View Full Version : Hot Import Nights - Cleveland June 20th!

05-25-2015, 02:38 AM
HIN returns to the Mid-West with multiple shows in 2015. First stop... Cleveland Convention Center this Summer. With the Hottest Cars, Models, and Entertainment from the region!!

GET TICKETS NOW: https://hin.webconnex.com/clevelandtickets2015

REGISTER YOUR VEHICLE: https://hin.webconnex.com/clevelandcarreg2015

SPONSOR & VENDOR REGISTRATION: email [email protected] OR [email protected] OR directly at https://hin.webconnex.com/clevelandvendor2015

MODEL SIGN-UP: [email protected]

MEDIA SIGN-UP: https://hin.webconnex.com/clevelandmedia2015

WANT TO BE A PROMOTER? https://hin.webconnex.com/clevelandpromoter2015

https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10407568_10152828028351932_6158351307099076816_n.j pg?oh=e89351076f6c5405025d09432569e5ce&oe=55F823EF