View Full Version : Coming Home

08-15-2004, 09:30 AM
whats up guys. it has been a crazy start of the month for me. august 6-8 i went to canada for my bros bachelor's party. it was off the hook. we were at titty bars and non stop drinking. the first day we were there they made me drink so much that i passed out in the club and had to drag me back to the hotel, 8 blocks away lol! then the rest of the days were spent at massage parlors, happy endings lol, and more bars. the 8th i came back to san jose, then on the fallowing mourning i left to new york. new york is fucking humid. but we went to the typical places, china town, shopping, times square, subways, blah blah. its been pretty damn cool. nice little vacation.

the bad news is my cousin's car got stolen in front of my house. 88 crx gunmetal with a b16 =( then he used my car for the time being and he said the oil light came on when he was using it, and the pan was dry when checked the oil. so now i have to see what the hell happened. he had to get it towed from wherever he drove to back to my house. =\ i dont care too much, our cars are easy to work on most the time. but im all packed and should be in SF airport by 8pm. sigh its been great!

now the end of this month my bro is getting married, so happy for him! and all my family is going to be in town. crazy asss month for me. but i miss my car and cant wait to be back home

this has been my first post since i left :wtf:

08-15-2004, 09:47 AM
[pity reply]

08-15-2004, 03:42 PM
So your cousin broke your car after getting his stolen?

Sucks to be him, and you then. But if you think you saw enough titties to make it worth it...

^_^ good job.

08-16-2004, 09:16 AM
HAHA man it is good to be home. took a look at my and i do not know where the fuck the oil is coming from =( ill post some pics in the chat in a while.