View Full Version : I finally took a picture of my car...

10-01-2001, 11:19 AM
I finally took a picture of my car, and how do I post that onto here, and also how do I leave it as my signature? Can you help? Thanks.

10-01-2001, 11:27 AM
<a href="http://www.zilvia.net/forums/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=396

Can" target="_blank">http://www.zilvia.net/forums....6

Can</a> anybody see mine? &nbsp;I don't think it works with geocities...

(Edited by DSC at 11:28 am on Oct. 1, 2001)

10-01-2001, 11:31 AM
I think this is how you do it...Lets give it a try...Here is my ride...Hope you likes!

http://us.f148.mail.yahoo.com/ym....e&pos=0 (http://us.f148.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter/Junior240.JPG?box=Inbox&MsgId=4096_43484_2199_836_184019_0_39&bodyPart=2&filename=Junior240.JPG&YY=72095&order=down&sort=date&pos=0)

10-01-2001, 11:44 AM
the URL dosn't work and you have to type [--img]urlgoeshere[--/img] (take out the --'s) if you did it right and the URL is just wrong then it will look like this bshere

Oh and you can't use a pic from your e-mail, it has to be on a website. &nbsp;

(Edited by DSC at 11:45 am on Oct. 1, 2001)

10-01-2001, 11:47 AM
Im freakin computer illiterate man...I have no Idea how to post it on here...

10-01-2001, 11:53 AM
See, I took a picture with my friend's digital camera, and he emailed me the pic, now I have no idea how to get it on the forum...This is annoying...Can you help me? what do I do?

10-01-2001, 01:26 PM
You have to upload the pic to a photo server like Webshots, Shutterfly, or Photopoint on the internet. &nbsp;After it's uploaded, put the pic's url in between the img tags [ img]url[ /img].