View Full Version : Car accident and Insurrance question. HELP!!

08-12-2004, 12:59 AM
Here is the story

(This applies to someone else but I am going to use first person so it's easier to understand.)

I got into an accident with a friend's car which was insurred but I am not insurred. Someone rear ended me and called the police. I showed both parties (Cop and him) my friend's insurrance on the car. Everything was ok and the cop just recorded down the accident and left. So my question is, is it my fault? I did not have insurrance covering since I didn't have a car at that time. but my friend has his insurrance on that car and the car was rear ended by that other party. Plz someone who knows about or heard about such cases post here and give me an idea of what the outcome might be.

08-12-2004, 02:22 AM
it should be cover by the person who rear ended you. the person who hit you are insured right. Even the most min cover for a car that is legal to drive in cali have to 5000 property, 10,000 personal injury, and 10,000 liability (something like that). If the person don't have insurance, it will depends on your friend's insurance company and policy coverage, if he have full coverage, colluion, and uninsured motorist, it should be cover. Of else you and your friend is screw.

Just remember 99% of the time the person on the rear has to pay for the person in the front.

You should be cover if you aren't insurance or have a suspend license, since your friends car has insurance
Is just like if you illegal park your car and someone ran in to it, the person who ran in to your car has to pay for damage right, even if you illegal park your car.

08-12-2004, 06:45 AM
"dont be scerrred and confused, call 1-800-ask-GARY"...

08-12-2004, 09:17 AM
as far as ive always heard that in states where you require insurance if you get into an accident its considered your fault because you were driving illegally. your friend has insurance for his car if hes the one driving or the cars sitting still but as far as i know this one might be your pocket guy... i dont know california but hey good luck :-)

08-12-2004, 02:21 PM
that sucks.

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08-12-2004, 04:03 PM
liability sucks.. i got in a hit and run... even got the other persons license plate, but my insurance turned me down.. they gave me some BS like "that license plate number seems invalid, we wont run it" (they didnt even try) and telling me to go to dmv and run it myself to contact eh person.. My dumba$s gave up on it...

08-12-2004, 05:46 PM
hyper- thats when you go "my lawyer bets you will check it out cause he's achin to be let loose..."

08-12-2004, 08:02 PM
the insurance carrier for the friend would be the ultimate decision maker of who would be at fault. if it's the other party's fault then nothing to really worry about too much. but if they deny fault, then he might have something on the driver.