View Full Version : How to get chicks?

08-05-2004, 02:00 AM
I have this stupid loser question I have ask all you people. When I was in high school, I always think that if i get a sup dup car, i can pick up chinks easily, thats the reason why i try to spend most of my money on my car just to impress some chicks. but i was wrong, i still can't get any. sometime I ask myself if i really enjoy suping up my car or just because reason to impress other people or to get chicks that why I do it, it since like i still can't get chick even I sup dup my car. Is the image of the magazine and import car show make me think if you get hot car, you can get chicks. So the question is how to get chicks?

08-05-2004, 02:34 AM
When I was in high school, I always think that if i get a sup dup car, i can pick up chinks easily, thats the reason why i try to spend most of my money on my car just to impress some chicks.

so thats how you pick up chinks huh...haha just find it kinda funny....you are chinese right? i presume that cause of your sn

08-05-2004, 02:36 AM
:duh: Try starting at the bottom, with ugly fat chicks. If you can't pull that off just give up on life. :bigok:

08-05-2004, 03:26 AM
from all of my experiences so far...it's all about game man. U either got it or don't. But you can develop it, it's never too late. I have so many friends with very old beater cars that have such hot girlfriends. it's all about YOU, and not your car. Some people may get chicks with cars, but people with game ALWAYS get chicks.

08-05-2004, 03:30 AM
from all of my experiences so far...it's all about game man. U either got it or don't. But you can develop it, it's never too late. I have so many friends with very old beater cars that have such hot girlfriends. it's all about YOU, and not your car. Some people may get chicks with cars, but people with game ALWAYS get chicks.


08-05-2004, 03:32 AM
so thats how you pick up chinks huh...haha just find it kinda funny....you are chinese right? i presume that cause of your sn

Yes i am chinese, the hot car idea to pick up chick seem like don't work, maybe work back in when i was in HS

08-05-2004, 03:39 AM
Just tell a girl, "If you were a boogar, I'd pick you first." Works every time.

Disclaimer: Don't slip on the wet snail tracks that the ladies will be leaving after you bust out with this line cuz this shit is game at its finest.

08-05-2004, 04:56 AM
treat them like shit and you'll have every woman fawning over you, and that goes double for all the hot ones.
treat them well and they ignore you.

Women are fucking stupid.

Be confident, and don't be afraid to ask a girl out. The worst she can do is say no.
Besides, if you never ask, how do you know the answer she'll give?

edit: if all else fails, audition for American Idol with a shitty, semi-homosexual version of 'She Bangs' by Ricky Martin. Oh, wait...

08-05-2004, 05:02 AM
haha... you guys crack me up...
the game is all about you... it's what you've got to offer... it deals with your image, your approach, attitude, self-esteem (big one), etc. just ask yourself what do you have to offer this girl you like??? well that's just my opinion... correct me if i'm wrong... good luck... pimpin' ain't easy... haha...

08-05-2004, 06:27 AM
treat them like shit and you'll have every woman fawning over you, and that goes double for all the hot ones.
treat them well and they ignore you.

Women are fucking stupid.

Be confident, and don't be afraid to ask a girl out. The worst she can do is say no.
Besides, if you never ask, how do you know the answer she'll give?.

umma have to go w/ you on this...treat em like shit..but u gatta know when to start bein nice...is kind of tricky...like he said gurls are stupid so u gatta have a stupid game...kind of confusin =D

08-05-2004, 06:38 AM
the fact that you are asking this on an internet forum means you are so far behind you'll never catch up.

08-05-2004, 07:25 AM
the fact that you are asking this on an internet forum means you are so far behind you'll never catch up.


my advice is to ignore them. the more you ignore them the more frustrated they get with you not paying attetion to them. you want girls to notice you, blatantly ignore them. let them know your there, but just shove them off, and they will keep commin back.

08-05-2004, 07:38 AM
umma have to go w/ you on this...treat em like shit..but u gatta know when to start bein nice...is kind of tricky...like he said gurls are stupid so u gatta have a stupid game...kind of confusin =D

EXACTLY...you have to know the correct balance of being a jerk, and having a nice side to you......

Just go in with the attitude that the last thing you care about is impressing that girl, and that you dont have the time for her, because you care too much about guy stuff (beer, football, cars, Spike TV, baked potatos lol)

Be funny, and make a couple jokes (NOT to impress them, but because you are a smartass jokester) ...and then look to see if she bites your hook, its like fishing, you slowly reel them in, you dont snap the line back, they'll get off the hook... But play it cool man, women smell DESPERATION and LACK of CONFIDENCE from miles away.......they love a challenge

08-05-2004, 07:41 AM
since i understand asian girls pretty good i think im qualified to answer. the ignoring/act like asshole routine will not work if you are ugly with no interests other then going home and watching TV. you are going to need to improve yourself a lot before any asian girl will be interested in you.

for white girls you can just go to parties, drink alot and be funny and you'll probably meet someone nice. (as long as you are not ugly. then you can aim for a ugly white chick.)

for asian girls:
#1 must be clean cut. if you have long hair cut it. unless you're going for a japanese girl. then make your hair really shaggy and color it. also grow a weird bit of facial hair.
#1a gotta dress nice. how you dress depends on rule #4.
#2 must have friends. you have to have a clique so they know ur not a loser. yes, asians are all about status.
#3 must have stuff. basically get a silver watch and necklace. the apperance of stuff is more important then the actually having of stuff.
#4 must be in some club / scene. you can be a clubber, a car guy, a pool shark, etc... but if you're just a normal dude an asian chick wouldn't know how to pigeon hole you, making you harder to approach.

finally (and this is a general rule of thumb), being a nice guy doesn't mean you have to be a spineless guy. girls like a guy to take charge sometimes. alot of 'nice' (read: weak) guys fall into this trap and end up being 'the friend.' (read: emotional support but no pootang). and you have to make the first move. stop being a pussy and just walk up to the girl. be nice, not weird.

08-05-2004, 07:55 AM
and then look to see if she bites your hook, its like fishing, you slowly reel them in, you dont snap the line back, they'll get off the hook... But play it cool man, women smell DESPERATION and LACK of CONFIDENCE from miles away.......they love a challenge

i think comparing it with fishing is a perfect way to describe it. first you have to prepare yourself for asking the girl out [baiting your hook]...then you just got to cast your line and try to get someont to bite it. but like S14Speed said you have to be patient or the line will break. but the question is do you want to fish in the sea, where there are dime a dozen girls, or some rare pond or stream that no ones knows about where you could catch 'the one'
..man that was gay

anyway...asians chicks are hot and i'd love to bang one...but every asian i've seen in north carolina is so thuggish and gangsta...it's weird

08-05-2004, 08:09 AM
You need to stop being a whiny little wuss, get off the computer, and go practice.

Do you get magically good at drifting over night? Did you magically learn calculus or differential equations? NO.

Just start talking to women. Don't hit on them or ask them out, because you need to get past the point where you are now - that women are this mythical beast that you have no hope of ever filling with your magical man chowder of love.

Talk to them. Practice jokes. Be funny. Make fun of yourself (that seemed to always work for me for some weird ass reason - amusing anecdotes about my life), but not in a "I'm a fucking idiot" way, but in a "I made this really dumbass mistake, and next thing I knew, I was covered in ice cream and hot chocolate" way. Oh, and DO NOT TALK ABOUT CARS (unless she changes her own oil).


08-05-2004, 08:17 AM
Dude, the only women who give a fuck about a nice car already have one of their own... Having a souped up car won't attract shit but a buncha dudes, which is only cool if you into sausage fests... You get chicks by TALKING to chicks, approach them, get close to them, THEN you act COMPLETELY disinterested. For some odd assed reason, they seem to be up to the challenge of competing to gain or at least regain someone's interest. Fixing up your car in hopes that some woman will notice and talk to you is just plain silly.

08-05-2004, 08:18 AM
anyway...asians chicks are hot and i'd love to bang one...but every asian i've seen in north carolina is so thuggish and gangsta...it's weird
And they tend to run in large packs of equally hopeless wannabe thugs at that, it gets fucking ANNOYING easily

08-05-2004, 08:54 AM
the whole acting like a d head thing, works sometimes
for me, im cute, and all... so ive gotten chicks easily all my life-know how?
by acting myself. dont be a jerk to girls, but dont be too nice. theres a precious balance you have to work at all times. open doors for girls, yeah. unless u have tons of cash, dont go out and buy clothes to impress a girl, cuz trust me... u'll need it later on. if u see a girl u like, grow a pair and go and talk to her. one of my friends liked this girl right off the bat, and he wouldnt talk to her at all (hes shy)-which i used to be as well. but i go right up and talk to her and everything, not meaning to get the girl, but a couple of days later her sis calls em up and tells me that she wants me to take her out on a date. they say good things come to those who wait, and nice guys finish last... so u gota work a balance. dotn go up on every girl askin for her #, but dont wait it out either. be nice, yes... but dont be desperate. talk to all girls you meet, as a friend, and if one of their friends says somethign to you, badda bing ur in... when that happens- hit me up on aol, cuz i dont check this site reguarly(kinda liek my spelling)- gymclasshero1984 if u guys need any help with girls

-by the way, i grew up with 2 older sisters, so i kinda have an upper edge. hit me up if u wana, and best of luck to u all
one love

08-05-2004, 09:40 AM
I'm lucky when it comes to chicks,lol. My brother (who is married,very happily BTW) met his wife freshman year of high school,and just graduated college told me to lay back and she'll come to me. Just be myself around girls,don't BE interested (not act,be) until they are interested in you. Sure enough,I met this girl through a freind,became really good freinds with her,she kept asking me out,and finally I took her up on it...and VOILA' our 2 year anniversary is the 31st :D.

Disclaimer: I am going to Los Angelos in october,and Washington D.C. in September to compete nationally as a male model; If you are really ugly then I have no advice for you.lol.

Walking up to girls aint easy,but act like it doesn't bother you at all. Just stroll up,and greet her,ask her how she is doing. Show you care HOW she is, just not much more for right off the bat. Make eye contact,don't be staring at her tits/ass/hips/belly ring/tatts/whatever.

EDIT: When you walk up to a girl,don't try some 'pimp walk' or to act cooler than you really are. Just act how you always act,and react like you always do. Don't try any lines or other bullshit,a simple "Hi" usually gets their attention enough.

08-05-2004, 10:02 AM
haha some of these replies are hilarious!

umm... i think everything has been said already. Dont act desperate/too nice, cuz then you'll just get all the left overs....if any

08-05-2004, 10:19 AM
haha, this thread is funny. That has got to be the dumbest reason to modify a car. But it explains a lot of cars on the road....

You know, I've ONLY had girlfriends in between project cars. I totaled my last project car right after we started dating. Then after we broke up I finnaly got the 240 on the road... The girl before that I had a beater car...haha
makes me think..

08-05-2004, 11:35 AM

-by the way, i grew up with 2 older sisters, so i kinda have an upper edge. hit me up if u wana, and best of luck to u all


3 older sisters! beat that! but i still cant hook up with a chick for shit. until i met these 3 girls on a church trip. all i did was stand in line w/them behind me, and they are like, wispering amongst themselves(later on i found out they were talking about me). later i was playin football out in the parking lot and they all came up to me and we just started talking and getting to know each other. after we got back they called me and asked if i wanted to come up to their house(5 hours away)... :rawk:

lesson of the story:
be yourself, dont try and mod out your car to get chicks, it doesnt work. i mean, look at my car, its a pos and i still can get girls. dont be all show and have nothing under the "hood". in other words, dont be human rice.

08-05-2004, 12:51 PM
hmm...reminds me of the post where the guy had to get advice to post his number on some girls car...


just be confident in what you do and your plans. girls don't like guys who are wusses(sp?) they like guys who are nice to them, but aren't afraid to take charge of situations.

Dude, the only women who give a fuck about a nice car already have one of their own... Having a souped up car won't attract shit but a buncha dudes, which is only cool if you into sausage fests... You get chicks by TALKING to chicks, approach them, get close to them, THEN you act COMPLETELY disinterested. For some odd assed reason, they seem to be up to the challenge of competing to gain or at least regain someone's interest. Fixing up your car in hopes that some woman will notice and talk to you is just plain silly.

i think this would answer why you don't "supe" your car...having a "supe" car is for your own enjoyment mainly....not to impress other people.

if you're trying to impress "those" girls then just get a blingy ride....

eh could be wrong though......but then i WAS in the same position as you..

btw...get out of your house and meet people.....work actually has some pretty cute girls sometimes....that or school...

08-05-2004, 12:58 PM
[QUOTE=mrmephistopheles]treat them like shit and you'll have every woman fawning over you, and that goes double for all the hot ones.
treat them well and they ignore you.

Women are fucking stupid.

you right, i always see girls like guys that treat them like shit and abuse them. And when treat them nice, they always take advantage of you

08-05-2004, 01:05 PM
you right, i always see girls like guys that treat them like shit and abuse them. And when treat them nice, they always take advantage of you

Hey,didnt say anything about abusing them lol :smash:

08-05-2004, 01:15 PM
Hey,didnt say anything about abusing them lol :smash:


this thread is too funny to be real.

will you didn't really spent alot of money on your car just to impress girls did you? a shitbox that handles great and has tons of modification (240sx) is still a shitbox in the eyes of a girl. you should've spent that money on a BMW or a FD and then maybe you'd be able to drop some panties, but even then you'd only get a peak. believe it or not, personality matters.

08-05-2004, 01:23 PM
:duh: Try starting at the bottom, with ugly fat chicks. If you can't pull that off just give up on life. :bigok:

Ah that ugly tree idea.
My friend worked up the ugly tree, you start with a ugly chick, she has a better looking friend, become friends with her, and then her friend has an even better looking friend, moving on up. So on and so forth, its a slow but effective prosess :-D

I agree with the girls that like to be treated like shit. Its the truth. Ill explain my 2cents

So I went out with this girl for a Year and a half, great relationship IMO, I treated her like a princess, if their was anything she wanted, I bought it for her, just cuz I wanted to. She wanted to hang out, I was their, I mean looking back now I was wipped, possably. But when we broke up she started to go out with one of my friends. Kid treats her like strait up SHIT, calls her names and all that jaz, fucks her and just kicks her out of his room, ect ect.

I im really close with everyone I worth with (we work in a cubical base setting, so we sit next to each other every day) so I strait up asked the girls "Why do girls like being treated like shit". And amazingly I got some really good responces. Here are some of them

"Because im just waiting for the right person"
"I want somone who can put me in my place"
"Because if I want to be with somone else, I have an excuse to leave"
"I dont want to hold on to the relationship to long, so its easyer to leave the person if they dont treat you very well, less attatchment"

So inturn they like being treated like crap with somone they really dont care to much about, or just like being put in their place.

Ofcourse the whole thing threw me off, because im a really nice guy, and dont like being mean to girls, but I also dont want to be hurt again. (sorry if that sounds sappy, but its true) So I got in a talk with a very cool guy at my work, and he told me what I was doing wrong or what to try next time around, here is what he said.

"Next time you start going out with somone treat them like a hooker, not like a princess, they have to prove to you that they deserve to be treated like princess. Dont call them everyday, dont act clingy, ect ect"

This advice really helped me.

And as for how to pick up a girl. Thats easy, treat them nice, bring them places they want to go, give them somthing no one else can give them, make them feal special, all the oviouse stuff.

Yea i needed to get some of this off my chest, and it feals good to vent here a bit, and share my experinces.

BiluMaster K's
08-05-2004, 01:25 PM
Takes a man to admit that:

I never got so much pussy as when i drove my Cinderblok-dropped Omni...they laughed, and then got in...

Start being a man, stand up...they will take notice

EDIT: it sounds like many men here are familiar with the works of David DeAngelo....me is a genius

08-05-2004, 01:26 PM
Thanks for all the advise. Still don't understand what is the GAme.

08-05-2004, 01:31 PM
It's all about confidence. Yes, it's such a broad word, but I can explain what it means for a guy. Confidence shows in everything, the you walk (looks natural), the way you talk, gesture, and dress and groom yourself. If you feel good about yourself, at all times, and not just at times where you force yourself to look like it, then naturally, the girls should be attracted. It takes a lot of time if you don't naturally have the confidence. You may have surges of it for whatever reason, but confidence in any situation is something you really have to invest time in.

BiluMaster K's
08-05-2004, 01:34 PM
dont worry about all that "game" talk
....a stand-up man commands/demands respect. Women dont want anything to do with a loser...game is a tactic to mask loser ways...be urself

allow me to quote NAS: "I don't got no game, some bitches just understand my story.."

08-05-2004, 05:16 PM
the guy doesn't understand a METAPHORE. he doesn't need relationship help he needs english literature help. the game is a creative way of stating how the opposite sexes attempt to manipulate each other's responses (whether you admit/know about it or not).

if clues were a quarter you'd be screwed cause they're free and you haven't picked any up.

08-05-2004, 05:17 PM
lol we need to sticky this thread =D

08-05-2004, 05:34 PM
hey.I have a shitty S13 that dies onme/wont start everyonce in a while with no interior and at the time had no muffler and is still in 4x4 mode.and I have a hot girlfriend;)

08-05-2004, 05:34 PM
I agree with the sticky idea. Their seemed to be alot of us poured out your hearts on this post, we just needed a thread to let it out on, even if the question had very little to do with what most of us said.

08-05-2004, 05:43 PM
Women need to be treated like shit until they earn the right to be anything better. I made the mistake of treating them like a princess and i ended up getting fucked in the end. Next time... they are hooker material until they prove themselves otherwise...

08-05-2004, 05:46 PM
Women need to be treated like shit until they earn the right to be anything better. I made the mistake of treating them like a princess and i ended up getting fucked in the end. Next time... they are hooker material until they prove themselves otherwise...
You must have gone though the same shit I did. I lost my GF to a strait up dickhead

08-05-2004, 05:52 PM
Thanks for all the advise. Still don't understand what is the GAme.

this link may be helpful ... lol


08-05-2004, 06:21 PM
best way to get some is, first step on there toes, so they cant run! now say "you are the most beautiful woman i have ever seen and i want to spend one incredable night of sex with you, no names.. no questions, no strings... "


08-05-2004, 07:08 PM
Yo....Ask STILLMATIC about gettin girls......lol he gave me a FEW tips...They kinda worked..but my main shit was the thang that worked

anyways here

Attracting the Species
-get ear piercings
-learn to sing
-learn to dance
-learn to play drums or the guitar
-be nice, but be in controll, girls love guys that are in controll
-***dress nice***
-get white shoes, not Air Force 1's though, girls love white shoes
-Have a GOOD sense of humor, you gotta kinda insult them but make sure that they know you're joking so you don't get in any shit **IMPORTANT** KNOW the girls joking limit, you don't wanna joke around too much.
-have good hygene
-depending on the girl, shave your body hair off....only shaved one certain area to make it look bigger
-have nice hair
-Brush your teeth, girls LOVEEEEEEEEEEE bright whites

Talking to the girl
-Get to know her (ask her what she looks for in guys and such, do a few things that she likes in guys, but don't do all of them; she might think you're desparate if you do all of them)
-Don't be shy, be talkative but don't get annoying...you'll know when you start annoying yourself, but if she starts smiling alot that means shes starting to fall for you and you're keeping her entertained
-Don't ask obnoxious questions like are you a virgin, how many times, are you freaky, how far have you gone
-Talk to her on the phone, but don't call too much, just call about twice a day, if you call more than that just be like, "Hey I'm just checkin up on you, are you ok?"<~ That's gonna show that you care for her
-Take her places, they don't gotta be expensive, just make sure she has fun. A few idea's are miniture golf, arcades, skating rinks, places to dance like clubs, etc...DON'T bring her to the movies until you know that she's starting to like you.

There's more....I just can't think of em since I'm watching Christina Millian shake that thang in her video...

**IMPORTANT** As much as you hear girls talking about how they like looks and bodies, they really don't matter, girls fall for personality and how fun the person is as opposed to looks and such, but looks help ;]

If you need help what to wear just check out my findapix and see how I dress. Or Just hit me up on AIM

AIM: J2 Supra Man

08-05-2004, 09:22 PM
All this advises is valueable. thanks alot guys. i hope there is still more people put thier thoughs and comments here.

FastBack 240
08-05-2004, 10:25 PM
Yo....Ask STILLMATIC about gettin girls......lol he gave me a FEW tips...They kinda worked..but my main shit was the thang that worked

anyways here

Attracting the Species
-get ear piercings
-learn to sing
-learn to dance
-learn to play drums or the guitar
-be nice, but be in controll, girls love guys that are in controll
-***dress nice***
-get white shoes, not Air Force 1's though, girls love white shoes
-Have a GOOD sense of humor, you gotta kinda insult them but make sure that they know you're joking so you don't get in any shit **IMPORTANT** KNOW the girls joking limit, you don't wanna joke around too much.
-have good hygene
-depending on the girl, shave your body hair off....only shaved one certain area to make it look bigger
-have nice hair
-Brush your teeth, girls LOVEEEEEEEEEEE bright whites

Talking to the girl
-Get to know her (ask her what she looks for in guys and such, do a few things that she likes in guys, but don't do all of them; she might think you're desparate if you do all of them)
-Don't be shy, be talkative but don't get annoying...you'll know when you start annoying yourself, but if she starts smiling alot that means shes starting to fall for you and you're keeping her entertained
-Don't ask obnoxious questions like are you a virgin, how many times, are you freaky, how far have you gone
-Talk to her on the phone, but don't call too much, just call about twice a day, if you call more than that just be like, "Hey I'm just checkin up on you, are you ok?"<~ That's gonna show that you care for her
-Take her places, they don't gotta be expensive, just make sure she has fun. A few idea's are miniture golf, arcades, skating rinks, places to dance like clubs, etc...DON'T bring her to the movies until you know that she's starting to like you.

There's more....I just can't think of em since I'm watching Christina Millian shake that thang in her video...

**IMPORTANT** As much as you hear girls talking about how they like looks and bodies, they really don't matter, girls fall for personality and how fun the person is as opposed to looks and such, but looks help ;]

If you need help what to wear just check out my findapix and see how I dress. Or Just hit me up on AIM

AIM: J2 Supra Man

Like a pimp. :bigok:

08-05-2004, 11:20 PM
Oh yeah....and don't talk about your ex alot....

08-05-2004, 11:51 PM
if you want Asian girls, just make sure you have a lot of money.
that is good information!

08-06-2004, 12:08 AM
No if you want asian chicks just be like, "Yo there's a party goin on in the east side, wanna hit it up?" Asian girls LOVE to dance.

08-06-2004, 12:54 AM
Personally, i don't think the whole car thing does it for women. In my experience, they think it's a weird, obesessive waste of my time.

Just watch a few good pornos and observe how the masters pick up the hoochie mommas. You'll learn.

08-06-2004, 01:24 AM
Dood I know ALOT of girls that like cars. You'll be surprised, some girls love girls but hide it deeply, they hide it so much that they begin to believe that they suck, but deep down they have a burning passion for em............whoa where'd that come from..sorry for my poetic side but yeah.

08-06-2004, 01:54 AM
just go up to a girl and go " i drive a 240sx, YO!" and they'll be all over u. Also be careful cuz alot of them *edit* LOVE to play games with you. They say they dont but trust me i kno lots of them that just play games with u just to piss u off. (someone mightve mentioned it but iuno... too lazy to read)

08-06-2004, 05:04 AM
Dont forget the Pants party......tell her that ther is a Pants party and if she wants to go....(she'll ask wher its at) and you say in my Pants=D...works everytime lol *just kidding* seriously tho my buddy did this to about 20 gurls that walkd by at the mall...and tho most of them was confused some of the got the joke and laughd...which is a great apportunity to start talkin to them.....and yes some of them were like w/e im too good for you....

bandwagon prettyboy trucker hats always works too....not my style at all tho...most of the are posers

08-06-2004, 06:40 AM
90% of what most women want is everything they say they don't care about:

power and money

08-06-2004, 07:05 AM
I actually discussed something of this manner with my brother yesterday afternoon... Another effective tool (will only work if you are decently attractive, though) is to approach a group of chicks, pick the most flawed one, whether that flaw be weight, appearance, acne, SOMETHING and talk to her... Get close to her, treat her like a queen. SHE will become your mouthpiece in the presence of all her better looking friends. The fact that you can take the ugly duckling and treat her so well will make you an instant hit with her friends, and now you are working with one advantage; women are calculating, jealous and disdainful creatures and the friends will want in. Now you can pretty much write your ticket into any one or all of the hotter friends.

08-06-2004, 07:13 AM
Imagine if that strategy backfires...haha. You'll get an ugly chick that won't stop calling you while all her friends think you're blind or have a low self-esteem.

08-06-2004, 07:25 AM
Imagine if that strategy backfires...haha. You'll get an ugly chick that won't stop calling you while all her friends think you're blind or have a low self-esteem.
That's when I reserve any and all rights to be a dick when I have to. I never said you have to be heavy handed or act like your in love with her, just treat her right and she'll tell her friends and shit, effectively upping your status.

08-06-2004, 07:50 AM
I actually discussed something of this manner with my brother yesterday afternoon... Another effective tool (will only work if you are decently attractive, though) is to approach a group of chicks, puck the most flawed one, whether that flaw be weight, appearance, acne, SOMETHING and talk to her... Get close to her, treat her like a queen. SHE will become your mouthpiece in the presence of all her better looking friends. The fact that you can take the ugly duckling and treat her so well will make you an instant hit with her friends, and now you are working with one advantage; women are calculating, jealous and disdainful creatures and the friends will want in. Now you can pretty much write your ticket into any one or all of the hotter friends.

This tactic definitely works, you have to know what your doing though....

You have to make the other girls think "why is he hitting on her, i know im better then her?"...then her freind hits on you, you flirt back a little...then the other friends think "why is he just flirting with those 2?"....show them you are the man, and then other chicks in the place will look at you and say "wow, he is talking to 5 girls right now"..and they want to see what the big deal is....

08-06-2004, 08:44 AM
girls just cant resist a guy with a 240 ^^ thats a fact

08-06-2004, 11:18 AM
Just tell a girl, "If you were a boogar, I'd pick you first." Works every time.

Disclaimer: Don't slip on the wet snail tracks that the ladies will be leaving after you bust out with this line cuz this shit is game at its finest.

That'sthe funniest shit i've heard...haha. :rofl:

08-06-2004, 12:53 PM
Don't get on the Friends ladder...


08-06-2004, 01:19 PM
This tactic definitely works, you have to know what your doing though....

You have to make the other girls think "why is he hitting on her, i know im better then her?"...then her freind hits on you, you flirt back a little...then the other friends think "why is he just flirting with those 2?"....show them you are the man, and then other chicks in the place will look at you and say "wow, he is talking to 5 girls right now"..and they want to see what the big deal is....
And you, sir, understand the way it works.

08-06-2004, 01:31 PM
Yo....Ask STILLMATIC about gettin girls......lol he gave me a FEW tips...They kinda worked..but my main shit was the thang that worked

anyways here

Attracting the Species
-get ear piercings
-learn to sing
-learn to dance
-learn to play drums or the guitar
-be nice, but be in controll, girls love guys that are in controll
-***dress nice***
-get white shoes, not Air Force 1's though, girls love white shoes
-Have a GOOD sense of humor, you gotta kinda insult them but make sure that they know you're joking so you don't get in any shit **IMPORTANT** KNOW the girls joking limit, you don't wanna joke around too much.
-have good hygene
-depending on the girl, shave your body hair off....only shaved one certain area to make it look bigger
-have nice hair
-Brush your teeth, girls LOVEEEEEEEEEEE bright whites

Talking to the girl
-Get to know her (ask her what she looks for in guys and such, do a few things that she likes in guys, but don't do all of them; she might think you're desparate if you do all of them)
-Don't be shy, be talkative but don't get annoying...you'll know when you start annoying yourself, but if she starts smiling alot that means shes starting to fall for you and you're keeping her entertained
-Don't ask obnoxious questions like are you a virgin, how many times, are you freaky, how far have you gone
-Talk to her on the phone, but don't call too much, just call about twice a day, if you call more than that just be like, "Hey I'm just checkin up on you, are you ok?"<~ That's gonna show that you care for her
-Take her places, they don't gotta be expensive, just make sure she has fun. A few idea's are miniture golf, arcades, skating rinks, places to dance like clubs, etc...DON'T bring her to the movies until you know that she's starting to like you.

There's more....I just can't think of em since I'm watching Christina Millian shake that thang in her video...

**IMPORTANT** As much as you hear girls talking about how they like looks and bodies, they really don't matter, girls fall for personality and how fun the person is as opposed to looks and such, but looks help ;]

If you need help what to wear just check out my findapix and see how I dress. Or Just hit me up on AIM

AIM: J2 Supra Man

That stuff worked when I was in High School. Things change when your 21+.

08-06-2004, 01:51 PM
I actually discussed something of this manner with my brother yesterday afternoon... Another effective tool (will only work if you are decently attractive, though) is to approach a group of chicks, puck the most flawed one, whether that flaw be weight, appearance, acne, SOMETHING and talk to her... Get close to her, treat her like a queen. SHE will become your mouthpiece in the presence of all her better looking friends. The fact that you can take the ugly duckling and treat her so well will make you an instant hit with her friends, and now you are working with one advantage; women are calculating, jealous and disdainful creatures and the friends will want in. Now you can pretty much write your ticket into any one or all of the hotter friends.

Ya'll been watching How to be a Player agin Phlip? hahahaa sad part is it really works. the other advantage to this is in a club setting the ugly one usually drove. so then you have the rest of them captured they'll hang close trying to get the driver to leave and as your dripping game in her ear your getting them all. the competition is on then

08-06-2004, 02:06 PM
Ya'll been watching How to be a Player agin Phlip?
Not hardly, that shit WORKS, I have done it before... And if you trap a hot chick and you're good in bed, she will become all the game you need, telling all her girls how great you are, they will try and get at you too

08-06-2004, 02:58 PM
Not hardly, that shit WORKS, I have done it before... And if you trap a hot chick and you're good in bed, she will become all the game you need, telling all her girls how great you are, they will try and get at you too

Do we have the same handbook???? LOL After I broke up with my ex, all her freinds were suddenly wanting to hang out and drink or whatever....Come to find out, the whole time she talked to her freinds, they were taking notes...............So Phlip's Lesson : Lay the pipe, and that's all the advertisement you need....

08-06-2004, 05:15 PM
That stuff worked when I was in High School. Things change when your 21+.

I'm in high school dood ;) Sophmore year nukka.....oooooooweeee now I get my choice of them easy freshman girls

08-06-2004, 05:48 PM
Yo....Ask STILLMATIC about gettin girls......lol he gave me a FEW tips...They kinda worked..but my main shit was the thang that worked

anyways here

Attracting the Species
-get ear piercings
-learn to sing
-learn to dance
-learn to play drums or the guitar
-be nice, but be in controll, girls love guys that are in controll
-***dress nice***
-get white shoes, not Air Force 1's though, girls love white shoes
-Have a GOOD sense of humor, you gotta kinda insult them but make sure that they know you're joking so you don't get in any shit **IMPORTANT** KNOW the girls joking limit, you don't wanna joke around too much.
-have good hygene
-depending on the girl, shave your body hair off....only shaved one certain area to make it look bigger
-have nice hair
-Brush your teeth, girls LOVEEEEEEEEEEE bright whites

Talking to the girl
-Get to know her (ask her what she looks for in guys and such, do a few things that she likes in guys, but don't do all of them; she might think you're desparate if you do all of them)
-Don't be shy, be talkative but don't get annoying...you'll know when you start annoying yourself, but if she starts smiling alot that means shes starting to fall for you and you're keeping her entertained
-Don't ask obnoxious questions like are you a virgin, how many times, are you freaky, how far have you gone
-Talk to her on the phone, but don't call too much, just call about twice a day, if you call more than that just be like, "Hey I'm just checkin up on you, are you ok?"<~ That's gonna show that you care for her
-Take her places, they don't gotta be expensive, just make sure she has fun. A few idea's are miniture golf, arcades, skating rinks, places to dance like clubs, etc...DON'T bring her to the movies until you know that she's starting to like you.

There's more....I just can't think of em since I'm watching Christina Millian shake that thang in her video...

**IMPORTANT** As much as you hear girls talking about how they like looks and bodies, they really don't matter, girls fall for personality and how fun the person is as opposed to looks and such, but looks help ;]

If you need help what to wear just check out my findapix and see how I dress. Or Just hit me up on AIM

AIM: J2 Supra Man

oh yeah, that's the dumbest shit i've ever heard in my life. you'd never score quality tail using that crap. "get piercings", yeah, okay. i bet you haven't had pussy since pussy had you.

crap, i was trying so hard to be nice... just didn't want people taking his advice and running with it... seriously... for real... right?

08-06-2004, 06:04 PM
Hode up hode up hode up. So does this mean you want me to start flamin on you too? That's perfectly fine.
If you THINK you know game then why don't you spit it and give advice? Oh that's right, YOU CAN'T CAUSE YOUR ASS AINT GOT ANY! The only thing that you have is the reputation of being the UNDERAVERAGE asian tryna look "cool". Asian words and an common car in your username, damn dood get a life and stop TRYING to punk people younger than you. Mod's sorry for me bein an ass but I don't like getting shitted on.

08-06-2004, 06:53 PM

jtwo, ur young dude! im a senior in high school and i still dont know chicks that well!! props to you and your pimpin knowledge! btw, last year, i still had first pics of the freshman, but i didnt take any cuz they were all too immature for me.(they all wanted to date older guys like juniors and shit, but none of us would take em cuz they were all a bunch of little wannabe sluts...so, they were stuck datin midgets their own age)

btw, im not hatin on under classmen in general, im just hatin on the underclassmen in my school. i live in booneyville and they are all trying to be either ghetto, or brittney spears...just doesnt fit in my town

08-06-2004, 07:07 PM
Don't trip dood, I don't trip about people callin me young, I just get pissed when people don't think I know shit cause I AM young.

08-06-2004, 07:17 PM
so nobody answered the original question. How do you pick up chinks?

08-06-2004, 07:17 PM
like someone said earlier souping up cars is ghey if your tryin to get women, When I was in high school I had and still have a mustang, base v6. now we all know how ghey mustangs are and especially v6 slow as crap, they didnt care, it was the "coolest car". now my 240, is a piece of shit to them, so yah souping shitboxes up is stupid(if your tryin to pick up women or trying to save money for something important like lets say......... a house), btw i didnt read the 2 and 3 page so If you moved on to a different topic or something just edit my post to "im gay" or something.

08-06-2004, 07:21 PM
so nobody answered the original question. How do you pick up chinks?

Fucking duh. Chopsticks.


08-06-2004, 09:01 PM
Hode up hode up hode up.

shouldn't this be enough?

So does this mean you want me to start flamin on you too? That's perfectly fine.

wasn't flaming, jsut thought your advice was bunk and unrealistic. no need to get hostile. i've been trying to be civil of late.

If you THINK you know game then why don't you spit it and give advice? Oh that's right, YOU CAN'T CAUSE YOUR ASS AINT GOT ANY!

oh, that hurts... dang... how do i respond to such a superior slam?

The only thing that you have is the reputation of being the UNDERAVERAGE asian tryna look "cool".

i'm not asian and i am cool so looking cool is just a fortunate biproduct ;)

Asian words and an common car in your username,

actually i'm kind of a big samurai/kendo/Iaito freak. ya see, Makoto is a samurai word for honesty and utter sincerity. i chose this because i hate lies and i hate liars. you ASSume it has something to do with cars, dickweed.

damn dood get a life and stop TRYING to punk people younger than you.

again, wasn't trying, just sorta happened. a lot like how you sorta made yourself look like an over zealous Ethug just now. didn't really mean to ruffle your feathers, bud, but i ain't sorry ;)

08-06-2004, 09:16 PM
1. You're not being civil like you said
2. Saying that you're cool tells people that you're not cool
3. Asian or not you're still an underaverage asian(wannabe)
4. Online Gangster huh, That wasn't being OG, being OG is being like "I'ma bust a cap in yo ass motha fucka."
5. I think we all would like it if you would just shut up so we could stop arguing.

08-06-2004, 10:29 PM
I don't know is going to end up like this. People are arguing.

08-06-2004, 10:34 PM
A- i was so
2- darn, guess ya pegged me for the low rent loser i really am.
3- crap dude... i was shooting for above average asian wannabe. wait... i'm one of the few people left hat are proud of being white.
D- the fact that you initiated this territorrialistic pissing contest only supports everything i've said about ya, kiddo ;)
5- short list of things i don't do:

- lie
- be fake
- have sex with men
- back down from anything (mitigating factors may include: eminent death, ripple effects that may affect people i care about, and bouncers)

08-06-2004, 10:52 PM
Everyone buy "The Layguide" proven pussy gettin tactics.

08-06-2004, 10:59 PM
maybe this will stop the argument and get it back on topic....

willcheung how old are you ad what type of poon are you after? if your jtwo's age and want jtwo age chicks maybe his words will work...

as for myself, id have to agree with makoto THAT WONT WORK if your older and want older women. saying you need to get piercings and white teeth to get into a girls pants (which is essentially what you want to do) is just plain retarded save the girl is young or retarded or both.

08-06-2004, 11:18 PM
Word up honkeys. That shit is probably good for the younger guys, but not for those of us who are out of high school.
One of my friends, for instance, does a lot of the things on that list, and gets hit on by 14 year-old girls EVERYFUCKINGWHERE. It's really quite disturbing...

I can't offer any advice besides that, my game is nonexistant.

08-07-2004, 12:08 AM
willcheung how old are you ad what type of poon are you after? if your jtwo's age and want jtwo age chicks maybe his words will work...

as for myself, id have to agree with makoto THAT WONT WORK if your older and want older women. saying you need to get piercings and white teeth to get into a girls pants (which is essentially what you want to do) is just plain retarded save the girl is young or retarded or both.

I am 23 years old, done with college, thats the reason why i need some advise of how to get chick if I don't goto school anymore (I did get chick when I was in college). The sup dup car idea is just to tell people, that was my believe back in the good old days when I am still in high school. Also I start this forum is to see how other guys apporch chicks.

Also since i never went to school in Cali before (currently I am staying), i don't know that many chicks in cali, thats why i need some advises. Is really hard to know people when you are out of school.

08-07-2004, 12:09 AM
Just be urself, don't try 2 impress anyone.

08-07-2004, 12:22 AM
watch fight club about 50 times, understand it, and you can have anything you want.

08-07-2004, 12:25 AM
I can't offer any advice besides that, my game is nonexistant.

Don't feel bad, because I'm right there with ya!! :-/

08-07-2004, 12:33 AM
Dude, just go out whenever you can. Even if its something as simple as washing clothes. Instead of getting a washing machine, go out to the laundrymat. Cute, down to earth girls do their own laundry. Some guys woudl say "laundrymat?!" Thats just a suggestion. Personally I don't like club girls. Also, I wouldn't suggest ignoring girls that seem interested in you. I used to do that in High school and Junior high (and I am still kicking myself cause this cute Japanese/Brazillian girl was into me for some odd reason). And if you see a cute girl walking on the street or at the bus stop. Offer a ride and say "girls shouldn't be walking."

And listen to drift girl. Don't be fake or flashy. You would attract the wrong type of girls (the gold-diggers and slutty types). Just be down to earth and friendly... that attracts the right type of girls... (I like the T-shirt,Jeans, and flip flops type of gal).

If all else fails, go to Graduate school! :eek3d:

08-07-2004, 01:31 PM
-from a chick's perspective...- (blah blah.. this sn doesnt belong to a girl.. its a GUY -_-" )

geeze, all u guys talk about getting girls and how to and blah blah and who got game and to treat girls like shit, and how women are "fuking stupid"? cough*.. its like.. give me a break.. just be urself. if u're not the type of person a girl wants, then its like.. too bad! but theres bound to be other girls that DO like you for who you are. so chill, dont put too much emphasis on wanting a girl.. or rather, NEEDING a girl.. cuz life goes on whether or not you have a girl...

geeze, guys these days. oh.. and for a side note.. u know how u guys fix up ur cars and ish to get girls? whats the chances that if you DO get with a girl, that she's only with you for your car? .. and what happens if something happens to your car?? hrmmm... think about it.

:) laterz all you testosterone filled guys

08-07-2004, 02:25 PM
wow u guys are all wasting ur breath

just go up to the girl and tell her u have a 15 inch penis

BAM u got urself a girl

08-07-2004, 02:31 PM
No you don't cause if you tell that to the wrong girl she'll either be disgusted(think of it a guy tellin you bout his stuff), scared(some of them get hurt cause of your size), or just awkward around you(she might think you're gonna try feelin up on her or something)

08-07-2004, 04:04 PM
I have this stupid loser question I have ask all you people. When I was in high school, I always think that if i get a sup dup car, i can pick up chinks easily, thats the reason why i try to spend most of my money on my car just to impress some chicks. but i was wrong, i still can't get any. sometime I ask myself if i really enjoy suping up my car or just because reason to impress other people or to get chicks that why I do it, it since like i still can't get chick even I sup dup my car. Is the image of the magazine and import car show make me think if you get hot car, you can get chicks. So the question is how to get chicks?

GIVE UP! You must be a loser!
Try to ask some fat chicks out, if that works then work you way up like someone said before........ but if it doesnt, just take it up the ass cause you might have a better chance with a guy.....

Cars do attract girls a little but it is not everything.... you need to whole package...... and man, you package just isnt enough........ You package includes your personality, looks, money, car, social status, perception of you, interest, and your package. And you probably fit into the Asian stereotype of having a small package!!!! Hey man i am asian too but i was lucky either McDonalds' steriods from cows saved me or i was blessed by good genes... I dont know the rest about you cause i never met you, but you sound like a loser..............
Also yeah i know it is harder to pick up a girl being asian but i do it (yes it is a little harder) (both asians and white) so there must be some girls who like asian men, if not atleast you can charm them to like you.

08-07-2004, 04:28 PM
i was kidding man

08-11-2004, 04:46 AM
....ever notice that whenever theres an ugly girl, she's ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS friends with a hot girl. Like for every few ugly girls theres always that one super fine chick with them. it doesnt make sense but shit if i have to be friends wit the ugly chicks then i dont mind :D

08-11-2004, 11:08 AM
....ever notice that whenever theres an ugly girl, she's ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS friends with a hot girl. Like for every few ugly girls theres always that one super fine chick with them. it doesnt make sense but shit if i have to be friends wit the ugly chicks then i dont mind :D
No, that's kinda like those little fish that hang around great white sharks... The shark can't POSSIBLY eat EVERYTHING it will come across, some will be half (or possiobly not at all) consumed and would fall to the wayside, otherwise wasted if it weren't for those fish, get it?

08-11-2004, 11:23 AM
Also since i never went to school in Cali before (currently I am staying), i don't know that many chicks in cali, thats why i need some advises. Is really hard to know people when you are out of school.

post college the best way to meet girls is through your friends. so if you have friends, get them to start socializing and make new friends. if you don't have friends, get some cuz a girl dont want a guy with no friends anyway.

08-11-2004, 12:29 PM
why the hell is this still active?

here's all you need:

-grocery stores
-video stores
-places with friends

hell, i don't even pick up chicks and i'm knee deep in poontang just from chicks my friends know. the best way to land a chick is to first realize that you do not need her because sooner or later you'll come across something better.

seriously guys.... this is kinda sad.

08-11-2004, 01:09 PM
wow u guys are all wasting ur breath

just go up to the girl and tell her u have a 15 inch penis

BAM u got urself a girl

Believe it or not, this worked for me before.. lol

If you need a role model.. watch the smooth pimp daddy moves in "Cruel Intentions" :eek3d:

08-11-2004, 02:22 PM
why the hell is this still active?

here's all you need:

-grocery stores
-video stores
-places with friends

hell, i don't even pick up chicks and i'm knee deep in poontang just from chicks my friends know. the best way to land a chick is to first realize that you do not need her because sooner or later you'll come across something better.

seriously guys.... this is kinda sad.

^^im with him. If you know how to talk (attract) women that is all you need. Sure other stuff helps, but its not everything.

08-11-2004, 05:39 PM
honestly, you know why ugly dudes get hot chicks? they have nothing left to lose. no hope. losing all hope is freedom. without hope you have the realization that you prolly wont get much so you don't care. screw her if she doesn't talk to me. she'll want you to meet her parents.

you are only as good as you know you are and you are the only person thats ever gonna do yourself justice. don't just take what you can get, take what you want.

08-16-2004, 01:19 AM
step 1 http://www.textamerica.com/user.images.san/90/IMG_383890/_0723/T40407231828071.jpg

just get the hat, and tell girls taht you ride a 500,, you'll get laid right quick

FastBack 240
08-16-2004, 01:39 AM
any vetran member would know that sig pic is way to large. Mr. Meph is gonna regulate in a sec. I have a feeling.

08-16-2004, 05:44 PM
I actually discussed something of this manner with my brother yesterday afternoon... Another effective tool (will only work if you are decently attractive, though) is to approach a group of chicks, puck the most flawed one, whether that flaw be weight, appearance, acne, SOMETHING and talk to her... Get close to her, treat her like a queen. SHE will become your mouthpiece in the presence of all her better looking friends. The fact that you can take the ugly duckling and treat her so well will make you an instant hit with her friends, and now you are working with one advantage; women are calculating, jealous and disdainful creatures and the friends will want in. Now you can pretty much write your ticket into any one or all of the hotter friends.

that is a damn good approach and such an amusing concept to think about. what you really need is to leave them interested and not let it all out at first. you need to be appealing, let a few things slip out that spark their interest but change the subject. you need to get their mind turning and just when you think youve got the upper hand... leave. thats right leave and talk to them again later, they will go crazy thinkin about all the shit you did or said or whatever and not want you to go but it leaves them thinking. you need to get in fast, leave an impression, then go. confidence. its all about confidence too you gotta learn to atleast look confident. the guy who says "so you wanna go out sometime" will always get the date before the guy who says "so, uh, i was thinkin, uh, you, ummm, and you dont have to either, wanna maybe go, um, out or something?"
I dont care if i have to approach 20 girls before i get 1 to say hello at girl 19 im still goin, you gotta not let it all affect you. some might think this is a really dumb ass ploy but what i was gonna do in my earlier single time was go to the mall with a dozen roses or more or wahtever and notes with little cursive text saying every pretty girl deserves a rose.... walk up to every girl who you see working at a store or a booth and looks hott just smile, tap their shoulder, give them the rose and walk away. then when you go shopping 2 days later you ignore them a little but give them a little smile, see who approaches YOU to talk to you. all they will think about is that really weird guy who gave them a rose the other day and they will want to know more about you, what makes you tick... you gotta be smooth and slick, watch mtvs "wanna come inside" too :bowrofl:

08-19-2004, 01:59 PM
tell em ur Rick James!!

08-19-2004, 02:05 PM
either that or tell them your ron jeremy :-)

08-19-2004, 03:39 PM
oiii.. interesting read.. now what if i just moved to a different state.. on the other side of the country.. then what eh? And you have no car either cause the car is broken.. so basically you are screwed.. No car.. No friends.. HAHAHA and work at a job that is like 100% guys coming in and the only girls you see are the girlfriends that get dragged down ...

08-19-2004, 04:01 PM
oiii.. interesting read.. now what if i just moved to a different state.. on the other side of the country.. then what eh? And you have no car either cause the car is broken.. so basically you are screwed.. No car.. No friends.. HAHAHA and work at a job that is like 100% guys coming in and the only girls you see are the girlfriends that get dragged down ...

Bobby and Mike is a girl....


08-19-2004, 04:05 PM
since i understand asian girls pretty good i think im qualified to answer. the ignoring/act like asshole routine will not work if you are ugly with no interests other then going home and watching TV. you are going to need to improve yourself a lot before any asian girl will be interested in you.

for white girls you can just go to parties, drink alot and be funny and you'll probably meet someone nice. (as long as you are not ugly. then you can aim for a ugly white chick.)

for asian girls:
#1 must be clean cut. if you have long hair cut it. unless you're going for a japanese girl. then make your hair really shaggy and color it. also grow a weird bit of facial hair.
#1a gotta dress nice. how you dress depends on rule #4.
#2 must have friends. you have to have a clique so they know ur not a loser. yes, asians are all about status.
#3 must have stuff. basically get a silver watch and necklace. the apperance of stuff is more important then the actually having of stuff.
#4 must be in some club / scene. you can be a clubber, a car guy, a pool shark, etc... but if you're just a normal dude an asian chick wouldn't know how to pigeon hole you, making you harder to approach.

finally (and this is a general rule of thumb), being a nice guy doesn't mean you have to be a spineless guy. girls like a guy to take charge sometimes. alot of 'nice' (read: weak) guys fall into this trap and end up being 'the friend.' (read: emotional support but no pootang). and you have to make the first move. stop being a pussy and just walk up to the girl. be nice, not weird.

In addition to aznpoopy bible of "how to score an azn girl" one must drive this to the club. Make sure your top is down blarring some Luda or Juvenille. :bow:

08-19-2004, 04:37 PM
-from a chick's perspective...- (blah blah.. this sn doesnt belong to a girl.. its a GUY -_-" )

geeze, all u guys talk about getting girls and how to and blah blah and who got game and to treat girls like shit, and how women are "fuking stupid"? cough*.. its like.. give me a break.. just be urself. if u're not the type of person a girl wants, then its like.. too bad! but theres bound to be other girls that DO like you for who you are. so chill, dont put too much emphasis on wanting a girl.. or rather, NEEDING a girl.. cuz life goes on whether or not you have a girl...

geeze, guys these days. oh.. and for a side note.. u know how u guys fix up ur cars and ish to get girls? whats the chances that if you DO get with a girl, that she's only with you for your car? .. and what happens if something happens to your car?? hrmmm... think about it.

:) laterz all you testosterone filled guys

Oh shit your signature "05-09-03" thats my berrthday! Sorry something/someone had to RIP :bite:

Andrew Bohan
08-19-2004, 05:02 PM
Oh shit your signature "05-09-03" thats my berrthday! Sorry something/someone had to RIP :bite:

rip for his car. DRIFTOFFCLIFF!!!!!! (http://guernsey.globat.com/~mountainracer.com/tech/driftoffcliff/index.html)

so what's the point of "getting chicks" anyway. is it really so important to be swimming in poon tang?

08-20-2004, 12:16 PM
dayum. over 100 replies... we should turn this into a group effort how to get chicks book and market it

08-20-2004, 12:46 PM
dayum. over 100 replies... we should turn this into a group effort how to get chicks book and market it

I want some royalties b*tches!

08-20-2004, 02:57 PM
i like the chicks in your sig. suck em down baby

08-20-2004, 03:08 PM
yes... i would gladly suck those chicks down.... :drool: :naughty: :spank: :boink: :wackit:

08-20-2004, 03:11 PM
dammmmn, Old E, Gangsta. Gotta love a girl thats a lil rough on the edges ;)

03-30-2009, 08:03 PM
Yo you guys, what would you guys say is the best way to approach a girl? Any approaching or straight up. I'm a confident guy but I'm a little rough on approaching.

03-30-2009, 08:08 PM
Yo you guys, what would you guys say is the best way to approach a girl? Any approaching or straight up. I'm a confident guy but I'm a little rough on approaching.

You're retarded. Don't even try anymore.

Besides the fact that this thread is over 4 years old...


03-30-2009, 08:08 PM
Oh wow..... :lockd:

03-30-2009, 08:08 PM
Wow...can't believe you bumped an OLD thread to say that...

There is a more up to date thread on here you might want to look into:



03-30-2009, 10:04 PM
this thread is so awesome,

i miss some of those old sn's

03-30-2009, 11:33 PM
confidence and being a dick. Seriously. You have to make first approach, prefferably a chick you will see again.Then just talk casual, and ask her for her number so you guys can hang out some time. Then dont call her, and when you see her again kinda blow her off but still acknowledge her. Usually at this point, at least for me, shell bring up something about not calling her ect, then you just say well we can kick it tonight if you want. keep going on like that. Chicks generally (I say this because not all chicks are like this) will lose interest in you if they know they have you. And dont be afraid to get shut down. In fact, expect it.
O shit 4 years old. Damn my bad.

03-30-2009, 11:36 PM
I knew something was wrong when I saw VAR's name on here.

Seriously, this thread is almost 5 fucking years old.

I didn't even post when this thread was NEW.

03-30-2009, 11:42 PM
yea little boys are way better anyways.

03-30-2009, 11:45 PM
yea little boys are way better anyways.



03-30-2009, 11:54 PM
You need to notice something about her that she wants noticed and compliment her on it.

Otherwise, tie a porkchop around your neck.

03-31-2009, 12:05 AM
5 year bump...come on.
