View Full Version : NY FS: K-sport 8/6 pot brakes, Nismo Type B FPR, Splitfires, AEM Tru Boost & Uego, DEFI

03-05-2015, 07:36 PM
hey gents,

parting out my S14 and have the following items available... more to come.

K-sport 8/6 pot brakes. These came off one of Dave Brigg's FD cars a couple years back and have been serving me well... will be a total bitch to ship..

as far as i can tell from this link: http://ksportusa.com/ksport-procomp-big-brake-kit/

They go for $2100 front and $3200 rear which is totally nuts but whatever...

hows $2,200 SHIPPED!!!!

tons of pads and rotor life left and they clamp like a mother bitch



Nismo FPR type B... brand new... dude ordered this from me and ended up needing the other kind so i just exchange it and have been sitting on this for a while.

$200 shipped


less than 1 year old set of minty splitfires....

$325 shipped


PBM S14 high Mount Intercooler kit... i dont have a pic of this yet... i'll get one tomorrow.

this is almost a pic (shows the piping)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10168198_10205072464085360_6964208762560606000_n.j pg?oh=986c0d08c6dd7c51ef784f270db3913f&oe=5590AD05&__gda__=1435722362_9a6e5a0419e1310ca136de51fdba13b 8

$350 shipped..

Greddy Type S Bov - Still chirps like a fiend... god i love this BOV

$175 shipped... yes that is many monies but whatever, this thing is awesome and i'll sleep with it if it doesnt sell.


03-05-2015, 07:37 PM
pics are big, i used a cell phone.

a thousand apologies and $2 off any purchase for the inconvenience.

03-05-2015, 07:42 PM
cut the img tags... no more $2 discount ;)

03-05-2015, 08:04 PM
defis come with sensors and harness??

03-05-2015, 08:45 PM
they have the wiring but not all the sensors... the water temp sensor i left with the rad set up that i sold tonight.

pretty sure it's a sick deal anyways.. this is a quick and dirty part out sooo

03-05-2015, 09:13 PM
added the PBM kit and the greddy type S...

that catch can set up and all the lines is for sale too... $250 shipped.

03-07-2015, 12:56 PM
AEM gauges and DEFI gauages sold... i'm on my phone and will update the lead post when I'm back at a laptop.