View Full Version : Canada

02-09-2015, 08:46 AM
I'm tired of getting cars that I don't want. I'm tired of liking all the cars that us
Americans can't have.

I am strongly thinking of moving up to Canada.

I'm looking for some advice. I just got out of the millitary 4 months ago and have no attachments. I'd like to go to school and get my A.S. in automotive service. Also I'd like to complete my degree in Electronics as I was a technician.

Beyond that I have no idea what I want to do with my life. However, as sad as this might sound, the kind of car I have equals the kind of mood my life is.

So, I'm just thinking out loud here but if I were to move to somewhere like that.. Where are the good parts? What can I expect? Is there any difference?

Break it down for me real like. I've been around the world, and honestly I've found people are all the same.

I used to live on the east coast my whole life. I moved out here to portland and never looked back.

So besides different website domains and RHD cars and taxes... What's different?

02-09-2015, 11:57 AM
what car do you want that US cant have?

02-09-2015, 12:01 PM
EVO 4 and 5. I detest the new ones. Theres others but those are the two biggest. I can buy one for like 6k in alberta but it would cost me 20K easily to get one in the states-- if that.

Skylines-- I understand we can have them here however it's not a RHD country so it's not feasible for me because It's not right. It's seems stupid to say drive thrus and the like make it an annoying decision but that's just how I am, I'd like to enjoy the car fully you know?

GC8 stis

02-09-2015, 01:57 PM
Dude. Just wait a few years for them to be import legal. At that point, I'm sure an importer like GTR Garage can find you a better example than most of the haggard shit piles enduring Canadian winters for the past 2 decades. No way in hell I'd consider moving to cold ass/expensive Canada for a nearly 20 year old car with performance already eclipsed by options readily available in the US for less money. If anything, you should be asking what Carribean islands import these same cars...

02-09-2015, 03:38 PM
Where to in this cold ass place?

02-09-2015, 03:54 PM
Skylines-- I understand we can have them here however it's not a RHD country so it's not feasible for me because It's not right. It's seems stupid to say drive thrus and the like make it an annoying decision but that's just how I am, I'd like to enjoy the car fully you know?

You do know that Canada is a LHD country as well right? A rhd car will be just as inconvenient there as it here.

If you want my 2 cents, using the fact that you can drive a certain type of car as the basis for a major life decision is just plain idiotic and at 25 you should be mature enough to realize this.

Now that that's out of the way, I've spent a good bit of time in Canada and here are some takeaways.

1. Its more or less like living in the US except for Quebec, but even Quebec is not so different that I wouldn't live there.

2. The people (even French Canadians) are for the most part nice and very hospitable.

3. The weather sucks but its not really much different then living in the northern states.

4. The taxes and gas prices are higher then most places in the US.

5. While the import laws are lax (in relation to the US) the laws regarding aftermarket parts and modification are much more strict then most places here so that's something to consider if you plan to modify your car.

I'm sure some members from Canada will chime in and give you some more incite. If there are other factors besides cars that make Canada appealing to you I say go for it. It will likely be a good life experience and there's nothing like living in another country to give you a different perspective on things.

02-10-2015, 06:16 AM
I lived in Hawaii before I'm good on that. Tropics get old REAL QUICK. I'd rather be cold than hot all the time and sweat everywhere.

Besides, the best cars are still RHD to me and that doesn't sync up with us.

I dunno damn I'm crazy

02-10-2015, 03:21 PM
I'm tired of getting cars that I don't want. I'm tired of liking all the cars that us
Americans can't have.

I am strongly thinking of moving up to Canada.

I'm looking for some advice. I just got out of the millitary 4 months ago and have no attachments. I'd like to go to school and get my A.S. in automotive service. Also I'd like to complete my degree in Electronics as I was a technician.

Beyond that I have no idea what I want to do with my life. However, as sad as this might sound, the kind of car I have equals the kind of mood my life is.

So, I'm just thinking out loud here but if I were to move to somewhere like that.. Where are the good parts? What can I expect? Is there any difference?

Break it down for me real like. I've been around the world, and honestly I've found people are all the same.

I used to live on the east coast my whole life. I moved out here to portland and never looked back.

So besides different website domains and RHD cars and taxes... What's different?

Sounds like you have deeper problems in life than cars.

02-10-2015, 03:54 PM
Move to Canada. There, done.

Next question, I really enjoy sushi... Should I move to Japan? Please give me some insight on what to expect if I move to the land of glorious sushi.

02-10-2015, 03:55 PM
a lot of Canadian provinces are trying to phase out rhd cars all together,
you cant even get full insurance coverage on them anymore,
having owned one myself it was more of a hassle to drive.

seeing as you live in Portland im going to assume that you're thinking about moving to B.C. which is considered our California in terms of emission regulations and modified vehicle crack downs. also the cost of housing and living is outrageous.

Alberta is a little more relaxed, but they have implemented sheriffs here who have a hard on for any kind of traffic violation.

i cant comment about the eastern side because ive never spent much time out there.

are economy is just about to go into the crapper with the crash of oil prices

jobs are already getting harder to find for some.

02-11-2015, 09:40 AM
I lived in Hawaii before I'm good on that. Tropics get old REAL QUICK. I'd rather be cold than hot all the time and sweat everywhere.

Besides, the best cars are still RHD to me and that doesn't sync up with us.

I dunno damn I'm crazy

yeah, you're crazy alright. Leave a climate where the women wear bikinis, tiny shorts & mini skirts every day of the year because it's a little hot. Just go jump your ass in the ocean & cool down! Moving to Canada is doing it backwards.

02-11-2015, 10:23 AM
Thanks monks for breaking it down for me.

simmode1 bro you're a boss. I love the ladies. it's all about the ladies. Hawaii was cool but I always got cabin fever..

I love this forum you guys are cool.

02-11-2015, 03:26 PM
Hey man, I'm just bullshitting you. Do the Canada thing if you want. I just know the last time I was in Hawaii, I was trying to figure out how I could afford to never leave...lol... I'd take Hawaiian heat over Texas living any day. Also, I lived in Portland for live 5 years... Its not a bad place to be. It's like Austin, but without our music scene.

02-11-2015, 04:29 PM
You know the funny part about Hawaii? They didn't have emissions but they had safety. DEAR GOD, ask someone about getting recon. Basically if you were white and didn't have BRADAs hookups, you had to get your partially modified car an appointment at the ONLY recon place there. Appts were backed up for months.

Even if you didn't have to get recon, safety would fail you for anything. Inch wide crack on windshield, a cut on your axle boot, bad tires, you name it. Glad to leave that BS behind. Sometimes I bought cars and they sat for 6 months to a year. All because registration was such a pain.

Another example is in order to register your car you have to fail the safety check first. So even if you have a brand new car that has nothing wrong you have to pay to fail the safety and after you get that you can register, then you drive your ass BACK to te shop and pick up your slip. After that you go BACK to the DMV.

Oh it gets me so angry just thinking about it. I got the hook ups towards the end but I wanna to blow up so many times.

02-11-2015, 05:45 PM
Personally, I prefer to look at the positives & not focus so much on the negatives where ever I happen to be. Hawaii has its ups & downs, for sure. But I'm fairly certain its closer to being what most ppl might define as paradise than most places on this earth. I loved Portland when I was there. And that was long before it's drift renaissance made it even more awesome. Gotta look more on bright side, bro. Grass isn't always greener on the other side. It's green where ever you water it.

02-11-2015, 05:58 PM
Hey bro, can you stop being so wise? I'm looking for more advice like "OMG BRO JDM DRIFT TO CANADA MAD LADIES" "WHERE"S YOUR STICKERS??"

But you're right. I just always move around so it's not a big deal. Hawaii honestly was kinda fake. But that's Oahu. If I had money I'd probably like to hang on Maui, Kaui, or the big island. One thing that was cool was JDM was pretty big there but it was all that Stanced shit. I just hate the whole cali 90s camber your wheels out. Plus if you had anything nice, you had better lock it up tight. had 10k invested in my civic si with boost and found it sitting on the highway stripped like a ferrengi.

http://s27.postimg.org/he3wb3jwf/320x240.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/he3wb3jwf/)

However, Mount Tantalus was so fun...