View Full Version : When "RIfters" go Stupid. . . on my block (Accident)

08-02-2004, 05:06 AM
Alright ya'll. I'm back. This time we have some fool out on a sunday night, 1 am, driving a BRAND NEW Night Black mitsu EVO VIII (all-star EDI) Recaro seating, Enkei 17's, Brembo's all-around, turbined intercooled,HID. lovely. I stay in a very suttle, relaxing neiborhood, I'm sitting doing some work, I hear all of a sudden SCHRRREEECH COUMPH ! ! ! !. . .

I run out side to see what exactly happend. damn near in front of my drive way I see the EVO VIII,.(looks as if the dude understeered right into the lamppost) trying to break traction of an AWD machine :doh: .
( too late for images) wasen't worried about that much. is sitting, air bags deployed, knocked over a damn lamppost to see if it could clear the 0 counter club initiation curve on my block.
Well, As the Professor of my hood, "YOU'VE FAILED, Miserably" BUT, not only that, now I have to worry myself about my mother and her concern about my tendencies on my next auto project. I have to get around her, not only with the fact that I am still under her insurance policy, but the fact that I had to explain what actually took place and caused this accident to her in the middle of the street in my roca-sweats. GOT DAMN, will all the fuckin " RIFters" ( RICE DRIFT(ers) please stand in one location in a triangular shape, so I can take an 18 wheeler rig n trailer and. . . . . . .SLIDE THAT INTO YAH DUMBASSES. . . . (that chevrolet commercial got me with that stunt). Please, as a word of potential advice from one true enthusiast to many. . . DO NOT ENTER MY HOOD trying to SLIDE AROUND MY CORNERS. OR ANY ONE ELSES FOR THAT MATTER, if you have no idea what 4-wheel drive means, and keep the speed down in residential area's, it's just common (sense) courtesy. You all wonder why we are being tourmented on the streets by the authority This is a true shame of the correct car placed in the absolute right hands at the wrong time in their life, a beautiful specimen destroyed by the acts of uneducated youth. this is what happends when you let robots take control of your measly forms of matter that could be put to more substantial use on a discovery show I watch before heading to bed at 3 in the AM. . . . . . :madfawk:


08-02-2004, 05:12 AM
that hurt my head attempting to read that incoherency.

08-02-2004, 05:18 AM
From what I understood,hes upset cause this guy in a BRAND NEW evo(since you know,we get old ones here)slid around a turn an into some kinda pole near or around his house.He also has invented a new word "rifters" for ricer drifters,somthing I find kinda funny,not HAAHAHA FUNNY,just chuckle funny.I also found in there somthing to the effect that his mom believes because someone crashed their car(BRAND NEW EVO)that her son may go out an do somthing just as stupid in his 1500$ BRAND NEW s13? Did I get that right? :mrmeph: :blah:

08-02-2004, 05:26 AM
No one mentioned anything about an s13. First. second, I do not accept the fact that someone has taken a car (of that caliber) and has ran it into a pole outside my home, trying and break the tires loose on the thing, foremost. Now for the one who has a headache from trying to comprehend my point of subject in this story, read the last section of the story once again. You two must be a part of that triangle I mentioned.

08-02-2004, 06:03 AM
wow,you made 10x's more sense on this reply! But you better check your 25 post ego a the door before talkin about mrmephistopheles,I may have not been around here long,but I know about him for awhile threw friends. :gives:

08-02-2004, 06:43 AM
this is what happends when you let robots take control of your measly forms of matter that could be put to more substantial use on a discovery show I watch before heading to bed at 3 in the AM. . . . . .

So lemme get this straight...

You're saying that this is a coherent thought, and that I'm a ricer?

Uhmmmmm ok, guy! Keep on dreamin' that dream...


08-02-2004, 06:54 AM
No one mentioned anything about an s13. First. second, I do not accept the fact that someone has taken a car (of that caliber) and has ran it into a pole outside my home, trying and break the tires loose on the thing, foremost. Now for the one who has a headache from trying to comprehend my point of subject in this story, read the last section of the story once again. You two must be a part of that triangle I mentioned.

ya see, i was gonna leave your gibbering arse be but you decided to show exactly how new you are by ripping on meph. thus, by default, you're a cockmunching newb. so whats with this godlike persona that you've created of the evo? you act like its something that can't be replaced by ordering up another from the local mitsu dealer. its not like somebody wrapped a linginfelter vette around YOUR pole inm YOUR neighbnorhood. oh yeah, your "hood", dawg. next up on the list is your lack of understanding for AWD you buttraping jackass. ever watch rally? yeah, they do that whole "drift" thing round corners (hairpin turns and such). its pretty insane and you are, well, a jackass for claiming superiority when you probably know just as little if not less than the mentally retarded EX evo owner.

die die die die die and die. i'm surprised a person like you hasn't choked on their own tongue.... yet.

08-02-2004, 06:57 AM
I understand your anger too, but yeah, dissing mrmeph is a BIG NO NO :nono: mrmeph is a very respected man here on zilvia. Not just because hes an ass (dont hurt me :Ownedd: ) or a mod, its because he knows his shit. But you could've made a long story short by saying : A guy with a evo 8 crashed into a light pole, now my mom is pissed/scared/whatever to support me in my next car project.

08-02-2004, 09:42 AM
when did this happen?? lol call me later... I can vouch for NI YON ZENKI, he knows his shit, im sure hes just a lil ticked about what happened so dont take his words personal. He's just pissed cuz someone can just go buy a car and automatically think they are instantly Rhys Millen. And to do this on a residentail area... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/streetphase/finalbattle.jpg this is the street by the way...

08-02-2004, 09:54 AM
So lemme get this straight...

You're saying that this is a coherent thought, and that I'm a ricer?

Uhmmmmm ok, guy! Keep on dreamin' that dream...


yes you're a ricer. we're all ricers. we all drive 4 cylinder japanese imports that go brvvvvvvvvvvvvv pshhhh. we ARE RICE :hsdance:

Sil Beer S13
08-02-2004, 11:25 AM
yes you're a ricer. we're all ricers. we all drive 4 cylinder japanese imports that go brvvvvvvvvvvvvv pshhhh. we ARE RICE :hsdance:

Aint that the truth.