joints about 2 years ago and when i got the alignment they said they were fine. They also checked the front coil mounts and they checked out well also.

Ive been reading about possible worn tension rod bushings which im going to check later on this week. Im not sure if they will effect the steering in that way. Im contemplating on replacing the entire rack but im not sure thats the issue. There might be a very small leak on the right side of the rack but if there is its very small and doesnt change the fluid level. Could that small of a leak cause this much of a problem?

Any input is helpful, thanks in advance if you decide to chime in!

06-06-2015, 04:51 PM
This may sound unrelated, but have you checked the rear subframe bushings? If they are worn badly enough, the rear end will shift around while cornering. This can give the illusion of a steering problem.

Was the issue noticed before you replaced the tie rods? Have you pulled back the tie rod boots to check if the tie rods are still threaded in tightly? They might be coming loose.

06-27-2015, 08:01 AM
I checked the rear subframe bushings and they are ok. I had this issue before i replaced the tie rods, i will check to make sure they are on tight but I'm sure they are. They tension rod bushing has trace amounts of goo looking stuff coming out but seems solid still.

I noticed on the street it does it as well but not as often because there are sharper turns. I'm fed up with this issue and may resort to buying a steering rack and hoping it will fix my problem but I'd rather not. Idk if a power steering pump could be causing the issue, it doesnt make any weird noise and isnt any more difficult to turn than before.

06-27-2015, 01:20 PM
There could be a flat spot in the rack housing w/ the teeth. Jack the front of the car up just enough to where the tires are off of the ground.
Rotate the steering wheel several full times from lock to lock and see if there is any play. If nothing is noticeable, grab the rim on either side and do the same thing.

06-27-2015, 09:37 PM
i had the exact same problem and it was my drivers side ball joint

06-28-2015, 01:29 PM
ive tried turning the wheel lock to lock with it on the ground and it seemed fine, ill jack it up this time and see if theres any difference. I looked up the price of a new rack from Nissan and it was $250, sounds pretty reasonable IMO

A ball joint made it do that? hmmm ill check them as well when i jack it up, maybe its seized. Which side did your car dart to Mike? if it was the driver side did it go left?
I had a cheapo napa ball joint i put on a few years ago, maybe it crapped out already.