View Full Version : Need help with overheating car

03-04-2015, 05:33 PM
I recently got a s13 with a dohc, and I knew It had some issues with overheating.

Drives longer than 45 mins and the temps start to rise. But the temp drops pretty quick after.only happens at low speeds, interstate is fine.
Overflow has boiling fluid after a drive or once I turn the car off, you can still hear it gurgling.
No heat, very few times will the air from the vents be hotter than a cool breeze.
Felt the top hose one time waiting for it to stop overheating and it was swollen and bulging

Things that have been tried:
Compression test- within range
Bleed the cooling system numerous times and the correct way
Water pump

I was told, and assumed it was a headgasket at first but no signs of milky oil, compression is solid, pulls strong and doesn't smoke at all.

I'm thinking a possible block of a coolant passage of the heater core blocked.any ideas ?

03-04-2015, 05:58 PM
Replace hoses, bleed again, make sure fan is working.

03-04-2015, 06:01 PM
Fan was confirmed working, and has been bled into oblivion. Even drained and relaxed and bled.

03-04-2015, 06:10 PM
If only one hose to the heater core is warm then you either have an air pocket on the heater core or bad heater core.

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