View Full Version : NLMotoring absolutely horrible.

05-10-2015, 04:21 PM
So i placed an order on NL motoring for some avid wheels they had a $40 off discount on, i found them cheap on other places but since i've been a long time customer of NL motoring i figured i'd support the business, so i went on my laptop to place the order and the 40$ off coupon did not transfer over, so i was charged full price for a simple mistake. i figured no biggie, they should be able to fix that for me.

i contact NL motoring and spoke with the "owner" himself. i explained to him about what had happened and he told me this rather ridiculous excuse "sorry, but once the order has shipped out of our warehouse there's nothing we can do"

i placed the order and literally within an hour not even two hours i had the email saying the order was complete and shipped out that same day. mind you this is strict simple paperwork to observe the coupon i had qualified for but his excuse was that the boxes were already out of his building and i was beat for my $40 he could not honor. who cares about the boxes man..

basically lured in for a discount and was told i was beat for it because the coupon did not transfer over on my cart between computers, even though i was logged into my customer account.

NL motoring is surely never going to see business from me or anyone around these areas. i know this is your "business sponsor" but i feel robbed out of my $40 hard earned money over a simple honest mistake that couldn't be honored by the company owner and was told by himself i had no choice other than to return the boxes, pay for the return fees/shipping so either way i was beat for the money.

good day.

05-10-2015, 07:07 PM
I'll give you $20 back...

05-12-2015, 09:41 AM
Thanks for posting your feedback. We do require that any promotion codes be applied prior to checking out. If, after ordering, you either find a promo code or realize you didn't enter one you can notify us and we area always happy to change an order that hasn't already shipped.

Our website gives you a summary of your shopping cart to review, with an order total to see an itemized list of exactly what you are ordering, and how much the order costs.

Immediately upon placing an order, you are emailed a detailed receipt with the same information.

If you notify us within a timely manner to request the change or cancellation, we can make one but we do indeed have a policy of not adjusting prices higher or lower once an order has already been charged and shipped from our facility. It sounds like in this case you didn't notify us until after shipment, and I apologize for how that worked out. I'll PM you with my contact info and see if there's anything I can do at this point.



05-12-2015, 09:45 AM
So wait, you found a tampon AFTER you placed your order and you want them to honor it??

You should probably use that tampon to clean up your wimpering........

Last i checked, you need to enter a coupon prior to checking out........So if, for some reason you did not ente rthe coupon, it's on you bud........

05-12-2015, 11:16 AM
So wait, you found a tampon AFTER you placed your order and you want them to honor it??

You should probably use that tampon to clean up your wimpering........

Last i checked, you need to enter a coupon prior to checking out........So if, for some reason you did not ente rthe coupon, it's on you bud........

Nah, man. That's just bad customer service, good customer service is taking the $40 off, or issuing store credit AT LEAST. Holding the line on something like this over $40? Yikes.

Besides, it's not like this was weeks later, OP claims it was within a few hours.

I'm guessing things got heated and both sides dug their heels in the ground.

Keep in mind, NL motoring, he can deny the shipment and file a charge back, all of which will cost you more than his $40 coupon ( if he is really feeling like an asshole.)

Pick your battles.

05-12-2015, 11:19 AM
If you go into a store, buy a lawnmower, then come back a few hours later and say "hey, I found this coupon online for $40 off, can you honor it?!?!" Do you think any store will realistically issue a refund??

Why should NL be hold to a different standard?? And why did the OP not do a proper search for the coupon BEFORE he bought the items??

No, the OP is unreasonable IMHO. No store should be held liable for the buyers negligence.

05-12-2015, 11:27 AM
If you go into a store, buy a lawnmower, then come back a few hours later and say "hey, I found this coupon online for $40 off, can you honor it?!?!" Do you think any store will realistically issue a refund??

Why should NL be hold to a different standard?? And why did the OP not do a proper search for the coupon BEFORE he bought the items??

No, the OP is unreasonable IMHO. No store should be held liable for the buyers negligence.

Yes. Yes they will, almost every single store will. Don't believe me, Try it. I was a Retail manager at several retailers (From Small stores, Regional Stores and National chains) for 10 years, we did it every time.

A simple return/exchange plus the coupon code; boom money saved. Did I like seeing my margins go down, no, but at the end of the day it's worth it.

The person can return it, go down the street to business B and they will price match our coupon and potentially earn their business over my companies.

05-12-2015, 02:04 PM
Yes. Yes they will, almost every single store will. Don't believe me, Try it. I was a Retail manager at several retailers (From Small stores, Regional Stores and National chains) for 10 years, we did it every time.

A simple return/exchange plus the coupon code; boom money saved. Did I like seeing my margins go down, no, but at the end of the day it's worth it.

The person can return it, go down the street to business B and they will price match our coupon and potentially earn their business over my companies.

^this guy gets it.

05-12-2015, 02:18 PM
OP just return them

Thanks for posting your feedback. We do require that any promotion codes be applied prior to checking out. If, after ordering, you either find a promo code or realize you didn't enter one you can notify us and we area always happy to change an order that hasn't already shipped.

Our website gives you a summary of your shopping cart to review, with an order total to see an itemized list of exactly what you are ordering, and how much the order costs.

Immediately upon placing an order, you are emailed a detailed receipt with the same information.

If you notify us within a timely manner to request the change or cancellation, we can make one but we do indeed have a policy of not adjusting prices higher or lower once an order has already been charged and shipped from our facility. It sounds like in this case you didn't notify us until after shipment, and I apologize for how that worked out. I'll PM you with my contact info and see if there's anything I can do at this point.



Womp womp..you guys basically sold the value of a lifelong/repeat customer and most likely his friend's business for $40 :facepalm:

05-13-2015, 11:33 AM
Nah, man. That's just bad customer service, good customer service is taking the $40 off, or issuing store credit AT LEAST. Holding the line on something like this over $40? Yikes.

Besides, it's not like this was weeks later, OP claims it was within a few hours.

I'm guessing things got heated and both sides dug their heels in the ground.

Keep in mind, NL motoring, he can deny the shipment and file a charge back, all of which will cost you more than his $40 coupon ( if he is really feeling like an asshole.)

Pick your battles.

The instructions posted online for the promo code:

Enter coupon code AVID40 to save an extra $40 off your online purchase of four (4) AVID.1 Wheels. Add to cart & enter code to see final price.

That means that taking advantage of this promotion requires two easy steps...

1. Add four wheels to your cart
2. Enter promo code

If you do these two steps, you can easily take advantage of the promotion. If you skip either one, you won't. This streamlines the ordering and shipping process in a big way. It's what allows to offer the prices we do, stock 10K wheels and ship in a matter of hours instead of days.

Everyday we encounter somebody who feels as though the policies apply to everybody but them. We break the rules when we can, but if we did every time we'd be long gone as a company. Usually, we are able to find a happy resolution, that is always the goal. Sometimes for one reason or another that doesn't happen. It obviously didn't happen here and that is unfortunate because nobody wins.

05-13-2015, 11:47 AM
Well I'm not a business expert or anything but if a customer purchased a set of wheels that my company has a valid coupon for, if for whatever reason they do not apply it at checkout, but call to have it applied, I do not see an issue here. I would simply partially refund the coupon amount and explain to them the checkout process for next time to make it easier on both parties. But what do I know?

05-13-2015, 12:16 PM
The instructions posted online for the promo code:

Everyday we encounter somebody who feels as though the policies apply to everybody but them. We break the rules when we can, but if we did every time we'd be long gone as a company. Usually, we are able to find a happy resolution, that is always the goal. Sometimes for one reason or another that doesn't happen. It obviously didn't happen here and that is unfortunate because nobody wins.

Thats not the case, at all, and you know. Look, I get it, if a customer can't follow simple instructions to get a deal then you feel entitled to tell them to "piss off" and show them the T&C for the deal. But, you have to pick your battles, it's $40, give the kid a refund.

You're being stubborn and he's being a brat, this all could have been avoided. You now have spent more time defending yourselves than it would have taken to process the credit.

With this attitude from you or your CS team is why you could fail. Good prices and thin margins require volume, good customer service is required for repeat business, repeat business equals volume.

That's why I go through enjuku for most things. Their CS is great, I won't shop any where else unless I get a shitty experience from them or they simply don't have what I need; in that case I go the next best CS experience I had.

You are right, no one wins now. Just hope he doesn't contest this through a charge back just to be asshole. They will cost you regardless even if you win.

Well I'm not a business expert or anything but if a customer purchased a set of wheels that my company has a valid coupon for, if for whatever reason they do not apply it at checkout, but call to have it applied, I do not see an issue here. I would simply partially refund the coupon amount and explain to them the checkout process for next time to make it easier on both parties. But what do I know?

Yes. It is this simple.

Agent S14
05-13-2015, 12:33 PM
Its only 40 dollars, cant you just refund him 40 dollars, I used to do it all the time when I worked retail in college.

05-13-2015, 01:04 PM
I feel like companies these days really underestimate the true value of having great customer service. I had an issue with another vendor on here (not going to mention any names) that could have been easily resolved, but resulted in the sales representative blaming me for what happened. I wouldn't do business with them again even if they gave me 50% off.