View Full Version : wiring help for S14

04-04-2015, 10:44 AM
Okay first I'd like to make clear that my car's previous owner did some weird thing to some of the wires. Such as obviously being cut and for some reason they are just out in limbo. I cannot, for the life of me find where they are originally supposed to be going to. I swear I've looked up and down the FSM, but this is way too weird that I can't get a solid lead.

The one wire I'm going to be taking about is only 1 of about 4 in total that are dead ends. The green wire circled is located behind the driver side fuze box at the very top. That wire literally leads to nowhere. I've pulled out my dash to look for a random cut wire that might have possibly been the one to be cut, but nothing. Might it be one of those wires that splits into several others? I don't know, and I've checked several. Nothing.

I really hope that someone with a good amount of knowledge of s14 wiring can point me to the right direction.

04-04-2015, 06:14 PM
That wire is attached to a fuse, is it not? Check the fuse diagram.

04-04-2015, 06:59 PM
That wire is attached to a fuse, is it not? Check the fuse diagram.

Believe me, that's where I traced it to, and even looked to see what the fuse is for for that wire, looked at all possible wires that would lead to that fuse. I've opened my harness completely and found absolutely no leads :(

04-04-2015, 07:01 PM
What fuse does it run to? What is that fuse labeled as?

04-04-2015, 07:54 PM
I got bored so here ya go,

That green wire appears to be attached to Fuse 1 in the driver's footwell fuse panel. It sends operating power to DTRL, power locks, sunroof, ASCD (cruise control), etc, etc. Fuse 2 will power some of those electronics as well. You don't need a Fuse 1 if you have a Fuse 2, and vise versa.

Did your car come with any of those options not covered by Fuse 2?
If not, that wire was cut while the car was on the assembly line. The wire would have led to nowhere because the car was built without those options.

http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/ae27/davidibeiler/Capture7_zpsrn3myr1j.png (http://s954.photobucket.com/user/davidibeiler/media/Capture7_zpsrn3myr1j.png.html)

04-04-2015, 08:05 PM
I got bored so here ya go,

That green wire appears to be attached to Fuse 1 in the driver's footwell fuse panel. It sends operating power to DTRL, power locks, sunroof, ASCD (cruise control), etc, etc. Fuse 2 will power some of those electronics as well. You don't need a Fuse 1 if you have a Fuse 2, and vise versa.

Did your car come with any of those options not covered by Fuse 2?
If not, that wire was cut while the car was on the assembly line. The wire would have led to nowhere because the car was built without those options.

http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/ae27/davidibeiler/Capture7_zpsrn3myr1j.png (http://s954.photobucket.com/user/davidibeiler/media/Capture7_zpsrn3myr1j.png.html)

I've read through that section. I can understand the whole some wires might be dangling anyways because it is not included in the model.. but say for example the red and yellow wire that's a few rows down that is one solid wire, then splits into like 3 or 4 (I think) wires. And remember, these wires are 100% guaranteed mickey moused. Amyways, one of the r/u wires that splits off literally splits off into nowhere.

04-04-2015, 08:40 PM
You're talking about Fuse 7, correct? That sends power to the stop lamp switch (it's the switch mounted onto the brake pedal) and splits off to the shift lock control unit.