View Full Version : MI RB25 Engine Swap!

240 GTR
03-27-2015, 06:40 PM
For Sale: $2500 email [email protected] for more info. Located near Detroit
Nissan RB25DET Engine Swap for s14. Exhaust valves are leaking (verified by leakdown test) so head will need to come off and valve job completed. Engine oil appears normal and free from any bearing material. This is all I know about the engine and what you see is what you get, in as-is condition.
Parts included: RB25DET Longblock (75T casting) with PS pump and alt, 5-speed rb25 trans with short shifter, engine harness (was said to have been running and was pulled out of an s14 Zenki), coils and ignitor, Freddy style intake manifold, stock intake manifold, injectors with stock fuel rail, tubular exhaust manifold with no name ewg installed, 2 fmic cores, some ic piping, j60 maf, "TJ" ecu, "R4" ecu, Godspeed ka radiator with 2 electric fans, 240sx swap motor and trans mount, s14 conversion driveshaft

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11071414_10153231927920972_7970869592522448393_n.j pg?oh=82a31f087a13956d369bc8873e8ff7d6&oe=55A90A12&__gda__=1437236599_89d5276afe5a34dbefc025ee7fcfd51 0