View Full Version : S13 ka24de a/c high idle

05-08-2015, 05:19 PM
1993 s13, de motor. Just got my ac going again and everything works fine except for the fact that it wont kick in to high idle mode. I cleaned the ficd and at the plug its getting 12v on one pin and nothing on the other. No ground, nothing. Thats as far as i got today before i had to head out to work. Im sure someone else has dealt with this before, a little insight would help so im not chasing wires around for days when it might be a simple fix. Thanks.

05-09-2015, 10:05 AM

05-11-2015, 01:35 AM

First check the solenoid by itself with alligator clips or something to make sure it works.

If that is good and you have ignition 12v at the FICD plug, check for continuity to ground at the FICD plug to engine block, when A/C is on. A/C must be charged for it to kick on. If you have no ground there check for continuity between FICD ground pin and ECU pin 57.

If all that checks out it could be a bad diode holding the FICD open or maybe a faulty ambient temperature switch.

05-18-2015, 10:26 AM
Thanks yeah its getting the 12v signal but no ground. Im going to test the ficd and make sure it's actually working then start tracing the ground wire back to whatever isn't working Like you said.
In the mean time i just cracked the throttle a bit to help compensate for the ac drag so it actually idles at a normal speed and not 400rpm, which is actually working fine so hell, i might not even need the ficd haha.