04-08-2015, 04:59 AM
idk how committed im going to be to this, but i really like how people share their journey and as a way to get help/advice
use to be cool and my car looked like this pg?oh=6adbb60fe0fd82db0d4634a45f605bbe&oe=55B83A47
got bored so changed a few things and ended up like this
any who, i was going to part the car last year due to being really over spending all my money on this pos and driving around in a $1000 car with no a/c, no power steering, no stereo and driving to the sunny coast every second weekend it made me crave some mod cons
also after attending the JDM Garage training day with Naoki Nakamura and Miki Yabuuchi it made me realise that less is more and driving skill is number one (style and making it your own was important too) i hate to sound like a fan boy but seeing them drive and see them just jump into anyones car and just nail it was a really life changing experience ( (
so the initial plan was to sell the car, use that money to buy a nice daily and have a very basic car later on when i had the money
i got a new job that pays alot better then the job i had so im in a position where i can keep the car, plus i only sold aero, radiatior and coilovers so my car was for the most part still complete
anyway i was going to go for a super basic looking boring street car but i just though "fuck it, if im going to have a drift car i should style it how i want"
anyways long story short, got a few bargins and mainly JDM Garage hooking me up
in short ive always liked D-Max was lucky enough to source a type 3 kit locally, i wanna end up eventually with type 2 but this works for now
managed to get some zeal function x but fronts were fucked, got some g-masters but the fronts were fucked too
so ezza hooked me up with some silk roads which were brand new
so here is where i am as you have prob seen on my grams and fb etc ?oh=aeba98c48662e701c21acedd723e9b15&oe=559FF76A
next on the list ;
- cradle (mine is damaged from im guessing a gutter slap not long after i got the car)
- mono block wheels (either T7R or 57 Extreme)
- steer tyres
- alignment
- run up on the dyno and general check @ 101 motorsports
- body work and paint
- half or full cage (person at matsuri who rolled kinda scared me)
- no doubt other crap ive forgotten
use to be cool and my car looked like this pg?oh=6adbb60fe0fd82db0d4634a45f605bbe&oe=55B83A47
got bored so changed a few things and ended up like this
any who, i was going to part the car last year due to being really over spending all my money on this pos and driving around in a $1000 car with no a/c, no power steering, no stereo and driving to the sunny coast every second weekend it made me crave some mod cons
also after attending the JDM Garage training day with Naoki Nakamura and Miki Yabuuchi it made me realise that less is more and driving skill is number one (style and making it your own was important too) i hate to sound like a fan boy but seeing them drive and see them just jump into anyones car and just nail it was a really life changing experience ( (
so the initial plan was to sell the car, use that money to buy a nice daily and have a very basic car later on when i had the money
i got a new job that pays alot better then the job i had so im in a position where i can keep the car, plus i only sold aero, radiatior and coilovers so my car was for the most part still complete
anyway i was going to go for a super basic looking boring street car but i just though "fuck it, if im going to have a drift car i should style it how i want"
anyways long story short, got a few bargins and mainly JDM Garage hooking me up
in short ive always liked D-Max was lucky enough to source a type 3 kit locally, i wanna end up eventually with type 2 but this works for now
managed to get some zeal function x but fronts were fucked, got some g-masters but the fronts were fucked too
so ezza hooked me up with some silk roads which were brand new
so here is where i am as you have prob seen on my grams and fb etc ?oh=aeba98c48662e701c21acedd723e9b15&oe=559FF76A
next on the list ;
- cradle (mine is damaged from im guessing a gutter slap not long after i got the car)
- mono block wheels (either T7R or 57 Extreme)
- steer tyres
- alignment
- run up on the dyno and general check @ 101 motorsports
- body work and paint
- half or full cage (person at matsuri who rolled kinda scared me)
- no doubt other crap ive forgotten