View Full Version : interior trim

09-23-2001, 10:13 PM
who has put a carbon fiber kit in their s14?  could u please tell me where u got it and ur experience with it.  Also, how do these install?  and do they last?.. thanks!

09-24-2001, 12:24 PM
i did my interior in red.  $50 in vinyl paint and 30 hours...

09-24-2001, 03:33 PM
there's a site called www.legendfive.com.  you can go there, they make door sills, etc.  they make specific types, colors, and ones that will specifically fit your car.  like the S14, they make a whole trim kit, I don't know the price though, you may have to email them for that.  but it comes with everything from the shit knob surroundings to the gauge background.  you may want to check it out, pretty cool site.

09-24-2001, 03:54 PM
Cool site Zexel.
I am hoping to do carbon fiber on my interior down the road, but I dont want the stuff that glues on I want a kit that actually replaces the stock stuff, the hot FL sun I am sure will kill any type of sticky I might put on there.
There stuff looks really good but I cant tell how it is installed, I will have to give them a call and find out the whole deal.

Thanks for the site tho <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

09-24-2001, 08:47 PM
mrace240 i'm with u, &nbsp; i don't want something that sticks on at all.. i want a full replacment. I'm just affriad a full replacement might be very pricey, &nbsp;if anyone knows,, speak up <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> thanks. &nbsp;

09-25-2001, 12:51 AM
well, if you go to nissan, a new set of interior pieces (dash pieces) will run you a few thousand, so I would imagine a whole set of replacements could cost 1K or more

09-25-2001, 07:45 AM
I somewhere read that the 12-piece kit costs some $300 for the S14. I'll ask my bf, he was gonna get it for his car. I'll post back. $1K is a bit expensive!

09-25-2001, 11:56 AM
yes, but the kits available are only stickers. &nbsp;thats why theyre only 300. &nbsp;i'm talking about full replacement pieces. &nbsp;

09-25-2001, 04:04 PM
$300 is too much for those kits. &nbsp;$260 is more like it + shipping. &nbsp;I wouldn't call them &quot;stickers&quot; either. &nbsp;I would consider the $50 film adhesives stickers. &nbsp;They're not even carbon fiber. &nbsp;The $260 kits are. &nbsp;

09-25-2001, 04:07 PM
This may sound really dumb, but whats the point? Is it for looks? Just wonderin'

09-25-2001, 04:20 PM
yes, its just for looks. &nbsp;Every single person that has stepped into my car has said something about my interior. &nbsp;

As for the kits, who cares if its real carbon fibre or not, its still just a sticker. &nbsp;Take that money and spend it on making your car faster/better handling. &nbsp;Mine only cost me time and effort....

09-25-2001, 04:21 PM
Oh..well the only thing i can think that carbon fiber is useful is for hoods or some other weight reduction.