View Full Version : what do you have?

08-16-2004, 01:47 AM
what do you have on your bookshelf? kind a wondering what kind of books people on zilvia.net have and/or read.

so far i have,

basic electronics, how to make your car handle, ninja weapons, ninja assassins, insect guide, secret language of birthdays, bokkken(art of the japanese sword), the little capoeira book, how to fiberglass, fiberglass: repair and construction handbook, the balisong manual(butterfly knife) , the advanced balisong manual, and car audio cookbook, and nismo 2002 parts catalog. and different issues of r&t.

other non literature items
balisong knives, balisong nissan key(butterfly knife that is actually a nissan key), spikes/darts, manrikigusari(basically a chain with weights at the end), and..um...i think that was all on my bookshelf. besides various anime and japanese/korean tv series/movies.

08-16-2004, 02:01 AM
Well.. On my plate right now are:

Dark Tower 5: Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King... trying to catch up on the Dark Tower Series. Never thought I'd say that, but in the time since book 5 has been released, life has been WAY too hectic.

The American Promise Vol I, 2nd ed. Basically US History up till 1877.
Psychology, 7th ed.
Those 2 are for my new arrival into college.

a Tesla biography, just 'cause he's damned cool...

Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow - just finished reading that one a few weeks ago actually. Good book.

The Bear and The Dragon by Tom Clancy. I'll get around to reading it eventually. If anyone has read it, do you recommend that I read the other Jack Ryan books beforehand?

Also been re-reading The Stand by Stephen King, but via PDF. :eek3: I don't feel I'm stealing the book, seeing as how I've bought 2 copies of that book already.

08-16-2004, 02:06 AM
Unread issues of SCC.
Half-read issues of Archaeology Magazine
Textbooks (some read and some half-read)

The last really good book I've read is "We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families" by Philip Gourevitch, for an anthropology class. Really mind-blowing account of the Rwandan genocide...

08-16-2004, 02:24 AM
almost forgot one more..

man and microbes. good book, i had to use this one as reference when i was taking a class at college. something about diseases and it's history around the world. basically the book gives history and info on what brought down large society's.....they speculate that the roman empire crumbled partly due to the overwhelmingly infectuous diseases during that time....

08-16-2004, 05:43 AM
My bookshelf is full as hell and contains what follows:
Ego Trip's Big Book Of Racism
Ego Trip's Book of Rap Lists
Unbelievable: The Life Death and Afterlife of the Notorious B.I.G.
Ralph Ellison: Invisible Man
All 15 of Donald Goines' books
Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart
The Boondocks (all 3 books) Because I know you all don't read the newspaper, Fresh... For '01, you suckas and Right to Be hostile
Toni Morrison: The Bluest Eye
Michael Moore: Dude, where's my country?
Michael Moore: Stupid White men
Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales
The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey
Revolutionary Life: The Biography of Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Bevin Alexander: How Great Generals Win
Iceberg Slim: Pimp

.... That would just be the top 2 shelves, the bottom 2 hold literally 8 years worth of car and music magazines, various college textbooks and various non-literature items.

08-16-2004, 06:35 AM
Maxim, Playboy, and the Hardy Boys

08-16-2004, 07:23 AM
I liked you once, Phlip..
But knowing that you've bought Michael Moore's books.. I'm ashamed to admit I know you. :(

Now if you stole them, we're still cool. :D

Sad note for me, since we wanted to pack 'light' for our trip here, i left almost all of my books in the states. Not to mention I still have ~50 books at my mom's house. :keke:

08-16-2004, 08:51 AM
anyton senna "as time goes by"
and the the internet

08-16-2004, 09:08 AM

initialD volume 1-8 (english), and some japanese ones too
Gamepro (barf)
Shitload of assorted Manga
Shitload of Masamune Shirow manga

some stuff my gf tries to make me read
memoirs of a geisha
the other boleyn girl
assorted girly crap

read these when i was younger:
Lots of Robert Frost for some reason
Decent # of 'Alien/Aliens' books
A few Alien vs Predator books
A bunch of Star Wars books
A bunch of LOTR books
Atlas of Middle Earth
The Silmarillion

goddamn i'm a sci-fi geek!?? no!!! :goyou:

08-16-2004, 10:22 AM
I liked you once, Phlip..
But knowing that you've bought Michael Moore's books.. I'm ashamed to admit I know you. :(

Now if you stole them, we're still cool. :D

Sad note for me, since we wanted to pack 'light' for our trip here, i left almost all of my books in the states. Not to mention I still have ~50 books at my mom's house. :keke:
Resume hating me Kevin, I bought and enjoyed them.

Andrew Bohan
08-16-2004, 10:44 AM
i have a bunch of kung fu and taekwondo books, japanese, korean, spanish, chinese, latin, english, and greek dictionaries, atlases, random novels, lotr, and computer science textbooks.

08-16-2004, 11:08 AM
Resume hating me Kevin, I bought and enjoyed them.
:( :ugh:
I dunno. I can appreciate that Michael Moore is a 'root out the problem and expose it' kinda guy, but I don't like how he tells his biased views as though they were absolute truth.
Oh well, maybe someday I'll like you again.

08-16-2004, 11:15 AM
:( :ugh:
I dunno. I can appreciate that Michael Moore is a 'root out the problem and expose it' kinda guy, but I don't like how he tells his biased views as though they were absolute truth.
Oh well, maybe someday I'll like you again.

stop calling him biased. It's like saying the sky is blue. no shit.

I hadnt read a book since high school, till last month when i read "dude where's my country"

it was BIASED..but still had facts to back everything up. I didnt feel like verifying all the sources. Well written, entertaining, and good point of view in my opinion.

The media is made up of people who tell their opinion(or biased view ) as truth. They try to convince you of it. Michal Moore isnt even that bad..what about Bill O'Reily (sp?) that cocksucker is so full of shit, but he's still entitled to his stupid opinion(or biased view) Imagine if Michael Moore wrote "In my opinion" before every sentence

08-16-2004, 11:18 AM
goddamn i'm a sci-fi geek!?? no!!! :goyou:
:cj: :cj: :cj:

If you are than I am too..
Entire Dune Chronicles by Frank Herbert (fuck his son)
Entire Foundation and Robot novels by Asimov
A fuckton(metric, not standard) of Asimov's other work
HHGTTG (all 6, yes, not sci-fi in the strictest sense, but hey)

four lines of stuff doesn't seem like alot, but when you consider it's on the order of... ~25-30 books.. hehe well..

08-16-2004, 11:24 AM
stop calling him biased.
it was BIASED.

Huh?! I can't say he's biased but you can? hahhaa i'm confused! :cj:

When/if I read a book of his, my opinion may change. I just don't like the fact that he doesn't write about THE truth, but rather HIS truth.

I don't listen to Bill O'Rielly or pretty much any of these guys.
Not saying that I like to stay ignorant of the facts or of events, just that if I want to know the truth about something, I can do my own research.
While I don't have the time to follow W. around golfing or whatever, I can usually find out what I want to know.

PHLIP: mail me one of those books and I'll read it. If you wanna borrow one of mine, I don't mind, but like i said, I don't have much right now (and my college texts are offrimits).

08-16-2004, 11:38 AM
it was BIASED..but still had facts to back everything up.

I'd say Lies to back everything up?




08-16-2004, 12:28 PM
Huh?! I can't say he's biased but you can? hahhaa i'm confused! :cj:

When/if I read a book of his, my opinion may change. I just don't like the fact that he doesn't write about THE truth, but rather HIS truth.

I don't listen to Bill O'Rielly or pretty much any of these guys.
Not saying that I like to stay ignorant of the facts or of events, just that if I want to know the truth about something, I can do my own research.
While I don't have the time to follow W. around golfing or whatever, I can usually find out what I want to know.

PHLIP: mail me one of those books and I'll read it. If you wanna borrow one of mine, I don't mind, but like i said, I don't have much right now (and my college texts are offrimits).

i put "biased view" next to "opinion" to get my message accross.

Bill Roberts
08-16-2004, 01:11 PM
Mr. M said...

a Tesla biography, just 'cause he's damned cool...

Isn't he though!!!!!

Yep, 150 years ahead of his time.

08-16-2004, 01:28 PM
These books are suspicious

08-16-2004, 02:05 PM
you guys can read? i can't calm myself down enough to read anything...

08-16-2004, 05:28 PM
PHLIP: mail me one of those books and I'll read it. If you wanna borrow one of mine, I don't mind, but like i said, I don't have much right now (and my college texts are offrimits).
I'm really wary about loaning books to people, due to the vast amount of books I have loaned out and never got back, maybe I'll type the whole thing verbatim into a word file and email it to you...

08-16-2004, 05:55 PM
I'm really wary about loaning books to people, due to the vast amount of books I have loaned out and never got back, maybe I'll type the whole thing verbatim into a word file and email it to you...

.pdf would probably be easier on the eyes.
Seriously? I understand. That's why I offered a book in exchange. I don't ever like borrowing anything unless I have something to offer in return. I, too, have lent out many things and never seen them again (DVDs, books, tools). It sucks.

08-16-2004, 06:41 PM
Lets see here, Tons of Tom Clancy books, 4 option2 mags, 20 some old college books, tons of PC Gamer and Computer Gaming world Mags, a few MOB type books, Beattles Book, A few 3D animation books and mags. Thats about it.

08-16-2004, 07:06 PM
anybody have ebooks? i bought some last year and my experience with them was horrible. the encryption is one thing, but not being able to print/exchange/give "books" away. no good selection either.

08-16-2004, 09:41 PM
.pdf would probably be easier on the eyes.
Seriously? I understand. That's why I offered a book in exchange. I don't ever like borrowing anything unless I have something to offer in return. I, too, have lent out many things and never seen them again (DVDs, books, tools). It sucks.
Funny you mention loaning out DVDs, that sonofabitch Steeles has had my Ali DVD since an autocross may last year. Remind me to kill him

08-17-2004, 12:27 AM
Funny you mention loaning out DVDs, that sonofabitch Steeles has had my Ali DVD since an autocross may last year. Remind me to kill him

Yeah, I've lost a good 5-10 DVDs that way.. :(

BTW, don't forget to kill Steeles.

fake edit: I originally typo'd 'ill Steeles'. Should I have left it that way and given you a "license to ill"?

08-17-2004, 01:01 AM
the balisong manual(butterfly knife) , the advanced balisong manual
balisong knives, balisong nissan key(butterfly knife that is actually a nissan key)
heh I have these, the balisong tapes by Imada too.

Kung Fu History, Philosophy and Technique
Shaolin Temple and monks picture book
Book of Five Rings
Art of Expressing the Human body
The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu
Ultimate Guide to Martial Arts
Ultimate Iron Plam
Health Secrets of the East
Jumping into Plyometrics
Sports Supplement Review
A bunch of other martial arts books
The Portable Jung
Salvador Dali picture book
Inferno of Dante (started it three times, never finished it)
Anne Rice books
Isaac Asimov books
Piers Anthony books
Michael Crichton books
Random car books/magazines
alot of weightlifting mags
some manga, mostly Neon Genesis
school books

My bookshelf is starting to cave in.....

08-17-2004, 01:37 AM
shit i forgot about all the Crichton books I've read.