View Full Version : Different PS Issue, need help ASAP

04-07-2015, 10:54 AM
So I have been battling a PS issue on the VQ35HR S14 for quite some time.
Car has a Chase Bays PS kit to connect the VQ to the S14 rack.

A lot of whine from the initial pump, even at idle with no movement. Swapped that pump out.

Installed another pump, minimal whine but steering was very rough and difficult.

Installed a different rack and now steering is smoother, but the whine is back.

Replaced the pump again and blew air through the PS Lines and spent a lot of extra time bleeding the system.

Now after bleeding the PS is very quiet until I set the car on the ground and move the wheel, then it whines again and tons of tiny bubbles appear in the reservoir. Let the car sit over night and started bleeding again. It sounds as if air is trapped in the rack and circulates into the reservoir and then the aerated fluid pumps through the system and gets air back into the rack and the whole process starts over again.

Any pointers on fixing this?

Currently using DexVI ATF, Chase Bays PS reservoir and lines, no cooler (removed to figure out issue), VQ PS pump and S14 PS rack, no leaks.

04-07-2015, 01:01 PM
Maybe a restrictor on the high pressure side is required. I noticed when going from OEM banjo bolt configuration to aftermarket braided hose my PS suddenly whines as well, and the rack is sweating fluid. I think it needs a restriction at the pump to lower the pressure.

I think Air bubbles can form from "nowhere" if the pump cavitates. I would say that if air is appearing, then obviously it is either entering from somewhere, or the pump is introducing them through cavitation.

I am Not a PS / fluid dynamics expert and my theories are just guesses, kind of hoping someone who has done this will comment on the fluid pressure, restrictors, etc.. because I myself would really like to figure this out once and for all without having to do my own experimentation / wasting money trying to figure it out.

If I had the tools I would measure the pressure on a stock pump/line system, and compare it to mine for starters, for example. But those tools cost $$$

04-10-2015, 01:13 PM
so I did some pressure research. 350Z PS system operates with 1390-1480 psi pump output. S14 operates with 1230-1350 psi pump output. The restrictor might be necessary to help calm everything down just a bit.

I just tried to research restrictors, cant find much in an M16x1.5 to -6 though. Sent an email to KRC.

05-14-2018, 12:54 PM
Sooo did you ever figure this out? I’m blowing s13 racks with my vqhr swap and I need to restrict the pump output.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-14-2018, 12:57 PM
Maybe Turn One Steering can help, I have their reducer in my LS PS pump to correct the output to my S14 rack.

05-14-2018, 01:34 PM
@Real, KRC power steering can help. They have specific flow rates and valves. I have one in my car which is a direct plug and play to a AN -6 line.

I am on this one.
