View Full Version : S13 gear problem

01-20-2015, 02:27 AM
I have a 93 coupe and this is by far the most annoying issue ive had. It began with the clutch slipping at high RPMs. I did a little research and found out that adjusting the pedals' rod might fix the issue, it did "fix" the slipping problem but gave me another. Now the gears wouldnt go in, seems we adjusted it too much, so we would play with it to try and get to a point where i wouldnt struggle as much putting the gears in but also the clutch wouldnt slip. Didnt happen it was either one or the other. I changed out the master cylinder (that didnt work), changed the slave (still nothing). So we dropped the tranny because we thought the clutch mightve gone out or the "sleeve" mightve broke or the bearing was wrong or maybe even the fork moved but everything was fine (my clutch only has about 4 or 5 months of use. Now its hard to put in 1st and 2nd and reverse. The weird part is it seems to do it only when the temperature is cold after some use the gears dont give me problems. So i remembered when we dropped the tranny we did spill some of the oil. Could the lack of oil be the cause of my gears giving me problems?
Thanks in advance for any feedback
(Sorry for the long story just so that you know what went on)