View Full Version : 93 S13 Wont start up! Help! its my DD!

02-15-2015, 04:29 PM
So i went to do a compression test on my motor this mornings,
I have a 93 S13 SE KA24DE

I pulled the Fuel Pump fuse under the hood, released the pressure from the gas cap, and unplugged my injectors from the harness and continued on with my compression test, test went fine, put the plugs back in, fuse, injectors connected back, tightened gas cap...

Washed the car and started it up, everything was fine. Started off driving to town, while waiting at a stop light i went to give it gas to go on green, it sputtered a little then died, tried to start it back up but it wouldnt start.

Ive check the fuel pump fuse, its fine
Ive listened for the fuel pump to prime when i turn the ignition on, sounds fine
I got pressure in the gas tank( i took the gas cap off and pressure whooshed)
I checked my coils to the spark plugs, all are on tight and i hear them pop onto the spark plugs.
I check every fuse under the hood and inside the cab, none where blown.

Anyone got a clue?!?!?!
Itll turn over fine, but it wont fire up! I dont know if its spark of fuel?
I pulled a spark plug out attached it back to my coil pack and tested it for spark agenst the motor and i could see the plug sparking so i dont think it is spark related

02-15-2015, 06:03 PM
Could be the crank sensor. Are you able to connect an OBD to see if its throwing any codes?

02-15-2015, 06:06 PM
Check the MAF sensor as well

Primo's Silvia
02-15-2015, 06:40 PM
Hmm check if ur injectors are firing, do u have a multi-meter??
Does it fire up slightly? Or not at all??

02-15-2015, 07:45 PM
i did a fuel pressure test, getting normal pressure. I just T'd into the fuel line before the rail.
did a spark test with a timing light, normal on all 4 coils

It will not start at all, It turns over fine, i hear the pump prime when i turn the ignition, its getting fuel pressure when i turn it over.

I dont think i can connect to a ODB, but i did the normal diagnostics with the ecu screw.. It was throwing a 34 which is a knock sensor.. highly doubt thats the problem since i hear those can be rather faulty?

I have a multi meter, I unplugged the injector from the harness and at the harness i was getting 12v on each one.. what else could i check to make sure they are opening?

I checked the MAF as far as unplugging it from the harness and back in..

02-15-2015, 07:53 PM
Fuel filter maybe?

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Primo's Silvia
02-15-2015, 08:01 PM
Are any of the wires have any tears? It can b possible tht during the compression test a short occured do u have any sourses to try an ecu?
One thing u can do is spray some brake clean/startingfluid in the intake " not directly at the Maf " and see if it fires and if it does try to hold it with the throttle and then realeas to see if it dies

02-15-2015, 08:46 PM
i T'd in the fuel line after the fuel filter and was getting pressure so dont think its the filter...

Primo's... I actually had trouble with the harness being rubbed into by my tires, it rubbed some of the first few wires bare, but i tapped those back up and moved the harness out of the way and havent had problems since i did that.

I will try to fire it up with starting fluid tomorrow i guess

02-15-2015, 09:07 PM
is there something i can do to check to see if my injectors are opening?

02-16-2015, 05:10 AM
Not sure if there is a way to check the injector flow but you could measure each injector with a meter to make sure they don't have a short.


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02-16-2015, 09:04 AM
Did you check for water in your distributor?

02-16-2015, 09:34 AM
is there something i can do to check to see if my injectors are opening?

I see you measured voltage being delivered to the injectors but you should still check resistance of the injectors (all should be around 10 ohms). I understand Ohm's Law so the voltage test should be fine but just give the resistance test a quick check.

But even if one injector was dead, it should still be able to turn over. Fuel, spark, compression. Is your battery charged up and good? Other things you could be looking into is your Throttle Position Sensor (measure resistance) or MAF as someone else mentioned. Try unplugging the MAF and starting.

02-16-2015, 09:42 AM
Battery is only about 2 months old, has no trouble turning the car over.

I will check resistance on injectors in just a second. just woke up

02-16-2015, 09:42 AM
but like you said its unlikely all 4 of my injectors went bad because everything was fine when i started the car earlier that day

02-16-2015, 10:47 AM
Pull the fkn fuel rail off and crank the car. If they spray their working.. If their not spraying then you have a bad ground on the harness or something is up with the dizzy.

02-16-2015, 12:35 PM
I tested the resistance of the injectors they are 11 ohms, and 12v at the harness.. as far as taking the rail off, id rather now.. im sure if they are getting the 12v and 11ohms they are working properly?

02-16-2015, 02:01 PM
pulled #1 spark plug and it was covered in gas, so i know the injectors work...

car will still wont start up, I might go buy a new ignition coil.. could that possibly be it? I see spark when i arc it off metal while turning the motor over tho soo...

Primo's Silvia
02-16-2015, 02:55 PM
pulled #1 spark plug and it was covered in gas, so i know the injectors work...

car will still wont start up, I might go buy a new ignition coil.. could that possibly be it? I see spark when i arc it off metal while turning the motor over tho soo...

I remember my buddys vert wouldnt start the pump will prime thier was fuel in the cylinder's we changed the fuel pump it worked same night the problem came back switched another pump and again same issue, turned out to b a loose wire not correctly sitting in the pin on the ecu

Still try the brake clean start thoee..

02-16-2015, 03:01 PM
I tried to start it with starting fluid but had no luck...

i can hear a puffing come from the exhaust as i crank the motor, just wont fire up

02-16-2015, 03:37 PM
pulled #1 spark plug and it was covered in gas, so i know the injectors work...

car will still wont start up, I might go buy a new ignition coil.. could that possibly be it? I see spark when i arc it off metal while turning the motor over tho soo...

Is this the only cylinder filled with gas?
If so, you may have a leaky injector.
Check your other spark plugs!

Beware of hydro lock!!

02-16-2015, 03:38 PM
No all 4 plugs have gas om them.. I pulled rest of them so the gas could evap.

02-16-2015, 03:39 PM
should i got buy a new ignition coil and spark plugs? even though i dont think they are bad?

everything was fine with the car, it just died on me at idle waiting for a stop light on my way home and i cant figure out wats up lol

02-16-2015, 03:49 PM
If your car ran just fine before you did a compression test, then it's going to be some thing you messed with in the first place.

Double check every thing you touched when you did the comp test.
Injector plugs, spark plugs wires, fuel pump fuse, throttle cable/body if you held open the throttle while doing the test. Make sure all these things are on correctly.

It had to of been some thing you touched!

02-16-2015, 03:52 PM
I know seriously, i thought of that lol. Ive gone over it twice if not a 3rd time. Im really stumped on this...

02-16-2015, 03:52 PM
If things don't work out after this, then you might look at your distributor, cap, and rotor.
Your issue is deffinately a ignition spark related problem.

02-16-2015, 08:42 PM
Ok so, I unplugged the injectors, took the fuel pump fuse out, and begin to turn the motor over again after i notice i had gas on all 4 plugs and i could see it sitting ontop of #2 #3 cylinders, The motor fired up and burned off the excess fuel in the motor, after it died off i reconnected the injectors/fuel pump fuse and started the motor up again.. vroom its alive.
The only thing i really changed was i retimed the dizzy and cleaned up a few connectors on the harness around the TB.

However, in low RPMs i can hear/feel it sputter/fall on its face then pick back up..
any ideas?
It has new plugs in it now(NGK Iridium IX)

02-16-2015, 09:01 PM
It kind of sounds like your maf is going bad

02-16-2015, 10:23 PM
hm, is there a guide to test the MAF?

02-16-2015, 10:24 PM
Ill clean it tomorrow and see if it changes how its running

02-16-2015, 11:10 PM

02-20-2015, 07:12 PM
Ok i got it to run a little better but it still feels like its missing some low end power..

02-23-2015, 06:04 AM
You have a leaking injector. Why arent you listening to anyone on here. Dont as for help and then refuse to remove 2 bolts to check the rail. Injector O rings drop like flies.

Lazy people shouldnt buy a 240 or attempt to fix it.