View Full Version : Garrett turbo part# question ?

08-06-2004, 12:02 AM
I got a turbo recently and am wondering what car it was from or exactly what turbo it is ...it is either a t25/t28 as it is bolted to a CA18 manifold currently. There is a Garrett tag on the turbo that has 3 lines or writing
BH 0226J

whenever I do a search anywhere on 466541 it comes up as a t25 or a gt28 depending what site. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction in finding out where this turbo is from as it is a bit bigger and spools alot quicker than a regular stock CA t25 turbo

08-06-2004, 05:50 AM
did you look at the Garrett website, try the pdf one. Or call Garrett themselves, I couldn't figure out what one sensor was and I called Nissan, they hooked me up and I found out that I didn't need it. Just call them and ask.