View Full Version : HELP!!!Fitment issue for KA tranny..

07-28-2004, 08:35 AM
Alright guys, here's the issue. I got a s13 ka motor that i want to bulid up for my ka-t. But only thing is that it's an automatic and my current car is a manual, so before i get started i want to know can i use my old tranny and flywheel etc. stuff for the automatic one. will it bolt on or is there a fitment issue cause it's an auto to 5speed? what about ECU? any help would be helpful...i just want to know if it would fit before i get it rollin. other wise im gonna get my SR.

07-28-2004, 09:02 AM
Well if it's from an S13 to an S13 then there won't be any fitment issues with the tranny and engine. You can use the auto ECU, but not the flywheel.

Also do a search for some engine, tranny swap threads that have covered this topic at nauseum.

07-28-2004, 12:15 PM
Are looking to put your manual trans on the auto engine? If so there would not be any fitment issues. You would need and 5spd pilot bearing. Other than that it would be a direct bolt on.

07-28-2004, 01:47 PM
yeah that's exactly what i'm hoping to do swap the tranny over. that's great as long as i know it fit. thanks guys.