View Full Version : Wish us FLORIDA guys luck...
08-11-2004, 07:52 AM
Well, looks like we have two hurricanes coming at us from two directions, and scheduled to hit on the same day (Friday)...Lets hope the pattern changes, could get ugly lol
08-11-2004, 08:00 AM
Good luck with Bonnie and Charley, looks like once they're done with you they are coming my way. Alex just skimmed us last week, we'll see how these two do.
08-11-2004, 08:15 AM
08-11-2004, 08:38 AM
holy crap... lock up the 240sx and good luck!
08-11-2004, 08:39 AM
Meh, hurricanes don't scare me much, really powerful ones with super high winds almost never hit the tampa area. Now if I lived in a flood zone I would be wary.
08-11-2004, 08:47 AM
Meh, hurricanes don't scare me much, really powerful ones with super high winds almost never hit the tampa area. Now if I lived in a flood zone I would be wary.
<~~~~ FLOOD ZONE lol
and its been too long since the last one, so our odds are against us, i think since 1926??
AZNpoopy, NICE RACK !! lol
08-11-2004, 08:58 AM
And on the frist day of my new job! haha
Central Florida hasn't been hit in a long time and it was not that bad. Wonder what this will be like...
I love that kind of crazy weather. Makes me wish i had a garage though. :doh:
Andrew Bohan
08-11-2004, 09:51 AM
hurricanes are bullshit.
see em comin well in advance, evacuate everyone, they fuck shit up for a day, then all the evacuated people come back days later, the flooding lasts forever, and the governer declares disaster and then they start rebuilding.
over here in california, we have earthquakes, which suck ass but are few and far between.
no warning, so no BS evacuation. and it's over in minutes and all the people are still where they started cuz of no evacuation so they can start rebuilding right away. just gotta watch for fires.
earthquakes > hurricanes
08-11-2004, 10:26 AM
yeah well in Texas we have alien invasions which happen with no warning. they abduct everyone who knows how to rebuild and then they use their super death ray beams to destroy stuff. beat that.
alien invasions > earthquakes > hurricanes
08-11-2004, 10:41 AM
lol, I been throu the last big earthquake in LA (5miles east of Northridge at the time) and now a Hurricane. Well what doesn't kill makes you stronger I guess lol. Go thing Melbourne don't get hit by the hard stuff.
08-11-2004, 11:51 AM
hurricanes are bullshit.
you cant be serious.............did you see what Hurricane Andrew did? It looked like a lawnmower rode over the land, and destroyed the houses...
08-11-2004, 12:21 PM
Son of a bitch! I had no idea about the hurricans. I have to go on thursday to pick up a trailer in Orlando. Damn it !
Andrew Bohan
08-11-2004, 12:29 PM
you cant be serious.............did you see what Hurricane Andrew did? It looked like a lawnmower rode over the land, and destroyed the houses...
i didnt mean hurricanes are weak and people in hurricane areas are weak for whining about them. i ph33r hurricanes as much as the next guy. i just mean that they're way more of a pain in the ass cuz you get to prepare, and they take much longer to happen.
with an earthquake, boom it's over, thanks for playing.
08-11-2004, 12:34 PM
I went to the store to get supplies at lunch, and i would say 90% of all the beer is gone lol
OH SNAP!! I need to watch the news more :(
08-11-2004, 05:53 PM
i live in south east Texas. screw a pussy hurricane, what, its gonna flood? maybe knock some trees over MAYBE send a couple tornadoes?
i thought a hurricane was a tri-annual occurance until i was like 12. Texas is a bit tougher though.. florida might break off in that there bermuda hexagon thingamajig.
08-11-2004, 07:40 PM
My suggestion...hide the 240 (on high ground).... and prepare to get wet...
08-11-2004, 07:44 PM
OH SNAP!! I need to watch the news more :(
HAHA, i know same here. I first heard about these storms like an hour and a half ago. I'm not worryin about them though, all its gonna do is make for a shitty rainy weekend, nothing too serious.
08-11-2004, 07:51 PM
:blah: :blah:
alien invasions > earthquakes > hurricanes
Shit. I WISH we only had alien invasions. Not only do we have to deal with Godzilla attacks, we get Zombies ALL the time.
and the occasional typhoon/supertyphoon.
08-11-2004, 08:55 PM
Anyone remember when Jacksonville was evacuated because of hurricane Floyd????? I convinsed my parents to i could surf.......... and possibly do some looting if surfshop windows got busted out. But the damn thing turned north and just gave us a lot of rain and flood damage.
The surf was out of control though...I was surfing 20' faces and almost died when a HUGE wave broke right on my back and pushed me and my board all the way to the bottom (about 20' deep) and I was doing push-ups on the ocean floor with my board underneth me. Then twenty seconds later shot to the surface like a rocket right before I blacked out!
Beat that you earthquake pussies...j/k
08-11-2004, 10:02 PM
I went to the store to get supplies at lunch, and i would say 90% of all the beer is gone lol
That's all huricanes are. A reason to get drunk.
08-11-2004, 10:07 PM
Thats What You Get You No Smog Sons Of A Bitches!
08-11-2004, 11:10 PM
I went to the store to get supplies at lunch, and i would say 90% of all the beer is gone lol
OH NOES!!!11 How will anyone survive?!
08-12-2004, 01:09 AM
Anyone remember when Jacksonville was evacuated because of hurricane Floyd????? I convinsed my parents to i could surf.......... and possibly do some looting if surfshop windows got busted out. But the damn thing turned north and just gave us a lot of rain and flood damage.
The surf was out of control though...I was surfing 20' faces and almost died when a HUGE wave broke right on my back and pushed me and my board all the way to the bottom (about 20' deep) and I was doing push-ups on the ocean floor with my board underneth me. Then twenty seconds later shot to the surface like a rocket right before I blacked out!
Beat that you earthquake pussies...j/k
man between that and flipping your 240 you seem like you've nearly died a few're one crazy SOB
08-12-2004, 10:53 AM
well , mandatory evacuation for my neighborhood/county.....Hopefully my house is there when i get back from Orlando !! :Ownedd:
08-13-2004, 02:40 AM
florida gets hurricanes. what some pussy flooding that only puts your house up to the roof with water?fuckin puss ass hurricane aint scarrin me none. california is pussy shit too. where the big dogs go to play is japan. japan has godzilla, earthquakes, and tsunami's. take that bitchs!
120mph sustained winds, pft, pussy shit
Bill Roberts
08-13-2004, 10:52 AM
Just a little wind and rain, go inside and shut the door.
08-13-2004, 12:55 PM
rofl DamnedButDetermined you're crazy
Only thing we get here is the occasional snow storm/blizzard.
08-13-2004, 01:08 PM it's headed straight for Orlando. And it's a category 4... I'm sure it won't be as strong when it gets here but still. I just hope theres no hail or other objects flying around :bite: I got enough dents already :rl:
08-13-2004, 01:33 PM
yeah its heading here to melbourne. only good thing that came out of it was that I got out of work early and they gave me 2 cases of beer we made extra, woot woot!
08-13-2004, 01:47 PM
Friday the 13th>floridians
08-13-2004, 01:51 PM
Friday the 13th>floridians
hahaha :rofl:
08-13-2004, 02:00 PM
Well two more hours befor it hits kissimmee so i guess im just going have to wait it out but with the winds at 100mph i think something is going to happen. And there just building a new house right next to me so there is all kinda lose wood and shit every not a good thing. i think im going to see what i can pick up so it doesent start to fly around later
08-13-2004, 02:04 PM
bwahahh my boss wants me to go to work at 5, is she fucking insane? who is going to come pick up a pizza with hurricane force winds? fucking morons.
08-13-2004, 02:26 PM
yeah what the hell kinda vacation is this for me? i got stuck in a friggin hotel in tampa bay for another extra day with no money or food. hurricane is gonna miss us though so hopefully i can get my ass outta here tomorrow.
its getting close
08-13-2004, 07:42 PM
well , mandatory evacuation for my neighborhood/county.....Hopefully my house is there when i get back from Orlando !! :Ownedd:
hahahahaha you are going right into the "danger zone" My grandma lives in st. pete and she just called us and said it barely rained. Orlando on the other hand is going to get hit pretty hard, but you will get to see some of the coolest lightning. good luck! It should be hitting the Jacksonville area at about 12-2am but only like 60mph winds (PUSSY SHIT)
The waves should be very nice sunday morning thought :bowdown:
Oh and to whoever said I have been close to dying a few times, well the count is up to about six times now! Three more to go though :angel:
08-13-2004, 07:52 PM
yea im in orlando and my car is in maitland im praying that my car is okay. right now we opened up the back portch and we are listening to trees snapping and stuff flying everywhere. good thing the storm is almost over. :coolugh:
oh shit it missed Tampa :eek3:
08-14-2004, 12:56 AM
i love how everyone in tampa, and all the barrier islands across the coast all went to orlando. then, the storm changes its mind and goes straight to orlando. doh! port charolette got its ass handed to them though.
08-14-2004, 06:10 AM
Hope all you Florida guys got lucky. I'm still waiting for it to get here. It's not nearly as strong fortunately, but they are worried about flodding. I already have water above my ankles in front of my house, and the storm is still 2-3 hours out. :sadwavey: My other concern is the fact that my car is in my buddies shop which has a history of flooding. It's not like I can really move it considering the engine is still torn apart. Oh well, at least the engine can't get flooded. Anyway, good luck to everybody in Florida, hope nobody had any major loses. My thoughts are with you and your families. :bow:
08-14-2004, 06:25 AM
Good fuck, luckers!
hope you guys make it through ok
08-14-2004, 07:06 AM
My parents stayed in Pinellas county to "weather" the storm, they said it was a rather nice day out :rofl:
08-14-2004, 09:19 AM
fuckin huricane didn't even get here to Melbourne. LOL I stayed up til like 2am to catch any awesome lighting pics, but nothing! ugh, am going back to bed.
08-14-2004, 04:21 PM
45 people are missing in the port charolette bay area. 15 bodies counted so far =(
thats atleast what i got on the last check up on the news
08-14-2004, 05:15 PM
i heard only one died.
08-14-2004, 09:59 PM
i heard only one died.
what wootwoot said is correct....
The storm was pretty amazing IMO. Watched it all from the front porch. A big oak went down and transformers were lighting the sky blue all over. The winds were pretty crazy. The stop sign in my neighboors yard was bent all the way over. Went out to survey the damage afterwards and there were a lot of shingles missing from the roof and a tree laying on the house (didn't do any damage though). 11:30pm the local drunk decided he wanted to clear one of the larger trees that was blocking the road. Almost ripped the bumper of his truck and then got a chainsaw until he jammed the chain. I don't expect us to have power for at least 3 days b/c there are lines down all over the place.
But everyone is okay...inlcuding the cars! :mepoke:
BTW: I'm at my grand parents house is Titusville since they have powa and will probably stay there until power's back unless I have to go to work.
08-14-2004, 11:45 PM
I am so pissed at my friends...I wanted to go down to where the storm was making first landfall and video taping it. I guess as you get older you mature, BUT NOT ME I still wish i could have been there.
And yes I DO REALIZE how powerful the storm actually was, but to be a first hand witness would have been a life changing experience for anyone. I am obviously a person who apreciates that kind of stuff.
My prayers are with those who got the worst of it.
God bless,
08-15-2004, 12:27 AM
but to be a first hand witness would have been a life changing experience for anyone.
And possibly life ending, but what am I saying after what we've seen from you, I think you might be invincible. :coold:
Glad this storm is over, hope noone has any serious damage. It was a Category 1 when it got here,and a Tropical Storm by the time it left. We got lucky, Florida didn't. This Hurricane season isn't close to being over, so, good luck to all! :hsdance:
08-15-2004, 02:38 AM
2 more hurricanes out in the ocean?!!??! GAH!!!
08-16-2004, 06:43 AM
So i decided to ride the storm out at my house, pulled the 240 in the garage, shot some pool, and got wasted with some buddies....My parents went to Orlando, and got SH*T on !!!
It was awesome weather here in Pinellas, hope everyone north of us made it out okay :boink:
A friend of mine in Winter Haven had a tree break and fall on his house....branches are poking through his ceiling, i told him to string up some lights, like a big Christmas tree
08-16-2004, 03:58 PM
Cali is supposed to get a major earthquake before the end of september. The guy who predicted the quake in '89 also predicted this one. So far he's 2 for 3, let's hope it's gonna be 2 for 4.
08-17-2004, 06:44 AM
Cali is supposed to get a major earthquake before the end of september. The guy who predicted the quake in '89 also predicted this one. So far he's 2 for 3, let's hope it's gonna be 2 for 4.
Does the ground really open, and stuff falls in (cars, people, houses)?
I'm seriously not trying to be an ass.....I see it in the movies, and that sh*t freaks me out
No that's not the scary part.You really dont see that too often. It's scary when stuff in your house starts to tip over on you. Like a big shelf with a t.v. on it, or the ceiling. Then you are fucked. Since we have the uber complex highway system in cali, i'm afriad i'm gonna be driving on an overpass, cause there are soooo many of them and it's gonna collapse under me. There are so many overpasses and they are so big(4-5 lanes wide) that you dont realize you arent on the ground most of the time. It just seems like you are driving at the same elevation when in fact you are 100 feet off the ground.
Andrew Bohan
08-17-2004, 09:59 AM
and then there's the bay bridge....
that shit falls on people even when there AREN'T ANY EARTHQUAKES.
i'm gonna get smashed, i just know it.
08-17-2004, 10:46 AM
No that's not the scary part.You really dont see that too often. It's scary when stuff in your house starts to tip over on you. Like a big shelf with a t.v. on it, or the ceiling. Then you are fucked. Since we have the uber complex highway system in cali, i'm afriad i'm gonna be driving on an overpass, cause there are soooo many of them and it's gonna collapse under me. There are so many overpasses and they are so big(4-5 lanes wide) that you dont realize you arent on the ground most of the time. It just seems like you are driving at the same elevation when in fact you are 100 feet off the ground.
thats some crazy sh*t ! !!! The whole element of surprise thing is the worst part...Kinda like lightning, we are the lightning capital of the world in Tampa, so I am always paranoid when it rains, that i will get struck...It strikes so many times in a row that the thunder is just one really loud rumble for hours.. LOL Mother Nature really is a B*TCH :fawk2:
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