View Full Version : So the freight company dropped my motor

08-05-2004, 12:24 PM
I went to the freight company's local hub early this morning to go pickup a redtop for a customer and a s14 blacktop for my personal car. The blacktop was successfully loaded on my trailer, and the redtop wasn't =( Somehow the guy operating the forklift dropped it--it fell about 4 feet and landed upside down. I was looking the other way but it must have landed on the exhaust side first--the CAS is in 1000 pieces, the power steering pulley is bent at a 45 degree angle, and the end of the dipstick was broken off.

What are the odds of anything being broken or fucked up internally? I was worried since almost everything is aluminum.

I wish it was as simple as rejecting the shipment, but I know the place I got it from wouldn't do a damn thing..and the freight company says it's anywhere from 90-120 days realistically for any kind of compensation--and that's if I get any.

today sucks =(

08-05-2004, 12:32 PM
sue them for compensation. if you witnessed them dropping your shipment it should be them compensating you for damages.

but if shipment was damaged on it's way then that's another story.

08-05-2004, 12:35 PM
u should be compensated for it. I seen it happen at black trax they delivered a 2jz to the shop and it dropped and cracked the head.

08-05-2004, 01:39 PM
sue them for compensation. if you witnessed them dropping your shipment it should be them compensating you for damages.

but if shipment was damaged on it's way then that's another story.

No, it was damaged right in front of me, I was almost crushed when it fell. :goyou:

I already have another motor on the way for him, I'm just asking what are the odds of internals being fucked, or can I replace the CAS and pulley and throw it in my car. I know theres no telling until its taken apart--but is the motor 99.9% junk now or what? It's been a long day :madfawk:

08-05-2004, 02:52 PM
dude thats a tough break. I'd say don't even chance it. Tell the freight company that they a liable and don't take no for an answer. That's 3500 bucks your talking about right? I mean if it was me I'd take it all the way to the owner of the company if I had to. That's on them totally. As long as you didn't sign any disclaimer form from them saying they're not liable for any damages to items in transit then you've got a sure case.

It's the same as if you had been trying to install the engine in someones car and you dropped it somehow on the front end and pretty much broke the front end off!! Would you tell him tough luck? I think not. And if they try to tell you to screw yourself, take them to court!! to cover your ass have the engine inspected internally to see if there's any damage. Might cost a little but at least you'll have a second opinion and then take that to them or to court if necessary. That's definitaly a small claims case and a sure win. Wapner...where's judge Wapner when you need him....?

Good luck.

08-05-2004, 03:14 PM
the fact that the engine is aluminum kinda fucks everything. getting the engine inspected costs money. The internals should be cool, but you could have a hairline crack somewhere in the casting. Ask the shop if they are willing to dish out a few hundred bucks for a machine shop to inspect and pressure test the motor(not compression test, like pull the head of and pressure test it). I'd try to get a refund though, since you witnessed the accident. It is the shops fault, and that's the end of it.

08-05-2004, 05:50 PM
I have realized that being nice doesn't help the situation. I would do everything in my power and right to do something in getting compensated for what they did in front of your very eyes. Think of it this way, if you weren't there and they dropped the motor, do you think that they would have told you about it? Nope, so that is way I think you should screw them over.

08-05-2004, 06:06 PM
dude, sue the shit out of them, who knows what happened, 4 feet is a lot when your talkin hundreds of pounds of old metal. tell em to compensate you for time too, just wondering what company was this, becuase im dealing with central transport now, they lost my engine for 4 days untill It somehow found its way at a home depot, and it wasnt even the company that let me know, some guy workin at HD found my number somehow and is like shit i got an engine with your name on it. (funny cause I work there now). but yah then I had to borrow a truck and shit to get it out of home depot. I filed a claim and they sent me a letter of confirmation but have never responded yet. isnt it funny the shit u witness when you try to pick stuff up yourself, engines fall, they get lost, think of all the other shit that happens when your not looking, no wonder half the fins on my brand new intercooler are bent.

08-05-2004, 06:16 PM
Usually when a motor is dropped it can go either way, most of the time it is messed up. The thing that worries me is the cas. If it hit the cas hard enough it could have bent the shaft that goes to the gear on the cam. If it did it may have broken a tooth or bent a tooth on the cam. It may have even bent the whole cas mount casing on the head towards the cam. Also if it hit the exh manifold i can almost guarantee you will have probs.

Sorry to hear about that. Go to the shipping company take pictures of the forklift operator, forklift, the strap that was holding it. And the motor. even any marks on the floor it may have caused.

People like to get rid of evidence. so you should do it soon if possible.


08-05-2004, 07:08 PM
They are the shipping company. They damaged it. They are liable. If they say "it will take 3 months to file a claim" say "well in that much time I think I could get it settled in court."
maybe that will get the claim moving faster. Anyway reject the engine. You shouldn't have taken it at all. When you accept a delivery it means... you accept it. I would have told them "nope sorry, I'm not accepting that engine."

08-05-2004, 09:10 PM
Agreed; I would tell them to compensate,or see you in court. You witnessed them dropping the engine.

08-05-2004, 11:23 PM
Pack up as much info. for a court appearance as possible. Like blu808 said, photographed evidence is important. The shop can't hide shit, you were there and that's the truth...

08-05-2004, 11:53 PM
The shipper was Yellow Freight.

I got names of the ''sort of manager'' and the fork lift operator. I took pictures of the motor--laying upside down on the trailer-- and the aftermath.

I pulled the valve cover off, I checked where the CAS meets the cam and everything looks okay, although anything miniscule could throw it off. The power steering pulley is at a 45 degree angle but I pulled the pump off and everything checks out again with that; again, who knows.

08-06-2004, 04:05 PM
again, who knows.

exactly why u need to get compensation, would you be asking yourself this if they didnt drop it, no,

08-06-2004, 05:15 PM
my thought is how would he fight it if they ask him "does it look ok?" .. and he says "it looks ok, but it could be off"..

08-07-2004, 01:47 AM
don't be passive about this. Stick it to them, call them rioght now literally and tell them you need compensation or you will take them to court/.

However you accepted the engine and that is as the other members said ACCEPTING the shipment and the condition of the shipment : /

08-07-2004, 02:35 AM
OWN3D! haha j/k
good luck on getting money back on it.

10-14-2004, 05:09 PM
ok so i have a question. Just about an hour ago i picked up my KA from the shop i took it out in. Its an old job at a body shop and the mechanic did me a huge favor letting me use his shop and all his tools and help etc. He had the motor chained to the forklift and was lifting it up, he got it about 1 foot off the ground and was about to start moving back when the hook on the chain straightened out dropping the motor on the oil pan.

The trans and everything was still all connected. It actually landed on the oil pan on the front of the engine, and the middle of the block landed on a floor mounted jack that he had the motor sitting on.

So. Oil pan hit, block hit, and the trans had to of taken some shock.

Should i expect alot of damage? Im ripping the motor apart to do my timing chain and headgasket etc. Just wanted to know what i should expect, or even what to look for while i have the motor apart.