View Full Version : DooM 3

08-03-2004, 08:21 PM
... is fuckin rad.

im going to go play it with all the lights out and the speakers up real high!

08-03-2004, 08:43 PM
played it monday night. Play it with headphones on. you'll jump everytime.

nismo skyline
08-03-2004, 08:45 PM
i bought another computer just to play this game its gonna be awesome

08-03-2004, 09:25 PM
Grrr, another reason why I need Xbox!

08-03-2004, 09:29 PM
its on the CPU West

08-03-2004, 10:19 PM
bet you HL2 is gona be beter......

08-03-2004, 10:27 PM
Half-Life got me into computer gaming. I've never looked back.

08-03-2004, 10:28 PM
The graphics on doom3 is insane!

08-03-2004, 11:26 PM
Oh man, fuckin monsters come through anything. Only complaint I have are the weapons. The Machine Gun is gay, should have been a future M16 gun or something. Who here has try to put it on Ultra Settings? Its a slideshow for me haha.

Oh and one more complaint, fuck the xbox. We should get CoOp!

08-03-2004, 11:49 PM
damn. I can't wait to play this.
I've been with id software since wolfenstein 3d. (not RTCW). Doom scared the bejesus out of me.. Doom 2 rocked.. They should've released a Doom 3 in 1998, as 1998 divided by 3 is 666. I guess nobody saw that marketing opportunity though.
I can't wait though.. I'm seeing an upgrade in my rig's future... about 6 months down the road.

PS. I'm getting an XBOX just for Halo2. It'd better live up to it's hype. Or else, I'll just have to play Halo more.

08-04-2004, 01:51 AM
God damn...I was playing it tonight and there is this scene where the whole screen turns red and it looks like he turns into a zombie or something. Geez. When that happened, I pressed F5 (quicksave, haha gotta save it!) and QUIT LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW. Man, the atmosphere of that game is so freaky

08-04-2004, 07:09 AM
i just picked it up last night. over here i only found one store that had it, and i dont think they were supposed to start selling it till tomorrow. i had to shell out 5 extra bucks as a 'tip' to get him to pull it from the backroom. well, actually my gf handled that for me.

i didnt get to play it last night b/c my video drivers were out of date. now i gotta wait until i get home from work... T_T

for doom3 i bought:

20" Dell LCD $680
ATI Radeon 9800Pro $170
512 RAM (total to 1GB) $80
5.1 Speakers /w sub $40

this shit better be worth it. lol.

08-04-2004, 09:33 AM
damn. I can't wait to play this.
I've been with id software since wolfenstein 3d. (not RTCW). Doom scared the bejesus out of me.. Doom 2 rocked.. They should've released a Doom 3 in 1998, as 1998 divided by 3 is 666. I guess nobody saw that marketing opportunity though.
I can't wait though.. I'm seeing an upgrade in my rig's future... about 6 months down the road.

PS. I'm getting an XBOX just for Halo2. It'd better live up to it's hype. Or else, I'll just have to play Halo more.


08-04-2004, 09:58 AM
ya, lotta people are goin to be upgrading their computers. i just got my x800 pro and flashed it to a x800xt. its insane how pretty this game is on high mode and having like 4 mobs comin at u, def when u get smacked in the face n ur screen shacks a bit n u have this short delay caused by being knocked. But i have to say doom3 has the horror standard shooter thing down, but hl2 will utilize more outdoor environments, better ai, and vehicals. both will be great in their own right. just depends on what kinda gamer u are.

08-04-2004, 10:30 AM
What do you guys think is a good setup to run Doom3 on 1024x768 with all the eye candy turned on? What are you currently running on your rig?

08-04-2004, 10:37 AM
i'm running:

P4 2.4Ghz 400MHZ FSB
ATI Radeon 9800Pro 128MB

the 'auto-detect settings' option on doom3 put my game to 640x480 with full eye candy and no anti aliasing. i haven't had a chance to toy with the settings yet (or play) but im pretty sure i can do alot better. (i hope)

i run farcry with full detail at 1024 and no anti aliasing and it never gives me a hiccup, indoors or outdoors.

08-04-2004, 11:23 AM
p4 3.2 800FSB
512 RAM (my other 512 got fawk up, warranty rocks)
ATI Randeon 9600 Pro Turbo

Video cards take up alot of points, I put min on 10024x768 with everything on but no AA and it ran fine, but goes slow with monsters come up and I fire my gun, so once my 512 comes in should be no problem for me.

08-04-2004, 11:29 AM
whatever happened to the good days when people were hardcore and didnt pay for software? i cant beleive you guys buy games... fuck that, its all about stealing.


08-04-2004, 12:13 PM
whatever happened to the good days when people were hardcore and didnt pay for software? i cant beleive you guys buy games... fuck that, its all about stealing.


good'ol days like when?? piracy is at its highest right now...... and besides, "buying" keeps the economy going rite? :D:D

08-04-2004, 12:55 PM
I buy games I know are going to be good...neverwinter nights, swg, halflife, battlefield

I download games I'm not sure about...halo, farcry, Unreal Tourney, Delta Force

If the game I downloaded turns out to be good I buy it.

08-04-2004, 12:59 PM
I buy games I know are going to be good...neverwinter nights, swg, halflife, battlefield

I download games I'm not sure about...halo, farcry, Unreal Tourney, Delta Force

If the game I downloaded turns out to be good I buy it.

good ol' days? i'm living them. i have 56k at home. so i can't download games. w00t.

08-04-2004, 02:40 PM
Theres a big long thread about this at gamefaqs.com to getting Doom3 to run faster on your system.

in your Doom3/Base folder, there are like 5 .pk4 files in there that range from 200MB to little over 400MB. Those are basically .rar files and you can use WinRar to extract all the files out the .pk4 files and then delete the .pk4 files. The whole game is pretty much compressed in those files and as the game normally runs, its gotta decompress the files it calls for as the game runs. (Causing more slow down and hicups)

Some people say it helped out a WHOLE lot while some complained it didnt. It helped mine run alot better and more smoother. During loading, it loads a little bit faster but not by much. I run it at 1024x768 on High detail, frame rate doesnt drop under 20. AMD 1.8Ghz 2500+ 512 PC3200 ATi 9600 Pro 128Mb.

now for the BIG CONS of doing this, Normally the Doom3 folder is about 1.6g-2.0gigs, when i extracted the 5 big files and then deleted them, the folder is now 3.6gigs (about twice the normal size) and the other is that you cannot online multiplayer it.(due to "pure" servers) You'd probably have to reinstall or just drag the .pk4 files from the install discs when you want to return it to play multiplayer.

Here is the link if you wanna read or follow up on the thread:

08-04-2004, 06:30 PM
this is one game i have no qualms shelling out $50. I don't mind the boys at id getting themselves another Ferrari or 2 on my dime. I've always thought they were a great company that designed great games.

but i might download it in the interim before it's sold here

08-04-2004, 07:07 PM
im getting a release version from my friend because the local parking authorityt just took the $50 bucks i was gonna use to buy it. fucking money grubbing whores. was parked outside a friend house behind his car, had police officers tell me it was ok on mutliple occasions. then one day they decide to ticket me while i was stopping by for a few minutes. selective enforcement is ASS.

08-05-2004, 01:45 AM
I guess I'm the only one here that thinks Doom 3 sucks.

Half Life intro ripoff +
cramped rooms and corridors +
no music +
4 player maximum deathmatch +
boring grab PDAs(keys) and shoot dumb monsters game design =
shitty game.

Seriously, try it before u buy it, even if it means stealing it.

08-05-2004, 07:37 AM
graphics are amazing. production value = great. excellent atmosphere, art design. cheap scare value.

however the AI is incredibly dumb, you never fight more then 4 or 5 monsters at a time. the story seems very contrived. if they mixed in some larger battles, i would enjoy it more. maybe some puzzle elements too... ?

and ....

why can't i TAPE my fucking flashlight to my gun!!?? my marine avatar is a fucking dumbass.

08-05-2004, 08:28 AM
a guy at work bought it on tuesday for $70 w/ overnight dlivery shipped to our office....
should come in today...
guess there ain't going to be any work done for the rest of the week....
our developer team (of 3 people) tried to convince our boss to buy all of us Geforce 6800 ultra, but the guy didn't fall for it....

we are so getting fired... oh well :D

08-05-2004, 09:00 AM
After playing about a good 2-3 hours... the game blows. Holy sh|t it couldnt be any more creative then doom 1. It gets very repetitive real quick, nothing new.

08-05-2004, 10:58 AM
i like free software because ever since i was a kid i never paid for software.

actually, the only software I DID pay for was this kickass data recovery software.. why? because it did exactly what it advertised it would do.


08-05-2004, 11:45 AM
Id get it for computer but the PC I build reboots anytime I play video games on it :(

08-05-2004, 01:38 PM
think a p4 1.8 w/ 528megs and geforce 3ti can handle it?? maybe i should start out seeing if a demo will run huh? man i gotta upgrade huh

08-05-2004, 02:13 PM
i have

1 Gig RAM
128MB ATI Radeon 9800 PRO

i was running at 1024x768, no AA, 'highest' preset detail.

the game would hiccup occasionally walking into new rooms (loading textures i think). otherwise it was pretty smooth. looks fantastic... if i wanted it really smooth i could probably turn down the graphics to 'high' quality isntead. full detail uses 500MB (!!!) of texture memory ... the game actually warns you about it before you switch to that level of detail. i heard u need a 512MB video card to run it that way.

hypertek... i would upgrade that 512. besides that you'll be fine as long as you don't mind not having maximum eye candy.

08-05-2004, 03:50 PM
geez.. its either dish my computer out for personal pleasure, or pimp my car to pick up chicks hahaha