View Full Version : Scammer Alert..

04-22-2015, 05:20 PM
I hit up a user about used coils for a buddy that was looking, found other items i wanted so ended up waiting till my friend had his cash for the coils and put mine with his and paypaled the seller to the tune of $750.

Everything seemed to go smooth, heard a few excuses about shipping but i remained calm. My buddy's coils and my package were sent at different times he claimed due to him wanting to package the coils more sturdy.

I inquired and get a tracking number and then they lies started pouring in.

the Photos explain the lies that came to light and I had to file a claim, because i got basically empty box with tracking for the rest of my money. I had to call paypal numerous times and explain the story so they are finally having me ship him back the box minus (my Parts) that i paid for on a lesser value transaction and I should be reimbursed.

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e105/bwoodballa/Wanted/BF95DC5D-2A6A-4C82-8CFD-028BB9A96F4A.png (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/bwoodballa/media/Wanted/BF95DC5D-2A6A-4C82-8CFD-028BB9A96F4A.png.html)

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e105/bwoodballa/Wanted/9E5CFC30-A99B-4EAA-8E03-50CE545E771F.png (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/bwoodballa/media/Wanted/9E5CFC30-A99B-4EAA-8E03-50CE545E771F.png.html)

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e105/bwoodballa/Wanted/FEBA40C8-D6C8-40EF-805D-5854EE167CAD.png (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/bwoodballa/media/Wanted/FEBA40C8-D6C8-40EF-805D-5854EE167CAD.png.html)

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e105/bwoodballa/Wanted/433A15B4-77DF-4FD0-A094-0C51E1010CA7.png (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/bwoodballa/media/Wanted/433A15B4-77DF-4FD0-A094-0C51E1010CA7.png.html)

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e105/bwoodballa/Wanted/4B25C73B-5AEF-4EF1-9E9C-4E7BA053709A.png (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/bwoodballa/media/Wanted/4B25C73B-5AEF-4EF1-9E9C-4E7BA053709A.png.html)

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e105/bwoodballa/Wanted/43819543-394F-4B3E-A1EF-8F7B6C8864A7.png (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/bwoodballa/media/Wanted/43819543-394F-4B3E-A1EF-8F7B6C8864A7.png.html)

05-03-2015, 01:38 AM
What a scumbag sack of shit

05-03-2015, 05:44 AM
Can you provide a username and/or phone number. This is of zero help to any of us without them.

05-03-2015, 07:50 AM
So Cliffs, just to make sure

- You Pay for Coils and other parts ($750, which includes the price of coils, which it seems is $400)
- Seller ships your coils and the other parts in separate shipments (oddly enough, the seller stated he was still at work 24 hrs after he initially said he was at work......)
- Seller gives you tracking number (which you seemingly had an issue with at the seller use Shipnex. Also, only gives you one tracking number although there were TWO items shipped..........)
- You claim you receive what amounts to an empty box (no mention by yourself if the other package for your friend arrives......)
- Seller claims the items were returned to him extremely damaged
- Seller claims to refund you (did you initiate it or did the seller and if so, did you get a refund? This was not made clear.....)
- Seller posts pics to show proof of damage (and you proceed to call him a scammer regardless)

Am I getting this correct here?? The timeline and actuality of events doesn't seem to make sense on both sides from what I am seeing (or am I seeing this incorrectly)??

Confused somewhat..........

05-03-2015, 07:55 AM
PayPal handled it for me.

I was patient took about 3 weeks.

You Pay for Coils and other parts ($750, which includes the price of coils, which it seems is $400)
- Seller ships your coils and the other parts in separate shipments (oddly enough, the seller stated he was still at work 24 hrs after he initially said he was at work......) YES
- Seller gives you tracking number (which you seemingly had an issue with at the seller use Shipnex. Also, only gives you one tracking number although there were TWO items shipped..........) I WAS FINE WITH IT UNTIL HE SWITCHED UP SAYING UPS RETURN THE 2nd package NOT SHIPNEX
- You claim you receive what amounts to an empty box (no mention by yourself if the other package for your friend arrives......) 2ND BOX NEVER CAME...never was SHIPPED (my opinion)
- Seller claims the items were returned to him extremely damaged (NO PROOF)
- Seller claims to refund you (did you initiate it or did the seller and if so, did you get a refund? This was not made clear.....) I INITITIATED AND HAD TO SUBMIT DOCUMENTS
- Seller posts pics to show proof of damage (and you proceed to call him a scammer regardless) SCAMMER POSTED A GOOGLE IMAGE..all his other photos were high res the bent damper pic was on page 2 of Google (thanks god I looked)

05-03-2015, 08:00 AM
Thanks for clearing it up!

If you look at the bottom of the image of the bent damper, that's from Tristatetuners.com (a website I used to frequent regularly several years ago!).

LOL! Now that is some dumb shit! Atleast remove the damn website link! What an idiot..............

05-03-2015, 08:02 AM
No bro I sent him the link and told him to stop playing and send me my parts....

I figured someone offered more locally and he was just trying to get out of the deal... But then I saw this tomfoolery I was beyond through...