View Full Version : Joefresh

03-17-2015, 10:59 AM
This is a review of the seller Joefresh

I bought a used T-28 turbocharger from Joefresh. I asked him, specifically if he had used this turbocharger on his own vehicle.

He said yes, it "always pulled hard, no smoke no shaft play"

When I got the turbo, I inspected it thoroughly. Indeed it has very little shaft play. The wheel looked a little beat up, and I could tell it had been heavily cleaned, but that was to be as expected. I just needed a good CHRA to last for a year or two in case something happened to mine.

I installed this turbo, and on the first drive noticed a horrendous squealing / whining noise at part throttle. Something you would definitely have noticed if you OWNED and DROVE with this turbocharger. It appears that Joefresh had lied when he said he used it, otherwise he would have heard this obnoxious, obvious noise.

Buyers beware, although I believe Joefresh has good intentions, he is clearly lying, making up stories, about his used parts in order to sell them.

I took pictures of the turbo and install for reference like I always do
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b378/draglarry/to_clean/th_P1210712.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/draglarry/media/to_clean/P1210712.jpg.html)
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b378/draglarry/to_clean/th_P1210709.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/draglarry/media/to_clean/P1210709.jpg.html)
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b378/draglarry/to_clean/th_P1210696.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/draglarry/media/to_clean/P1210696.jpg.html)
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b378/draglarry/to_clean/th_P1210685.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/draglarry/media/to_clean/P1210685.jpg.html)
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b378/draglarry/to_clean/th_P1210660.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/draglarry/media/to_clean/P1210660.jpg.html)

I used all new gaskets and followed FSM procedure, everything went together super clean. I've never had a problem with any parts from Zilvia members before, this was the first time a community member had lied to me, and it rubbed me the wrong way.

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b378/draglarry/to_clean/th_turbo20payment.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/draglarry/media/to_clean/turbo20payment.jpg.html)

03-17-2015, 08:04 PM
I've never had any issues making deals with joefresh. I've made multiple trips picking up parts from him and never have I felt like he was a liar trying to get me to buy a part or trying to scam me.

I picked up many items from him like Navan aero, strut bar, hubs, interior pieces, motor mounts, etc. All are quality parts and we've made successful deals for both parties.

It sucks when a part unfortunately breaks, but that's the chance of anything second hand, especially parts that get put under a lot of stress. 6 months is quite a while to make a complaint.

I may not be a very active member in this community but I will continue to do business with joefresh.


03-19-2015, 12:53 AM
That's too high of a price to be "the chance of anything second hand". With his high ass prices I would expect nothing less then perfection, unless he states otherwise. With that being said: the turbo looks clean. I see why he might have assumed it was working well. Sounds like more of stretching the truth then flat out lying.

03-19-2015, 06:57 AM
Errrrr, why was mine and several other comments deleted??

We made valid suggestions to the OP to make sure the turbo is infact fubared :confused:

And yes, paying 380 for a used T28 is rediculous! I sold my S15 turbo for less than that and it was purchased brand new!

03-19-2015, 09:33 AM
wish i could reply to this without it being deleted.

my prices are high because i dont sell junk. EVER. goddamn.

I also had a member here that rode in my car with the turbo but it was also deleted. I guess people can just run their mouth off and lie. 6 months after the fact.

i sold the turbo to a guy across the country. i had to eat paypal fees and shipping. i didnt even make 300$

everyone is complaining from out of state. people that have come to my house to buy parts just keep coming back to buy more and more

03-19-2015, 11:01 AM
ive already spoken with both sides of the party and it was simply a bad part that neither party couldve known about. on one side of the matter, the buyer shouldve tested and made a video of the turbo to post on youtube before selling said part. the buyer knew he was purchasing a used turbo which is always a risk of something not being right or being damaged in transport. both parties shared equal responsibility in the transaction, pointing fingers and name calling are not considered reviews nor proper input!

comments were deleted by admin staff per their judgement!

03-19-2015, 11:04 AM
Turbo was fine. Ill say it until i die!!

03-19-2015, 11:38 AM
Turbo was fine. Ill say it until i die!!

im playing devils advocate here. there is no video documented evidence of the turbo running so therefore the only thing that can be taken into account is your word vs someone elses. ive already spoken to the buyer regarding the situation and both parties in the situation are under equal responsibility and fault.

people jumping in to the thread and leaving useless comments will not be tolerated as its unnecessary and unneeded!

03-20-2015, 09:15 PM
I am considering all possibilities, but my first priority is to minimize the time I spend dealing with this. (I am done, this is my end-result thought outcome considerations)

being as brief as possible,
1.if joe really did ran the turbo = true then joe heard the noise but ignored it. He could have simply stated that "oh, I do recall it making a strange noise, but I thought nothing of it at the time and didn't think it was important enough to mention. " And that would have gotten him off the hook because its possible to hear and not recognize this particular whine. Note: Joe can still use this defense anytime he wants.

2. I do NOT believe joe could know so little about turbochargers that he would mus-interpret the noise. But it appears to be possible, since the evidence lies in Joe's responses: "Turbo runs fine! Ill say it till I die!" He keeps repeating this fact, over and over again, as if it matters! Yes, The turbo DOES run "fine" Joe, as in it does not smoke or leak and it seems to produce boost, although my logs report that there is something wrong with it. You are welcome to ask in what ways my logs are different with this turbocharger and I will gladly spill the gory detail. Joe NEVER mentions that it never made any noise! Notice he never says that "that turbo never made a whining noise" he only keeps repeating the other truth: "that it runs fine".

3. If joe is mentally repressing the noise he heard, that he is now sure that he never heard before, or isn't sure anymore because of this mess, then he did own the turbo and he did run it and hear a noise. But if he NEVER ran the turbo, and is lying about that outright, then he could also be lying about anything outright just as easily.

2. Joe could have said "I never ran the turbo, buy at own risk" from the beginning and that would also have prevented this. If it is true that he did run it, he heard it, and hasn't mentioned it once because he knows what noise I am talking about.

3. Of course other possiblities exist. I have heard blown manifold gaskets cause a similar noise. I do not believe it is, but you can bet I will be de-cementing those nuts really soon to find out. Regardless, the noise still existed from the instant the turbo was installed, ... so whoever ran it last, knows