View Full Version : Desperate Diners Attack Trapped Fat Lady

08-04-2004, 09:35 AM
we live in a funny world...


Desperate Diners Attack Trapped Fat Lady With Plastic Forks
Monday November 17, 2003

A FAT WOMAN who got stuck in a restaurant doorway was prodded with forks wielded by her angry fellow diners.

Cops say the woman "squealed and suffered horribly" as a wild-eyed mob jabbed her and hurled cruel insults, including calling her names like "Miss Piggy" and "tub of lard" and taunting her with the childhood rhyme, "Fatty, fatty, two by four, can't get through the bathroom door . . ."

"This unfortunate woman was poked and stabbed at least 200 times and maybe even more," says a Chicago police spokesman, adding that he is both embarrassed and saddened by the insensitivity of his fellow Chicagoans.

"The forks were plastic," he says, "but they still managed to inflict a lot of damage. Doctors later told me the victim looked like a pincushion."

"Basically these people were upset that they couldn't use the rest rooms. The woman was trapped in a doorway that leads to both the men's and ladies' toilets."

The 647-pound woman -- whose name Weekly World News editors are withholding to spare her any further embarrassment -- "was in great distress before she was freed," notes the cop, who says the ugly incident unfolded in a popular barbecue restaurant known, ironically, for its Southern-style hospitality.

"The victim was squealing and crying in pain, not to mention being humiliated, when police and firefighters arrived to help her. They estimate that as many as 40 men and women had taken turns poking her with their forks."

Firefighters cut and pried the by-then exhausted woman free with saws, crowbars and the Jaws of Life, a special tool usually reserved for ripping open car doors to free passengers trapped in wreckage.

She was taken to a hospital where she was treated for puncture wounds, shock and dehydration. Getting through the restaurant's main door was no problem.

In the words of the police spokesman, "It was a double door."

The restaurant's manager says the doorway leading to the rest rooms was "normal size," but in a nod to political correctness after the fact, commented that the woman "had an alternative body image and unfortunately got wedged as she tried to go through."

Cops say her assailants will almost certainly face assault and battery charges after investigators pore over videotape taken from the restaurant's security cameras to help them identify everyone who participated in the bizarre attack.

"When I realized I was stuck I got scared and starting yelling, 'Help! Help me!' " the woman said in a brief interview attended by her attorney. "A server tried to push me through but she couldn't."

"Everything went downhill from there. A man started yelling at me to get out of the way so he could go to the bathroom. Then I heard a woman cursing at me and calling me names like 'fat a--' and 'Miss Piggy.' It was awful."

"And then I felt the forks. They poked me over and over and over and over again. I remember sobbing and yelling at them, 'Why are you doing this to me? Why? Why?'"

An eyewitness who claims to have tried to calm the angry customers confirms the woman's story.

"Thank goodness I had my cell phone. If I hadn't called for help, the fat lady might have been poked and prodded to death."

The victim, 41, says she's planning to sue the restaurant and its patrons for actual and punitive damages in excess of $20,000.

08-04-2004, 09:50 AM
I'm disgusted by this story. I can't believe they brought saws the jaws of life to cut the doorway.They should have brought a chainsaw and cut her fat ass and her fat stomach off her body and left her there to die with her fat self. or better yet they should have just left her there for a few weeks and her fatass would have lost some weight and wedged her own fat ass out the doorway. 647 pound fat woman shouldnt be eating at diners in the first place. fat fuck

08-04-2004, 10:06 AM
omfg, this world is way more fucked up than weve all been led to believe...

i agree...there is no excuse to get that fat...you actually have to try to not walk to the 'fridge to get your whole turkeys and 50 lbs of lard butter, and try to not move at all just to save calories...

this is kinda like a story my dad once told me (hes a flight attendant)

there was this fat lady who got stuck on one of the airplane toilets b/c of the suction of the flush, and she was sitting down when she flushed...they had to grab her arms and use their legs to push off of the doors to the bathroom to free her...

after something like that, wouldnt you say to yourself, i might need to loose a few pounds, but for them they probably "feel bad" and gain another 20lbs from binge eating

haha, wouldnt it be great if it was the same person in both sotries

Andrew Bohan
08-04-2004, 11:37 AM
a while ago some airline tried to make it so really fat people had to buy two seats, cuz if they had just one, the ones next to it were unusable.

but yeah, how the hell do people get so fat? wouldn't you notice it happening? i see lots of really fat kids too. i know they weren't born that fat. damn parents. that's the problem.

about the diner, even though that lady got stuck, that wasn't cool for all those people to stick her with forks. i woulda beat the crap out of those people if i saw that happening.

08-04-2004, 12:10 PM
The victim, 41, says she's planning to sue the restaurant and its patrons for actual and punitive damages in excess of $20,000.

WTF??? I wonder what kind of claim she's gonna put up against the restaurant..... Bahahahahah miss piggy. :D:D:D:D

08-04-2004, 01:04 PM
about the diner, even though that lady got stuck, that wasn't cool for all those people to stick her with forks. i woulda beat the crap out of those people if i saw that happening.

im not a fan of fat people either, but i also thought that part of the story was really fucked up. thats something kids would do to each other, not full grown adults.

08-04-2004, 01:23 PM
if i was the restaurant i would sue the lady, cause if she would have made it to the restroom imagine the damage she would have caused in there.

08-04-2004, 02:18 PM
"what the world needs now, is love, sweet love, it's the only thing, that there's just too little of" com'on man, some people are fat due to a genetic disorder and/or disease. a woman over 600 lbs, there's gotta be something wrong w/ her metabolism or something. why are we so evil... the fork... the fork!!!

08-04-2004, 02:29 PM
lol.....sorry but I can't help but laugh. It's really fucked up that people were poking her with forks...that was uncalled for....but the name calling will happen regardless. I wonder what would have happened if see got stuck in a more pubic area? Geez...something has to be wrong with this woman....she has to face the fact she has a disorder and do something about it FAST...or else you might not live to see whether she wins or looses the case. :-/

08-04-2004, 02:36 PM
wow. thats fucked. I mean I see a lady wedged in a door way fuck yeah I'll laugh and make jokes about it but the people poking her with forks should spend an hour with her perched on top of their chests for that bullshit. I bet everyone of the fuctards that did that has a 9/11 tee shirt and an american flag on their car too. as a friend of mine said after reading this. "fucking sheep" and those people should be slaughtered like the sheep they are

08-04-2004, 03:42 PM
If I saw that lady getting polked with forks I wouldnt just stand there and watch it happen. Yea, she maybe huge but thats just messed up. I mean seriously... who in their right mind would polk a woman stuck in a doorway with forks and call her names. Stupid people...

08-04-2004, 04:01 PM
Yea i also agree that the fork poking was out to line, but how the heck did that women manage to get stuck in the doorway? i mean she must have been trying to get though pretty hard to get stuck like that right?

08-04-2004, 05:23 PM
she should have eaten her way through the wall. after watching an episode of jenny jones where they had a shut-in on as a guest, i dont feel bad for them anymore. bitch had like 7 burgers for dinner, a few pounds of fries, a 6-pack, etc.

08-04-2004, 06:07 PM
did nobody realize that this was a WEEKLY WORLD NEWS article?
as in total BS?
Man, people will believe anything.

08-04-2004, 06:10 PM
hey i'll believe anything that stirs up hate in morbidly obese fat bitches

08-04-2004, 06:34 PM
I guess i've been a little harsh on fat bitches. Fat bitches are people too and should be treated equal. Just because you're a fat bitch doesnt entitle someone to poke you and make you sqeual like a pig, even if you look like one. Those people that poked the fat bitch have it coming, and will get what they deserve.

"Fat bitches need love too Craig"

08-04-2004, 08:34 PM
man thats messed up... but i know that her being 647 pounds she should have the drive to change her self...even if that means having her stomach stapled (which i think would be an excellent idea now) to help her, because if she doesnt then she wont live too much longer with that strain on her heart...

As for the people that poked her with the forks...what kinda childish shit is that? it saddens me to see the stupidity that people now-a-days have stooped to, to poke a helpless woman with a fork? whats next pushing elderly people into traffic?

08-05-2004, 08:22 AM
did nobody realize that this was a WEEKLY WORLD NEWS article?
as in total BS?
Man, people will believe anything.

I was going to post the exact same thing. Weekly World News cracks me up, I know its not real, but its entertaining to look at them while in teh checkout line at the store.

12-02-2004, 06:08 PM
sorry but when people start getting that big; they need to start losing rights and other things that help them out...

if she really had a problem; nearly every health insurance firm has surgery options to fix these problems... stomach stapling, etc are covered by insurance when there's a serious problem with hormones or genetics...

but some people get SO FAT, they need a reality check... they need people to insult them for being so disgustingly overweight that they are no longer fit to live in society, have children, tax credits, or anything...

i absolutely CANNOT STAND obesity... its absolutely DISGUSTING... it is so preventable in 99% of the cases with just exercise and diet; but people are so lazy and ignorant that they'll throw tons of cash at magical pills or easy-way out methods of losing weight...

on the other hand... i absolutely WORSHIP females that do weight and cardio training in the gym :) women just dont realize at a majority; that they could have a bombshell body within a few years if they just tried hard... ugh...

might be a fake story;but its not hard to believe a 647lb woman walking around... there are plenty of 250lb+ women walking around too

12-02-2004, 06:58 PM
Holy gravedigging batman! Let the dead threads be and don't be a http://pfm101.com/images/funny/postwhore.gif

12-02-2004, 07:00 PM
Old thread and fake story.

:lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: