View Full Version : alien VS predator!

08-12-2004, 10:29 PM
IS HERE!!!!!

omg~ see the high resolution photo quality image i created~~~

08-12-2004, 10:35 PM
so did you like it? :D

08-12-2004, 10:37 PM
Wow.......yer really good at ms paint..

08-12-2004, 10:38 PM
[pity reply]

08-12-2004, 10:45 PM
i hate you.

08-12-2004, 10:58 PM
if anyone can match my mspaint skills please step forward. i didn't even use a mouse for that. IBM thinkpad with the little red nub puleeze.

<---MSpaint Master Journeyman of the 11th level

08-12-2004, 11:05 PM

^^ This one was autocad....Ionno if that counts

08-12-2004, 11:27 PM
feeble. i said match me, not disgrace true mspainters!

08-12-2004, 11:36 PM
you should see the shit my sister and her friends churns out with ms paint, un believable.

08-12-2004, 11:59 PM
i like citizen's MSpaint art. they're hilarious, especially that one of Mr.Meph with his pink banstick.

08-13-2004, 05:25 AM
Movie gets my aproval. I still hate the way fights scenes just have to be filmed with the camera shaking violently. Yes I understand there's a struggle but shit I want to see who is getting their ass whooped. Movie made sense though and I didn't see anything that didn't belong. I will wait for everyone else to watch before I further discuss it's ending and umm other stuff that will make you say, "fuck it now...he killed the movie for me."

08-13-2004, 05:49 AM
Movie gets my aproval. ...."

Cool. I really want it to be good. My wife has been picking on me for buying into the hype, but I can't help it. I mean c'mon, it's the 2 most badass movie creatures EVER!

08-13-2004, 07:04 AM
if anyone can match my mspaint skills please step forward. i didn't even use a mouse for that. IBM thinkpad with the little red nub puleeze.

<---MSpaint Master Journeyman of the 11th level

avp ... some reviews are in and it's not looking good. i have a feeling they managed to kill two great franchises in one giant pisshole of a movie.

ill try to draw something

08-14-2004, 12:46 AM
i have a feeling they managed to kill two great franchises in one giant pisshole of a movie.
They did it all in 5 minutes... I liked the rest of the movie though, but baywatch has no place in avp. :confused:

08-14-2004, 06:54 AM
I aint hatin....I just saw Empire Strikes back a few minutes ago and yeah...

08-14-2004, 06:55 AM
You'd still probably own me...but meh....no hurt in tryin?!

08-14-2004, 07:42 AM

for real, couldn't have been better... ROCK!

08-14-2004, 12:06 PM
It was awesome, but it got a little corny in the middle. You'll see what I'm talkin about....

08-14-2004, 01:19 PM
I think the whole movie was badass, they ending couldve been better. I wonder if their gonna make a part 2. :D

08-14-2004, 01:48 PM
cant wait to see it myself. PREDATOR BETTER WIN

08-14-2004, 02:40 PM
They did it all in 5 minutes... I liked the rest of the movie though, but baywatch has no place in avp. :confused:

HELL YEAH! I forgot about that crap. What they could have done while they were running is have the pred kill shit as he's was running out. That side by side running made just say.....WHYYYY!?!?

08-14-2004, 03:22 PM
jtwo that's just sad.

08-14-2004, 05:47 PM
i think JTWO wants to be a OJ simpson lookalike nazi... confused are we?

08-15-2004, 11:03 AM
im an aliens and predator buff... saw the movie friday night. dear god, it sucked so bad.

#1 implantation period for the face hugger is a day. then it takes a couple of days for the chestburster to actually come out. after that it takes a good couple of days for the larvae to reach adult size. they somehow compressed this into about 5 minutes.

#2 a predator is supposed to be AWESOME in hand to hand combat. instead of some cool melee fighting, i get this crapfest of a fight with a clumsy idiot predator who ends up getting pwned b/c he forgot that the alien acid will burn through the net? BS. a predator noob should be able to take a alien 1v1 no problem. it becomes an issue when there are 5 or 6 of them though... that's where the blooded preds show off their skills.

#3 predators don't blood themselves, they get blooded by a teacher. i didn't buy the girl getting blooded for accidentally spearing an alien and shooting her friend in the face. shouldn't that shield she had have burned off her hand...

#4 why didn't the preds just BRING the fucking guns. stupid plot point.

#5 wrist blades are not supposed to be that long. also the predator spear weighs as much as a person... that dumb bitch shouldn't have been able to even pick it up. wtf did they do to the disk? argh!

#6 they were lost in the temple for hours, but somehow she and the idiot pred went from the queens chamber to the exit in about 2 seconds.

pg rating hurt the movie so bad... story sucked. fight scenes sucked. the original script would've been alot better. T_T /end rant

08-15-2004, 01:23 PM
it was great as a movie, neet to see the old characters back to their old antics. I didnt like the aliens getting their ass kicked all the time, im totally about the aliens, predators can suck my balls.

I didnt like the comical parts. Whats with these old movie franchises coming back and being comical and friendly? Jason vs Freddy, T3, now AVP...you just arent supposed to laugh at these movies. Theyre not supposed to be friendly.

The whole thing is that these re-make movies arent as important to us now as they were once, were older and times have changed- the shock value and feeling of dread doesnt exist in movies as it once did since we have now "seen it all"

I think they should re-make one that has Aliens VS Predator VS Terminator VS chucky VS that crazy exorcist chick VS jason VS freddy VS pinhead VS ernest VS george bush to see what happens

08-15-2004, 01:36 PM
I think they should re-make one that has Aliens VS Predator VS Terminator VS chucky VS that crazy exorcist chick VS jason VS freddy VS pinhead VS ernest VS george bush to see what happens

My money is still on the predator, they fuckin own and i hate how they had the morphed alien at the end with the crazy mouth...they didnt morph when they came outta anyone else why morph outta the predator?

08-15-2004, 01:44 PM
movie was crap one of the worst movies of the year! seriously i thought the predator n the girl were gonna kiss lol :love:

08-15-2004, 01:46 PM
I have to agree w/ aznpoopy, that movie sucked ass! I was laughin throughout most of the movie (not because of the comical parts).

08-15-2004, 02:07 PM
dont forget about the part where they are comming out of the tunnel, and is flying like 500 mph. Next thing you know they shoot out and suddenly it turns into a running scene. :wtf: This movie has so much more potential than this. i am very disapointed. Two thumbs down

08-15-2004, 03:32 PM
yes, the ending was stupid. girl is not supposed to magically get off an icy hell hole. girl is not supposed to live period, too many damn movies where the girl lives (but at least she was useful).
wtf kinda game was that? where 99% of the preds were on their ship, and 3 or 4 idiot preds decide to go in and get owned. i guess they wanted an infestation on earth so they could all play, so then why the fuck did the idiot nuke the goddamn place?

08-15-2004, 04:45 PM
okay, a few things:

i liked spiderman and darefevil. they both were awesome movies yet they changed MAJOR factors in the plotline for unknown reasons.

one could argue that the queen was somehow made to produce aliens that mature at an accelerated rate. the preds were noobs and the aliens over time seem to adapt to the past of their predecessors. i thought the impregnated pred was a good twist. a super predator alien. the aliens are affected by whatever host they are born from so the fact that it has the crazy mouth seems reasonable. the head of the alien she used as a shield might have had acid in it but also might have been cleaned out.

the sequel potential for the alien onboard the ship is kind of pointless. all those preds could own any kind of alien no prob...

the movie was a good movie if you don't pick it apart. yeah, the two pussy preds sucked but that last one owned em pretty hardcore... ya know... before gettin a stomach full of tail.

08-15-2004, 05:17 PM
did anyone catch "this room must be right below the sacrificial chamber!" line as they look up through the shaft into the middle of the sacrificial chamber and pick up the glowstick that was dropped down that shaft??

08-15-2004, 06:04 PM
the movie was a good movie if you don't pick it apart. yeah, the two pussy preds sucked but that last one owned em pretty hardcore... ya know... before gettin a stomach full of tail.

and i think there should have been much more shoulder cannon action!!!!!!!!!! the shoulder cannon is the shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

08-15-2004, 06:22 PM
did anyone say freddy vs jason?
fuck that-imnot gonnna watch that movie anyways

08-15-2004, 07:41 PM
the two pussy preds sucked but that last one owned em pretty hardcore... ya know... before gettin a stomach full of tail.

lol it was funny in the theatre, when everyone was like "ohhhh snapppp" because the pred pulled out this boomerangamajig and owned the alien that snuck up behind him.

08-15-2004, 08:41 PM
hell yeah, that was hella sweet. i was one of those people trippin out at that.

08-15-2004, 09:13 PM
Hell yeah, i thought he was gonna get owned like the other 2 preds. I wouldnt mind seein that movie a second time. :D

08-15-2004, 10:09 PM
Someone actually said "OH SNAP" when he did it at my theater.


08-15-2004, 10:10 PM

aliens all the way


08-16-2004, 12:00 AM
hell no, Preditors are the SHEEZZZY MY NEEZY!!!!! Pred.s are my favorite Aliens ever!!!! there will never EVER be anything cooler than the Preds!!!!!!!

Preds for life!!!

08-16-2004, 03:04 AM
The pred with the crazy mask should have AT LEAST gone down fighting 3 aliens. Maybe get his arm cut off and still keep kicking alien ass.

I wish they would have shown more of the flash back with the preds vs. a million aliens.

If the preds would have had their canons from the get go then the aliens would have gotten thrashed. Once the chick gave the gun to the pred he killed aliens with ease. Lock on...dead. Furthermore, they should have had more crazy moves like the jump the pred did in the end to stab the queen with its spear.

08-16-2004, 07:02 AM
they didnt morph when they came outta anyone else why morph outta the predator?

the aliens are always different depending on what animal they came out of. see alien3 for a dog alien. (notice the legs and posture of it vs. the 'human' aliens).

the predalien (yeah that's what they're actually called) isn't a twist as avp material since they 90s has featured aliens that popped out of preds. they actually kept that design (alien fangs with four extra pincers) straight out of avp2 (the game). you get to fight some big ones in that game so if you're curious to see a predalien go buy the game for like 20 bucks.

i wouldn't have hated the movie so much if they had shown some predator kung fu fighting. they're supposedly godly in hand to hand combat. seemed really weak to me. oh well.


08-16-2004, 08:37 PM
you can't really kung fu a creature that attacks like the aliens do. i sure wish that big huge pred would've laid waste to that freakin bug. i see the need for only one pred to survive but... they could've lasted long ya know.

anyhow, can't wait for the sequel ;)

08-17-2004, 01:17 PM
wtf kinda game was that? where 99% of the preds were on their ship, and 3 or 4 idiot preds decide to go in and get owned. i guess they wanted an infestation on earth so they could all play, so then why the fuck did the idiot nuke the goddamn place?

did you even watch the movie? it was a right of passage. Only those three predators were trying to become... "men"... The ones on the ship had already been blooded?(was that what it was called?)

08-18-2004, 12:02 AM
Yeah it's the predators version of a bar-mitz-va.

08-18-2004, 12:09 AM
the aliens are always different depending on what animal they came out of. see alien3 for a dog alien. (notice the legs and posture of it vs. the 'human' aliens).

the predalien (yeah that's what they're actually called) isn't a twist as avp material since they 90s has featured aliens that popped out of preds. they actually kept that design (alien fangs with four extra pincers) straight out of avp2 (the game). you get to fight some big ones in that game so if you're curious to see a predalien go buy the game for like 20 bucks.

i wouldn't have hated the movie so much if they had shown some predator kung fu fighting. they're supposedly godly in hand to hand combat. seemed really weak to me. oh well.


haha, u know ur sci-fi shit... :bigok:

08-18-2004, 01:12 AM
refresh my memory on the dog alien??

08-18-2004, 07:20 AM
refresh my memory on the dog alien??

in alien3 it popped out of a dog. they're called 'runners.' alot faster then your typical warrior/drone. they have reverse jointed legs (like a dog - or anything to runs on four legs).

haha, u know ur sci-fi shit...

yeah i was a real dork in highschool.

08-21-2004, 06:03 PM
did you even watch the movie? it was a right of passage. Only those three predators were trying to become... "men"... The ones on the ship had already been blooded?(was that what it was called?)

hmmmm i faintly remember that part lol, so wtf woulda happen if the aliens owned the earth!

08-24-2004, 12:58 AM
so wtf woulda happen if the aliens owned the earth!
We would be shit outta luck....

I thought the movie was entertaining anyway, Im a bid fan of the whole Alien Predator thing--more-so Alien fan. Personally, I liked it without the blaster guns the predators had...it makes it too easy for them. Aliens are plain and simple badass.... All this hand to hand combat shit the Predators are so good in...how do you figure? They did nothing but walk around in the first movie while slowly punching the shit outta Arnold... thats not hand to hand combat. Cant remember the second very well, but I doubt the predators used thier hands much in that one either. The movie was WAY too short another half hour of combat and about a dozen more aliens wouldve been nice.

08-24-2004, 06:19 AM
Every time they ran in slow motion, I felt the urge to yell out "Ricky Williams"..

Like some of you said, that movie was mostly ghey. I was pretty dissapointed with the length of the movie, and how they shortcutted on alot of the fighting sequences. Yes, the kung-fu move the Predator made at the end was pimp-sh*t, needed more of that. And when the chick became a fearless warrior, and didn't need to speak because she was so badass, GHEY.

One more error that I didn't see listed in here, in the original story of AVP, the chick gets on the spaceship with the Predators, she isn't left behind.

08-24-2004, 09:59 AM
i don't get how they just chalked up the mother alien as being dead at the end..
Far as I can recall, cold hurts them/immobilizes them, but it doesn't kill them. Yeah, she was wounded, but shit, aliens are tough mofos. Now, maybe she'll drown after a long while, but i thought aliens didn't need O2. Shit, the deep freeze the hunters had her in before they thawed her to make some prey was colder than the damn ocean.
I still count this as a loss on human's part. Unless the chick who comes back from the icy wilderness with a space warrior's weapon, a neato scar on her face, and 50-odd missing people somehow encounters the alien first and slays it. Before it can lay more eggs. And pwn the earth.
I dunno..

I guess it sounds like I'm ripping on the movie pretty hard, but I'm not.. just airing questions i had in my mind. Overall I thought it was a good movie. Not great, but not bad either.
I think more time could've been devoted to a.) the origins of Weyland-Yutani b.) the actual fighting btwn Aliens and Predators c.) explain why the fuck there were suddenly 25+ facehugger pods after the queen had only laid about d.)fucking link the movies.

as far as d.) is concerned, in predators 1 and 2 you come to know that predators come to earth and hunt when the shit's hitting the fan down here. I gues it's a stress relief thing or something. Now, we've completely diverted from that plotline and they're trying to get us to swallow 'Predator warriors seeking to become 'blooded' or whatever come down once every 500 years (???) and become initiated'.
Uhmm riiight.
Also, Weyland should have some way of informing his company about the aliens. It's not rocket surgery to think that Weyland-Yutani MIGHT have had a clue as to what that 'distress beacon' was in Alien. Furthermore, they MIGHT have had some sor of good idea about wtf it was they had encountered.
One last gripe: they mention people going missing from the research station and it being abandoned but they never persue it further. They also explain that it was XX years ago. If that's the case, then aliens are on the loose, or predators are coming in between 500 year sessions. WTH?

PS, I'm an ubergeek too. I read all of the Aliens Vs Predators comic books way back when.

08-24-2004, 10:56 AM
mephdude you might be geekier then me.

the alien queen definitely won't die from the water. remember the alien can survive in space... which is much colder then arctic water. but we know humans are fine b/c earth is quite uninfested and aliens are still a 'secret' even in ripley's time.

origins of WT would have been interesting. in the movie it is just 'weyland' corp. and lance henrikson is weyland! i guess after he dies his company is bought out by some japanese company adding in the 'yutani.' another interesting point is that the man in alien3 claiming to be the designer of the bishop series androids was also played by lance henrikson... so what... is he a clone of the original weyland? do they just happen to look the same? or maybe alien3 and avp are both so ridiculously stupid i should ignore everything except the two predator movies and the two original alien movies.

i think it was every 100 years. note the colonial pistol the old pred gives danny glover in predator 2 was dated 1904. its 2004. also the marking on the sarcophogus with the plasmacasters was also marked 1904 as the last time it was opened. still gay. and really adds nothing to the movie. let's ignore the fact that both pred 1 and 2 had preds hunting on earth right inside that timeframe. oh well.

i suppose avp was how WY in the future knew about the aliens.

horrible movie. :rant:

08-24-2004, 11:03 AM
Yes that movie was a huge dissapointment for me.

08-24-2004, 10:19 PM
I thought it was pretty good. I watched it as a sorta seperate movie and didn't really worry about the small stuff. Only thing I really didn't like was the lack of fighting.

08-24-2004, 10:53 PM
You should forget about Predator 2 also. Cus its fucking garbage.

Only one man is capable of doing AvP justice.

His name?


08-25-2004, 03:18 AM
Only one man is capable of doing AvP justice.

His name?

I completely agree with this! A+

08-25-2004, 07:04 AM
Only one man is capable of doing AvP justice.

His name?



wish he'd come back to it...