View Full Version : need some ideas please

08-12-2004, 05:31 PM
i was doing my z-brake swap today, went perfect except for that ONE problem of every project. That problem being swapping my rear lines for my stainless steel ones. The 1omm nut on the inside end of hte original line wont come off and is just rounding. I can't get a socket on it (obviously, an open end wrench is needed), i can't brake it loose with pliers, and im running out of ideas. If anyone has a good idea that may work, lemme know please, id love to get this done. Thanks in advance- Rob

Mr. Badlose
08-12-2004, 05:52 PM
Have you tried a flare wrench? I was installing SS lines all around my S13, but even with a flare wrench I couldn't get the rear-driver side line off. YARGH!

Good luck.

08-12-2004, 06:04 PM
go to sears and get a file made for metal. edit *file* it down on the sides and get a wrench on it.

08-13-2004, 10:52 AM
You should have started with the flare nut wrench but since it is already rounded try Vise-Grips pliers...

08-13-2004, 12:26 PM
You should have started with the flare nut wrench but since it is already rounded try Vise-Grips pliers...

Amen. Flarenut wrench ownz joo.

08-13-2004, 01:37 PM
if vise grips dont do it your in a real pickel, vise grips will do anything with enough pressure, use so much pressure that you have to close the visgrips with another set of visegrips, thatll do it.

08-13-2004, 05:58 PM
there isnt enough room to fit a pair of vice grips in there. Im talkin MINIMAL room to work with here

08-13-2004, 07:23 PM
They do make very small vise grips...This may seem weird, but it works. Melt a candle and let the wax drip all over the threads, and let it dry for about ten minutes. then clean off the wax from the gripping part and clamp down a very small set of vise grips, and instead of turning to to the left first, tighten it up a little bit more, then start to wiggle it back and forth to slowly loosen it.

good luck,

08-14-2004, 12:01 AM
If none of that works...

Get a thin flat headed screw driver. Place it on the outside right leading edge of the nut and tap it with a hammer. If it keeps slipping off them take a very small drill bit and make a pilot hole for the point of the screwdriver to rest in and get a grip. Then just wail on the screwdriver in the direction to loosen it.

Also, try to get ahold of some PB Blaster. Shoot that all over the bolt and let it soak in. That usually helps loosen up some hardened bolts.

Third option...if you have a small handheld propane torch handy try heating up the nut. Use common sense here and dont fucking nuke it, just get it warm. That should help expand the nut and loosen.

Good luck!

08-14-2004, 08:46 AM
thank guys, thats what im looking for, thats using hte oold noodle!!

08-14-2004, 11:46 PM
let us know how it turns out!